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it in 1839. About 1840 he became director of Daublaine & Callinet's factory, and at the Paris Exhibition of 1855 he received a first-class medal and the Cross of the Legion of Honour. His patent for electric organs was purchased by Bryceson of London. He remained with Merklin until 1860, when he set up a factory of his own under the firm of Barker & Verschneider, and built the organs of St. Augustin and of Montrouge in Paris, both electric. The war of 1870 caused him to leave Paris and return to this country, where he built the organs for the Catholic cathedrals of Cork and Dublin. He died at Maidstone Nov. 26, 1879.

[ V. de P. ]

BARNARD, Charlotte Alington, known by her pseudonym of 'Claribel,' was born Dec. 23, 1830, and married Mr. C. C. Barnard in 1854. She received some instruction in the elements of composition from W. H. Holmes, and between 1858 and 1869 published some hundred ballads, most of which attained an extraordinary popularity of a transient kind. A volume of 'Thoughts, Verses, and Songs' was published, and another volume of poems was printed for private circulation. She died at Dover Jan. 30, 1869. (Dict. of National Biography.)

[ W. B. S. ]

BARNARD, Rev. John. Line 6 from end of article, add, It is now in the British Museum. (Corrected in later editions.)

BARNBY, JOSEPH. See vol. i. p. 145 a, and add to the article found there, that the time of Mr. Barnby's tenure of St. Andrew's, Wells Street, was from 1863 to 1871, when he became organist of St. Anne's, Soho. Here be instituted the annual performances of Bach's 'Passion according to St. John,' which he had previously introduced to English audiences at the Hanover Square Rooms. At the formation of the London Musical Society [see that article in Appendix] he was appointed conductor, and in this capacity introduced Dvořák's 'Stabat Mater' and other important novelties. On Nov. 10, 1884 the Albert Hall Choral Society gave under his direction a remarkable performance of the music of Wagner's 'Parsifal,' in which the principal solo parts were sung by some of their greatest German representatives. In 1886 he succeeded Mr. Shakespeare as conductor at the Royal Academy of Music. Mention must be made of his psalm, 'The Lord is King,' produced with success at the Leeds Festival of 1883. (Died Jan. 28, 1896.)

[ M. ]

BARNETT, John. Line 1, for July 1 read July 15. Line 18, for two masses read one mass. (Died Apr. 17, 1890.)

BARNETT, John Francis. Correct date of birth to Oct. 16, 1837. Add the following to his works since 1874:—Besides many compositions for the PF., among which may be mentioned three impromptus dedicated to F. Hiller, and a sonata in E minor dedicated to E. Pauer, Mr. Barnett has produced three important works at various festivals. The first of these, 'The Good Shepherd,' was written for the Brighton Festival of 1876, and the second, 'The Building of the Ship,' for the Leeds Festival of 1880, where it met with great and well-deserved success. In the following year he wrote an orchestral suite, entitled 'The Harvest Festival' for the Norwich Festival. In addition to the above we may refer to Mr. Barnett's Concerto Pastorale for flute and orchestra, a Sonata in E minor for flute and pianoforte, and a Scena for contralto, 'The Golden Gate,' set to words by the late 'Hugh Conway.'

[ M. ]

BARONI-CAVALCABO. See vol. ii. 729 b.

BARRET. Add that he died Mar. 8, 1879. (Corrected in late editions.)

BARRETT, Thomas. See London Violin Makers, vol ii. 164 b.

BARRETT, William Alexander, English writer on music; born at Hackney Oct. 15, 1836; was a chorister at St. Paul's, where he is now Vicar-choral, and is a Mus. Bac. of Oxford (1870). Mr. Barrett has published 'English Glee and Madrigal Writers' (1877), 'English Church Composers' (1882), 'Balfe, his Life and Work' (1882), and other works; he was joint editor with Dr. Stainer of the 'Dictionary of Musical Terms' (1875). He has been for many years musical reporter of the 'Morning Post'; for some time edited the 'Monthly Musical Record,' and is editor of the 'Musical Times.'

[ G. ]

BARRY, Charles Ainslie, born in London June 10, 1830. A writer who is understood to edit the Programme-books of the Richter Concerts, and whose initials are appended to many thoughtful analyses of Beethoven, Schumann, Wagner, etc. Mr. Barry was educated at Rugby School and Trinity College, Cambridge; he was a pupil of T. A. Walmisley, and afterwards studied music at Leipzig and Dresden. He contributed for long to the 'Guardian,' edited the 'Monthly Musical Record,' 1875–79, and has been otherwise active with his pen. He has published several songs and PF. pieces. A MS. Festival March of his was often played at the Crystal Palace in 1862, 3, and he has a symphony and other orchestral pieces in MS. He was secretary to the Liszt Scholarship Fund 1886, and is an earnest Zukunftsmusiker.

[ G. ]

BARTH, Karl Heinrich, born at Pillau, near Königsberg in Prussia, July 12, 1847, received his first instruction from his father, beginning the piano at four years old. From 1856 to 1862 he was studying with L. Steinmann, and for two years after the expiration of this term, with H. von Bülow. From 1864 onwards he was under Bronsart, and for a short time was a pupil of Tausig's. In 1868 he was appointed a teacher in the Stern Conservatorium, and in 1871 became a professor at the Hochschule at Berlin. Herr Barth is justly held in high estimation for his earnest and intelligent interpretation of classical works, and he is also an admirable player of concerted music. He has repeatedly undertaken successful concert tours in Germany and England, and has once appeared