Page:A Declaration of the People's Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature (1775) (IA declarationofpeo00shar).djvu/222

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any such doctrine as myself; and I believe that I may farther assure myself, that this learned Author will not be displeased or offended with the freedom of these remarks upon his Work; for, though I have not the honour to be personally acquainted with him, yet I am sufficiently acquainted (by other parts of his Writings) with the general benevolence and rectitude of his intentions, and also that he is an admirer and fast friend to our constitutional Liberty (which plainly appears in many other parts of his useful Work) as well as myself; so that any corrections, on that side of the question, will be taken (I dare say) by him as they were meant by me, that is, in good part, and without the least ill will: and his Work (I speak of it in general) has very deservedly acquired so much esteem and credit in the world, that I could not, without great injustice to the subject before me, permit any arguments therein, upon