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Page:A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 4.djvu/453

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Rhyfelgyrch Cadpen Morgan. (Captain Morgan's March.)

{ \relative f' { \key bes \major \time 4/4
\repeat volta 2 { f4 bes8. bes16 bes4 f | bes8.[ c16 d8. c16] bes2 |
 ees4 ees d d | c8.[ bes16 c8. d16] c2 }
\repeat volta 2 { f4 f8. ees16 d4 bes | ees8.[ f16 ees8. d16] c2 |
 bes8 d c bes a4 bes8 c | d4 c bes2 } } }

Dewch i'r Frwydr. (Come to Battle.)

{ \relative b' { \key bes \major \time 4/4
\repeat volta 2 { bes1 | bes2 c | d bes | c f, | a a | %end line 1
  bes bes | a g\trill f1 }
\repeat volta 2 { d'2 f | d4.( c8 bes2) | c2 ees | %end line 2
  a,4.( g8 f2) | bes bes | d f | d c\trill | bes1 } } }

The Welsh are specially rich in Pastoral Music, which is graceful, melodious, and unaffected. It is chiefly written for the voice, and the subject of the words is generally taken from the beauties of Nature, with an admixture of Love. The collection is so numerous, that it is no easy matter to make a selection; however, the following specimens will serve to show the natural beauty of these melodies:—

Codiad yr Hedydd. (The Rising of the Lark.)

{ \relative c'' { \time 2/4 \key c \major \tempo "Moderato."
\repeat volta 2 {
  c4 g8. f16 | e8[ c' g e] | f8.[ g16 a8 b] | c[ b c d] | %eol1
  e16 c8. g8. b16 | c2 }
\repeat volta 2 {
  e8.[ c16 c8 e-.] | d8.[ c16 b8 d-.] | c8.[ b16 a8 c-.] | %eol2
  b8 a16 b g4 | e'8.[\turn d16 c8 e] | d8.[\turn c16 b8 d] |
  c8.[\turn b16 a8 c] | b8[ g g] r16 e | %end line 3
  f8[ g a b] | c[ b c d] | e c g'8. b,16 | c2 } } }

Bugeilio'r Gwenith Gwyn. (Watching the Wheat.)

{ \relative f' { \key f \major \time 3/4 \tempo "Andante." \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical
\repeat volta 2 {
 f8 a c4. a8 | bes bes a4. bes8 | c a f4. a8 | c c4. r8 a | %eol1
 bes bes d4. bes8 | a a c4. a8 | a g g4. f16 e | f8 f4. r4 }
\repeat volta 2 {
 f8 f f'4. d8 | bes bes bes4. a8 | g g g'4. e8 | c8 c4. r8 a |%eol3
 bes bes d4. bes8 | a a c4. a8 | a g g4. f16 e | f8 f4. r4 } } }

Mentre Gwen. (Venture Gwen.)

{ \relative f' { \key bes \major \time 2/4 \partial 8 \tempo "Andante."
\repeat volta 2 {
 f8 | bes8. d16 c8. ees16 | d4 f8. d16 | bes4 c8. a16 | f4 r8 f |%e1
 bes8. d16 c8. ees16 | d8. c16 bes c d e | f4. }
\repeat volta 2 { f8 | f8. ees16 d8 f | %end line 2
 f8 ees4 ees8 | d8. c16 bes8 d | d c r f, |
 bes d ees c | a f ees' g | f16 d8. c8. d16 | bes4. } } }

The following melody has the peculiarity of each part ending on the fourth of the key.

Dadle Dau. (Flaunting Two.)

{ \relative d'' { \key g \major \time 6/8 \tempo "Cheerfully."
 \repeat volta 2 { d4 d8 d e d | c4 b8 a( b) c |
   d4 g,8 g4 a8 | b4. c }
 d8( b) g g4. | a8^"answer" fis d d4. | d4 g8 g4 a8 | b4. c | %eol2
 d8( b) g g4. | a8^"answer" fis d d4 d'8 | g4 g,8 g4 a8 | b4. c \bar "||"\mark \markup { \musicglyph "scripts.ufermata" } } }

Of the Dance Music of the Welsh, the Jig appears to be the favourite. Of these there are many interesting examples, from which the following are selected:—

Heffedd Modryb Marged. (Aunt Margaret's Favourite.)

{ \relative e' { \key ees \major \time 9/8 \tempo "Jig."
\repeat volta 2 {
 ees4 ees'8 bes g ees bes' g ees | ees4 ees'8 bes g ees aes f d |
 ees4 ees'8 bes g ees bes' g ees | d' ees f g a bes f d bes }
\repeat volta 2 {
 bes4 g'8 g ees bes g' ees bes | bes4 g'8 g ees bes f' d bes |
 bes4 g'8 g ees bes g' ees bes | d ees f g16 a bes8 g f d bes } \mark \markup { \musicglyph "scripts.ufermata" } } }

Gyrru'r Býd o'm Blaen. (Drive the World before us.)

{ \relative b' { \key bes \major \time 9/8 \tempo "Jig."
\repeat volta 2 {
 bes8 d bes d4 ees8 f d bes | bes d bes d4 bes8 c a f |
 bes d bes d4 ees8 f d bes | d f d ees c a bes4. }
\repeat volta 2 {
 f8 a f a4 bes8 c a f | d' c d a4 bes8 c a f |
 f a f a4 bes8 c a f | d'16 ees f8 d ees c a bes4. } \mark \markup { \musicglyph "scripts.ufermata" } } }