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for Bolton. His works, numbering twenty-six in Allibone's list, are on divers subjects, from Celibia Choosing a Husband, a novel published in 1809, to Tracts on Finance and Trade, 1852. The Annual Register says: " He was an indefatigable writer; the productions of his pen, which include a great variety of tracts on subjects of political economy, some able pamphlets on the currency, and some literary efforts of a lighter class, extend over a period of fifty years. For some time Colonel Torrens was a part proprietor and editor of the Globe newspaper. He was a skilful and lucid writer, and succeeded in throwing considerable light upon some of those abstruse questions connected with monetary science which are the stumbling-block of economical students." He died 27th May 1864, aged 84. 7 16

Tottenham, Charles, a member of the Irish House of Commons, was born about 1685. He resided at Tottenham Green, "Wexford, and sat for the borough of New Ross. In 1731 a great opposition was set on foot to a proposal that a surplus of £60,000 in the revenue should be made over to the British Government. Tottenham, hearing that the division was coming on sooner than had been expected, rode on horseback from Wexford to Dublin. Getting down at the House of Commons, he was stopped by the serjeant-at-arms, who reported to the Speaker that a member was trying to enter the House without being in full dress, as was customary. After some hesitation, the Speaker decided that he had no power to exclude him, and the bold rider, splashed from head to foot, and wearing jack-boots, strode in, gave his vote, which proved to be a deciding one, and defeated the unpopular measure. Thenceforward he was known and toasted as " Tottenham in his boots." He died 20th September 1758, aged about 73. A portrait of him, in huge jack-boots reaching his thighs, was shown at the National Portrait Exhibition in Dublin in 1872. 22 53

Touchet, James, Earl of Castlehaven, was born early in the 17th century. His father, the 2nd Earl, was beheaded on Tower Hill, 14th May 1631. James was restored to the title and estates of his ancestors in 1634. In 1638 he returned from Rome to attend Charles I. in his campaign against the Scots, and afterwards served in the Low Countries. After Strafford's execution, he retired to Ireland. Early in the war of 1641-'52 he was made prisoner and confined in Dublin. Managing to make his escape, he went through Wicklow to Kilkenny, where he was warmly received by the Supreme Council. In October 1642 he was entrusted with a military command. The history of his life for the next few years is a recital of petty skirmishes, battles, and retreats, the reduction of castles, and misunderstandings with his brother generals and the Council. He was bitterly opposed to the party of the Nuncio, and favoured the peace of 1646. He resided in France and the Low Countries for some two years, and "then I went to Ireland, with the Marquess of Ormond, Lord-Lieutenant, serving the King against the Nuncio, Council, and other his Majesty's enemies." He was appointed Master of the Horse by Ormond. Upon the subjugation of the kingdom by Cromwell, he again withdrew to France, where he engaged in the Prince of Conde's service, and went through many of the Continental campaigns until 1678. After the Restoration, he was, by special Act of Parliament, restored to his dignities. His last days were spent at his mansion in the County of Tipperary, where he died 11th October 1684. He was passionately fond of field sports, and his Memoirs tell, how in the midst of the most bloody and harassing campaigns he often turned aside to enjoy the chase. 52 117 337

Trench, Melesina Chenevix, granddaughter of Dr. Chenevix, Bishop of Waterford, was born in Ireland in 1768. This talented and amiable woman, mother of Dr. R. C. Trench, Archbishop of Dublin, is known to the public mainly through a volume of Remains, Selections from Journals, Letters, and other Papers, published by her son in 1862, and by her correspondence with Mary Leadbeater, published in the Leadbeater Papers in 1861. The notes we have of her early years with her grandfather (her parents having died when she was but a child), her brief married life with her first husband. Colonel St. George, subsequent residence in Ireland, visits to the Continent between 1799 and 1806, and later married life in England as Mrs. Richard Trench, portray a character of remarkable strength, discernment, and sweetness. She died at Malvern, 27th May 1827, aged 59. Mrs. Leadbeater, under date of 1802, gives a vivid description of their first interview and the mutual attraction by which they were drawn to each other. She says: "My heart entirely acquits me of having been influenced by what I have heard of her rank and fortune. Far more prepossessing than these were the soft lustre of her beautiful black eyes, and the sweetness of her fascinating smile. … Providence had given her talents and dispositions calculated to promote the improve-