Page:A Declaration of the People's Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature (1775) (IA declarationofpeo00shar).djvu/227

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time,) " by information only, without any presentment or Trial by jury, being the antient Birthright of the Subject, but to hear and determine the same by their discretion, inflicting such penalty as the Statutes not repealed imposed,” &c. 4th Inst. c. I. p. 41. — And afterwards he adds: "This Statute of 11 H. VII. we have recited, and shewed the just inconvenience thereof to the end that the like should never hereafter be attempted in any Court of Parliament. And that others might avoid THE FEARFUL END OF THESE TWO TIME-SERVERS, Empson and Dudley. Qui eorum vestigla insistunt, eorum exitus perhorrescant." (ibid.) — But, though these two wretched Judges(m) were