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52 Georgii III. Cap. xv.

Sugar imported from Ireland into Great Britain, and the equivalent Drawback or Bounty on the Exportation to Ireland of Refined Sugar of the Manufacture of Great Britain, and also the additional Bounty on the Exportation of Refined Sugar from Great Britain, other than to Ireland, imposed and allowed by the said last recited Act, should in like Manner be suspended; be it therefore further enacted, "When the Treasury suspend Payment of the Duty on Sugar granted by 49 G.3 . c. 98. they shall also suspend the Countervailing Du­ties, &c. That whenever the Lord High Treasurer, or the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury for the Tinie being, shall exercise the Power vested in them, and shall, according to the Directions of the said Act, suspend the Payment of the Whole or Part of the Duties oil Sugar thereby imposed, it shall be lawful for them and they are hereby authorized and required in like Manner and for the like Period, to suspend either the Whole of the additional Countervailing Duties of Customs on Refined Sugar of the Manufacture of Ireland, imported from thence into Great Britain, and of the additional Drawback or Bounty on the Exportation to Ireland of Refined Sugar of the Manufacture of Great Britain, and of the additional Bounty on the Exportation of Refined, Sugar from Great Britain, other than to Ireland, imposed and allowed by the said last recited Act, of such Part thereof respectively as shall bear a just Proportion to the Amount of Duty so suspended.

43 G. 3. c. 11. further continued for the Port of London, till March 15, 1813. and for other Parts of Great Britain till March 15, 1813.IV. And be it further enacted, That the said recited Act of the Forty-third Year of His present Majesty, and all the Powers, Provisions, Authorities, Regulations, Clauses, Matters, and Things in the said Act contained, except, as the same are varied or altered by this Act, shall be and the same and hereby further continued from the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and twelve, and shall be, and remain in full Force until the Fifteenth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and thirteen, for the Port of London, and until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and thirteen, for other Parts of Great Britain.

V. And whereas by an Act passed in the Forty-seventh Year of His present Majesty 47 G. 3 c. 22."An Act to allow for Two Years, from and after the passing of this Act, an additional Bounty on Double Refitted Sugar, and to extend former Bounties on other Refined Sugar, to such as shall be pounded, crashed, or broken; and to allow for One Year certain Bounties on British Plantation Raw Sugar exported," a certain Bounty was allowed upon the Exportation Of.Double Refined Sugar, and also a Bounty was allowed upon the Exportation of Raw Sugar; and it was enacted, that so much of the said recited Act as related to the allowing of a Bounty upon Double Refined Sugar, should continue in Force for Two Years from the passing of the said Act, and so much thereof as related to the allowing of a Bounty upon Raw Sugar, should, continue in Force for One Year from the passing of that Act: And whereas by another Act passed in the Forty-eighth Year of His present Majesty, intituled, 48 G.3 c.12."An Act to amend and continue until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and nine, so much of an, Act of the Forty-seventh Year of His present Majesty, as allows certain Bounties on British Plantation Ray Sugar exported," so much of the said first recited Act as related to the said Bounties upon Raw Sugars Was further continued with certain Alterations till the Twenty fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and nine: So much of 47 G. 3. c. 22. as relates to Bounties on Raw Sugars further continued till March 25, 1813.And whereas so much of the said recited Act of the Forty-seventh Year aforesaid, as relates to the Bounties upon Raw Sugar, as altered and continued by the said last recited Act, and also the said last recited Act altering and continuing the same, have been, by subsequent Acts continued until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and twelve; and it is expedient that the said Bounties should he further continued; be it therefore enacted, That so much of the said recited Act of the Forty-seventh year aforesaid, as relates to the Bounties on Raw Sugars, as altered and continued by the said recited Acts, shall be further continued until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and thirteen.

Bounty on Raw Sugar to be governed by the Average Prices of Brown Sugar published in the London Gazette.VI. Provided always, and be it further enacted. That from and after the Fourth Day of May One thousand eight hundred and twelve, the Allowance of the Bounty granted upon the Exportation from Great Britain (except to Ireland) of British Plantation Raw Sugar by the said last recited Act of the Forty-seventh Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, shall be governed by the average Prices of Brown or Muscovado Sugar, computed and published in the London Gazette, for the Periods, at the Times, and in the Manner herein-before directed.

Act may be altered or repealed this Session.VII. And be it further enacted, That this Act may be altered, amended, or repealed by any; passed in this present Session of Parliament."

Provisons of this Act have been renewed by the undermentioned Acts, viz.

53 Geo. III. Cap. 31.
54 Geo. III. Cap. 24.