Page:A Declaration of the People's Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature (1775) (IA declarationofpeo00shar).djvu/112

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to (our) Parliament;" but he adds, in a parenthesis, that "this is to be understood, unless they be especially named (10).” Thus he is so far from perceiving the weight of the Reason assigned by the former Judges, that he has Ventured to set it aside (as if it had no meaning at all) by the insertion of an arbitrary parenthesis in the middle of the sentence, without assigning a stronger Reason, or even any Reason at all, for his authority; and, therefore, we are certainly bound to prefer the Declaration of the other Judges, who founded their opinion on a clear legal Reason, that has never yet been disproved; for "the Reason of the Law is the Life of the Law”(11). The naming