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An Act for the more effectual Regulation of Pilots, and of the Pilotage of Ships and Vessels on the coast of England.

[20th April 1812.]

WHEREAS Ships and Vessels have frequently been wrecked, and many Lives and much, Property have been lost, from the Ignorance or Misconduct of Persons taking Charge of such Ships or Vessels as Pilots: And whereas the Corporation of Trinity House of Deptford Strond, have, as well by Usage for more than Three Centuries, as by Grants from the Crown, and under the Authority of an Act, passed in the Fifth Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Second, been empowered to appoint Pilots, Loadsmen or Guides, to conduct Ships or Vessels into and out of and upon the River of Thames, through the North Channel to or by Orferdness, and round the Long Sand Head, through the Queen's Channel or other Channels into the Downs, and from and by Orfordness, and up the North Channel, and up the Rivers Thames and Medway, and the several Creeks and Channels belonging or running into the same, and to make such Orders and Constitutions as should be needful for the wholesome Government of Seafaring Men, and Maintenance and Increase of Navigation, and of all Seafaring Men within the said River of Thames, in pursuance of which Powers the said Corporation have from Time to Time appointed a sufficient Number of Pilots for the purposes before mentioned: And whereas there hath been, Time out of Mind, and now is, a Society or Fellowship of Pilots of the Trinity House of Dover, Deal, and the Isle of Thanet, who have had the Pilotage and Loadmanage of all Ships from the said Places up the Rivers Thames and Medway, which said Society or Fellowship have been continued by various Acts of Parliament for regulating the Pilots of the Society or Fellowship of Pilots of Dover, Deal, and the Isle of Thanet, commonly called Cinque Port Pilots: notwithstanding which, many Persons not having Licence or Authority, or competent Knowledge or Experience, have taken upon themselves to act as Pilots for conducting Ships or Vessels to and from and upon the said Rivers, to the great Hazard of such Ships or Vessels, and their Cargoes, and the Lives of their Crews: And whereas the Provisions of the said Acts have been found inadequate to the Regulation of Pilotage, and the Prevention of such Mischiefs, and it is therefore necessary that further and more effectual Regulations should be made for that purpose, and that all the Provisions and Regulations relating to the several Descriptions of Pilots aforesaid should be repealed: And whereas Acts of Parliament have been passed for establishing separate and peculiar Jurisdictions in relation to Pilotage in certain Ports, and on different Parts of the Coast of England, which, by reason of the same being piloted, have been found insufficient to answer the good Purposes intended thereby; and it is therefore necessary that more effectual Regulations should be made in relation to Pilotage on the coast of England: And whereas as Act was passed in the Forty-eighth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled, 48 G. 3. c. 104. "An Act for the better Regulation of Pilots, and of the Pilotage of Ships and Vessels navigating the British Seas," which is now near expiring; and it is expedient that the same should be continued, with Alterations and Amendments, as is hereinafter enacted: And whereas it is necessary for duly enforcing the Laws respecting Quarantine, on which the Health of His Majesty's. Subjects essentially depends, that the Names and Places of Residence of all Pilots in England should be known by those whose Duty it is to convey Information respecting those Laws from Time to Time to them May it therefore please Your Majesty that it may enacted, and be it enacted by the King's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, 48 G. 3. c. 104. continued as far as relates to Rates and Penalties incurred.That the said Act passed in the Forty-eighth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, so far as the same relates to any Rates of Pilotage due or to become due, or to any Penalty or Forfeiture incurred or to be incurred, or any other Act, Matter, or Thing done or to be done before the Commencement of the Operation of any of the Provisions of this Act, in relation to any such Matters as aforesaid, shall be and the same is hereby continued; Provisions in Acts relating to Pilots, repealedand that all and every the Clauses, Provisions, Powers, Penalties, Forfeitures, Matters, and Things relating as well to Pilots appointed by the said Corporation of Trinity House of Deptford Strond, as to Pilots of the Fellowship of Dover, Deal, and the Isle of Thanet, and to the Pilotage by and Regulation of all such Pilots as aforesaid, and also as to the Conduct of all Persons in Matters of Pilotage within the Jurisdiction of the said Corporation of the Trinity House of Deptford Strond, and the Liberty of the Cinque Ports, which are contained in any Act or Acts of Parliament heretofore made, shall be and the same are hereby repealed.

From the passing of this act the corporation of Trinity House of Deptford shall license fit Persons as Pilots, to conduct all vessels within certain Limits;II. And be it further enacted, That from and after the passing of this Act, it shall be lawful the Master Wardens and Assistants of the Guild, Fraternity or Brotherhood of the Most Gloriousand