Page:A Declaration of the People's Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature (1775) (IA declarationofpeo00shar).djvu/141

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that "a like Statute was made again in the 29th of Henry VI." and therefore, notwithstanding that Serjeant Mayart has taken great pains, and filled many pages with citations of precedents from old Records of Law Cases, Writs, &c. (in order to prove that English Acts of Parliament have been referred to, and allowed in judicial Proceedings, before the same were confirmed in Ireland,) yet all his labour has been bestowed in vain; for (besides that he ought first to have proved the Acts in question to have been made by the English Parliament alone, without any such representation of the Irish Parliament, jointly therewith, as I have already shewn to have been frequently practised in those early days) let it be also remarked, that, though we should allow that the Irish Courts of Justice might, perhaps, in some particular cases of difference between individuals, but of indifference