Page:A Declaration of the People's Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature (1775) (IA declarationofpeo00shar).djvu/140

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of force, and be put in use, within the Realme of Ireland, &c.”

This Act of Poining's, therefore, sufficiently proves what Sir Richard Bolton intended by citing it, viz. that the Irish did not esteem the English Laws binding in that Kingdom until allowed by the Authority of their own Parliament, otherwise the Act itself had been nugatory, as also the other Irish Acts which he has cited for the fame purpose; in some of which, it seems, the Parliament itself expressly asserted the Doctrine for which he contends; as in that of the 19th of Edw. II. wherein it was enacted, “That the Statutes, made in England, should NOT BE OF FORCE in the Kingdom of Ireland, unless they were allowed and published in that Kingdom by Parliament." (23) Sir Richard Bolton also informs,