Page:A Declaration of the People's Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature (1775) (IA declarationofpeo00shar).djvu/226

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Right of Trial by Juries was violated, he would neither have mentioned that Resolution of “all the Judges," or even the Act itself, without guarding against the pernicious effects of such an unconstitutional doctrine, by a proper censure, as he did in the former cafe.

“It is not almost credible to foresee" (says he) "when any maxim or fundamental Law of this realm is altered, (as else where hath been observed,) what dangerous inconveniences do follow; which most expressly appeareth by this most unjust and strange Act of II Hen. VII. for hereby not only Empson and Dudley themselves, but such Justices of peace,” (corrupt men,) “as they caused to be authorized, committed most grievous and heavy oppressions and exactions, grinding of the face of the poor subjects by penal laws," (be they never so obsolete or unfit for the