An antiquated inf. and present for staa and staar is stande, stander; imperative stat, plur. stander, partc. standet.
Antiquated is vov for vævede of væve to weave ; also vog imfpf. of veie in the meaning : to kill; in the meaning : to weigh, in which it is now exclusively used in common speech veie has impf. veiede.
218. Class VI.
Apparently no gradation in the different tenses. The following verbs belong to this class:
löbe to run, | löb | löbet. |
sove to sleep, | sov | sovet. |
græde[1] to weep, | græd | grædt. |
D. hedde (N. hede) to be called, hed (D. also hedte), hedt. hugge to cut, N. hug (D. commonly huggede), hugget.
komme to come, | kom | kommen. |
falde to fall, | faldt | falden,[2] faldt. |
holde to hold, | holdt | holdt.[3] |
To this class are also counted:
faa to get, | fik | faaet (N. pron. fåt.) |
gaa to go, | gik | gaet (N. pron. gåt.) |
Wholly irregular is: tie to be silent, taug (N. tiede, pron. tidde,) ptcp. tiet.
Note: None of these verbs form an impf. plural in -e.
219. When there are two sets of verbs, one strong and one weak, the former originally was intransitive, the latter transitive. But this difference, to a great extent, has been wiped out, both forms now being largely used promiscuously;