Page:A Declaration of the People's Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature (1775) (IA declarationofpeo00shar).djvu/223

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the point in question, to remain unanswered.

The same observation, I am inclined to think, is equally applicable, as well to the candour and disposition, as to the writings, of Sir William Blackstone, whose very learned and useful Commentaries must also be strictly examined, upon this point, before I conclude my Declaration: and, had the other great and eminent writers (Lord Coke, Lord Chief-Juftice Vaughan, Judge Jenkins, &c.) whose opinions, upon the present subject, I am obliged also to call in question, been still alive, I should have thought myself equally sure of their benevolence and forgiveness, if I except Serjeant Mayart; because the undeserved contempt, with which he has treated Sir Richard Bolton, (the learned Author whom he attempted to answer,) prevents