Page:A Declaration of the People's Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature (1775) (IA declarationofpeo00shar).djvu/111

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they shall be bound by it.” And to this point Judge Portington expressly declared his assent (9), “Jeo veux bien," (says he,) and then assigns the incontestible reason, “pur ceo,” because they (the Irish subjects) “have no summons with us to come to Parliament.”

But Lord Coke has unfortunately neglected to weigh the importance of this just Reason, and consequently has been led to misconstrue the doctrine to which it has at different times been applied by the Judges; for, in Calvin's Case, (7th Rep. p. 447.) he cites the opinion of the Judges in 2d Rich. III. before-mentioned, viz. "That Ireland hath a Parliament and they make laws, and our Statutes do not bind them: and he cites also their reason, viz, because they do not send Knights