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51 Georgii III. Cap. xxiii.

Act not to repeal former Acts in respect of Forfeitures.VII. Provided always, and it is hereby further enacted and declared, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to repeal, annul, or alter the said Act of the Forty-seventh Year of His present Majesty, or an Act made in the Forty-sixth Year of His present Majesty for preventing the Importation of Slaves by any Of His Majesty's Subjects into any Islands, Colonies, Plantations, or Territories belonging to any Foreign State or Power, in respect of any forfeiture of Ships or Vessels, Cargoes; Goods, or Effects, thereby respectively, imposed for any Offence against the said Acts, or either of them, or the Remedies thereby given for the Recovery thereof, or in respect of any pecuniary Penalties thereby imposed; but that the said Acts shall, in, all other Respects, be deemed and taken to be in full Force, except so far as the said Act of the Forty-sixth Year of His present Majesty is altered, or extended by the said Act of the Forty-seventh Year of His said Majesty.

Governors and Commanders in Chief, and Persons authorized by them, may seize Vessels and other Forfeitures.VIII. And whereas it is in and by the said Acts respectively enacted, that all Ships and Vessels, Slaves or Natives of Africa carried, conveyed, or dealt with as Slaves, and all other Goods and Effects that shall or may become forfeited for any Offence committed against the said Acts respectively, shall and may be seized by any Officer of His Majesty's Customs or Excise, or by the Commanders or Officers of any of His Majesty's Ships or Vessels of War: And whereas Ships and Vessels, Slaves, Goods, and Effects, liable to Seizure and Forfeiture under the said Acts, for Offences committed on the Coast Of Africa, may be safely navigated, carried or kept, upon or near to the said Coast, or in the Ports, Havens or Rivers thereof, in Contempt of the said Acts, by reason of the want of Officers of the Customs or Excise, or of His Majesty's Ships or Vessels of War stationed on the said Coast, or on such Parts thereof as may be visited by such Offenders; be it therefore further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for all Governors or Persons having the Chief Command, Civil or Military of any of the Colonies, Settlements, Forts or Factories, belonging to His Majesty, or to the African Company in Africa, or any African Island, and for all Persons deputed and authorized by any such Governor or Commander in Chief, to seize and prosecute all Ships and Vessels, Slaves or Natives of Africa, carried, con­veyed, or dealt with as Slaves, and all Goods and Effects whatsoever that shall or may become for­feited for any Offence committed against the said Acts of Parliament, or either of them, and which shall be found upon or near to the said Coast, or in any Port, Haven, or River thereof, or within the Limits of any of the said Colonies, Settlements, Forts or Factories, which Governor or Commander in Chief, and all Persons by them so deputed and authorized, shall, in making and prosecuting any such Seizures, have the Benefit of all the Provisions made by the said Acts Of Parliament, or by an Act of the Fourth Year of His present Majesty therein recited, or by any other Act of Parliament for the Protection of Officers seizing and prosecuting for any Offence against the said last mentioned Act, or any other Act of Parliament relating to the Trade and Revenues of the British Colonies or Plantations in America.

Persons sailing in Vessels giving Information of Offences committed not to be liable to Punishment.IX. Provided also, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person or Persons, sailing or being in the Capacity of a Petty Officer, or Petty Officer's Servant or Servants, Seaman or Seamen, on board of any Ship or Vessel fitted out for or engaged in the unlawfully carrying, removing, trading, or dealing in Slaves, shall, within Three Months after the Arrival of the said Vessel at any Port belonging to His Majesty, give Information on Oath, before any competent Magistrate, against any Owner or Part Owner, or ally Captain, Mate, Surgeon, or Supercargo of such Ship or Vessel, who shall have committed any Offence against this Act, and shall give Evidence on Oath against such Owner or Part Owner, Captain, Mate, Surgeon and Supercargo, before any Magistrate or Court before whom such Offender may be tried; or if such Person or Persons so sailing as aforesaid, in the Capacity of a Petty Officer or Petty Officers, Mariner or Mariners, Servant or Servants, shall within Three Months after his or their Arrival at any Port or Place not within His Majesty's Dominions, give Information to ally of His Majesty's Ambassadors, Ministers Plenipotentiary, Envoys, Charges d'Affaires, Consuls, Residents of other Agents, so that any Person or Persons owning such Ship or Vessel, or navigating or taking charge of the same, as Captain, Mate, Surgeon or Supercargo, may be apprehended, such Person or Persons so giving such Information and Evidence shall not be liable to any of the Pains or Penalties of this Act, or any Fine or other Punishment under the said Acts of the Forty-sixth and Forty-seventh Years of His present Majesty, or either of them; but shall be wholly discharged therefrom, and His Majesty's Ambassadors, Ministers Plenipotentiary, Envoys, Charges d'Affaires, Consuls, Residents or other Agents, are hereby required to receive any such Information as aforesaid, and to transmit the Particulars thereof without Delay, to One of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, and to transmit Copies of the same to the Commanders of His Majsesty's Ships or Vessels then being in the said Port or Place.