Page:A Danish and Dano-Norwegian grammar.djvu/150

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The big city has many nice and expensive houses. A tame lion (Löve) is like (som) a big cat. Cheap and healthy residences (Boliger) are difficult to get (skaffe) in a big city. The cool night is very refreshing (forfriskende) after (efter) the warm day. A nice child (Barn, n.) ought always to (burde altid) be obedient.

(§§ 178–182). Decline the following adjectives:

sagte soft; blaa, tro, fri
egen, megen, afsides, nymodens.

Den frie Hand og den frie Kvinde (woman) blev proklameret (were proclaimed) for alle Vinde (winds). Min egen Stue. Kongens eget Slot. Det ham (him) egne Væsen.

New-fangled ideas. Out-of-the-way towns. This man’s eyes (Öine) are blue. A nice suit (Sæt) of clothes made (syet) of blue cloth.

(§§ 183–189). Compare the following adjectives:

kold cold; söd sweet; blöd soft;
venlig friendly; from pious; ung;
ond; gammel.

Min Broder er yngre end jeg, men jeg har et venligere Væsen. Det største Hus er ikke altid (always) det smukkeste. De ældste Børn er(e) de værste. Det nederste Trin (step) var ganske glat (slippery). Hr. Jensen er lærdere end Hr. Kristensen. Verdens (in the world) største Mand er ikke netop (exactly) den, som (who) veier (weighs) mest. Den yngste af de to Brødre er den smukkeste.

My father has the largest house in the block (Kvartalet). It has more windows (Vinduer) than (end) the other houses. The younger girl (Pige) is the handsomer. [N. B. Use the superlative in D.-N. in this case!]

(§§ 190–194). Har du min Bog? Nei, men jeg saa (saw) den (it) nu nylig (just now). Hvor (where) var den?