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51 Georgii III. Cap, xxiii.

be employed in any such Voyage, knowing that such is or shall be the Purpose, or one of the purposes of the said Voyage, he or they nevertheless shall not be deemed guilty of a Felony within the Meaning of this Act, but shall be and they are hereby declared to be guilty of a Misdemeanor only, and Shall be punished by Imprisonment for a Term not exceeding Two Years.

Persons not to be deemed Accessaries.III. And it is hereby further enacted and declared, That such Persons shall not be deemed to be nor shall be punished as Accessaries to Felony; any Thing in this present Act to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.

Act not to prevent the removing of Slaves from one British Settlement to another, &c.IV. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid. That nothing in this Act contained shall extend, or be Construed to extend, to subject any Person or Persons to the Pains and Penalties hereby imposed for exporting, removing or carrying from any present or future British Island, Colony or Settlement in the West Indies, to any other present or future British Island, Colony or Settlement in the West Indies, or from one Part of such British Island, Colony or Settlement in the West Indies, to an other Part of the same Island, Colony or Settlement, or for imposing or transporting in to or landing in any such Island, Colony or Settlement, any Slave or Slaves, which have been for shall be born within such Islands, Colonies or Settlements, or any Slave or Slaves which shall have been or may be law fully imported or brought in to the said Islands, Colonies or Settlements, or for removing or carrying, any Slave or Slaves, from one Part of any Foreign Island, Colony or Settlement, to an other Part of the same Foreign Island, Colony or Settlement, or for transhipping and assisting at Sea any Slave or Slaves, which shall be in any Ship or Vessel in Distress: Nor prevent the Transportation to Foreign Places of Slaves that have been Convicted of Crimes.Provided also, that nothing in this Act contained shall extend to prevent the Transportation to any Foreign Colony or Place, of any Slave or Slaves that shall have been convicted by due Course of Law in any present or future British Island or Colony, of any Crime to which the Punishment of Transportation is or shall be annexed by the Law of such Island or Colony, but in every such Case a Copy of the Judgment or Sentence certified by the Court before which the Offender was convicted, shall be put on board in the Ship or Vessel in which any such Convict shall be transported.

Act not to extend so Things done certain Periods.V. Provided also, and Be it further enacted, That nothing herein-before contained shall or be construed to extend, to subject any Person or Persons to the Pains and Penalties hereby imposed for any Thing done or to be done in Africa, West of the Cape of Good Hope, or in the West Indies, or America to East of Cape Horn, on or before the First Day of September next; nor for any Thing done or to be done in the East Indies, the Island of Madagascar, the Ports and Places of Africa to the East of the Cape of Good Hope, the Islands of Mauritius and Bourbon, and the Islands in East Indian Seas; on or before the First Day of January next; nor for any Thing done or to be done in New Holland, the Islands in the South Seas, or the Coast of America to the West of Cape Horn, on or before the First Day of May, in the Year One thousand eight hundred and twelve; nor for any Thing done or to be done in the High Seas, on board of any Ship or Vessel which hath or shall have sailed last from any Port in Great Britain or Ireland on or before the First Day of June next or from any other Port or Place in Europe, on or before the First Day of July next; or from any Port or Place in Africa West of the Cape of Good Hope, or the West Indies or America to the East of Cape Horn, On or before the First Day of August next, or from any Port or Place in the East Indies, Madagascar, the Islands of Mau­ritius and Bourbon, the Coast of Africa to the East Of the Cape of Good Hope, and the Islands in the East Indian Seas, on or before the First Day of January next; or from any Port or Place in New Holland, the Islands in the South Seas, or the Coast of America to the West of Cape Horn, on or before the First Day of May in the Year One thousand eight hundred and twelve.

Offences to tried according to the ordinary Course of Law.VI. And be it further enacted and declared, That all Offences here in before declared to be Felonies or Misdemeanors, which shall be committed in Africa, or in any Country, Territory or Place, other than this United Kingdom, or on the High Seas, or in any Port, Sea, Creek or Place where the Admiral has Jurisdiction, shall and may be enquired of either according to the ordinary Course of Law, and the Provisions of an Act passed in the Twenty-eighth Year of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth, intituled, "An Act for Pirates," or according to the Provi­sions of an Act passed in the Thirty-third Year of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth, intituled, "An Act to proceed, by Commission of Oyer and Terminer, against such Persons as shall confess Treason and Felony, without remanding the same to be tried in the Shire where the Offence was committed," so far as the same Act is now unrepealed; or according to the Provisions of an Act passed in the Eleventh and Twelfth Years of the Reign of His late Majesty King William the Third, intituled, "An Act parsed for the more effectual Suppression of Piracy."