at a concert of Pasdeloup's in Paris. He holds the position of pianist to the Crown Prince and Princess of Germany.
[ M. ]
BARTHELEMON. P. 145 b, l. 14, for Vauxhall read Marylebone, and add a reference to Marylebone Gardens; also to Jephthah 2.
BARTHOLOMEW. Line 7 of article omit the 'Lobgesang' from list of works adapted. (Corrected in late editions.)
BASEVI. Add dates of birth and death, Dec. 29, 1818, and Dec. 1885, respectively.
BASSEVI. See Cervetto.
BASS HORN. This instrument, now obsolete, belonged to the bugle family, and was shaped somewhat like a bassoon. It was made of copper or brass, was blown by a cupped mouthpiece and had 4 finger-holes and 2 keys. In Germany some were made of wood. The scale was similar to that of the serpent, extending down to B♭ below the bass stave.
[ V. de P. ]
BASSOON. P. 153 b, l. 13 from bottom, for unison read union.
BATES, Joah. Line 1, for in 1740, read Mar. 19, 1740–1. P. 155 a, l. 10, for 1780 read the same year. (His marriage took place as stated, in 1780.)
BATESON, THOMAS. P. 155 a, l. 3. He must have quitted Chester before 1611, as on Mar. 24, 1608–9, he 'was chosen Vicar-Chorall' of the Cathedral of the Holy and Undivided Trinity, commonly called Christ Church, Dublin, 'in ye room of Mr. Steven Robinson, late Vicar of the said Church. Who was also admitted and instaled the same daye.' And on April 5 following he 'had leave from the Dean and Chapter for one week more to pass into England about his own business.' In the latter entry he is described as 'Vicar and Organist of this Church.' He is supposed to have been the first person who took a degree in music in the University of Dublin. (Chapter acts, Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, vol. ii. p. 73).
[ W. H. H. ]
BATHE. See i. 289b, and correct as follows:—He was born on Easter Sunday, 1564, being son of John Bathe, a judge, and his wife Eleanor Preston. He entered the novitiate of Tournai in 1595 or 1596. He studied at Louvain and Padua; was appointed rector of the Irish college at Salamanca, and died at Madrid, June 17, 1614. In l. 9 of the article omit the words, 'he came to London.' (Dict. of Nat. Biog.)
[ W. B. S. ]
BATISTE, Antoine-Edouard, organist and professor of music, born in Paris Mar. 28, 1820, died suddenly there Nov. 9, 1876, was a son of the eminent comedian Batiste, whose memory is still fresh in the annals of the Comédie Française, and uncle of Léo Delibes, He was one of the pages in the chapel of Charles X., but after 1830 he was sent to the Conservatoire, where he went through a course of solfeggio, harmony, organ, counterpoint and fugue. As a student he was most successful, carrying off the first prizes in these studies, and in 1840, as a pupil of Halévy's, obtaining the second Prix de Rome. In 1836, before he had finished his course at the Conservatoire, he had been appointed deputy professor of the solfeggio class; after which he was successively appointed professor of the male choral class, of the joint singing class (suppressed in 1870), and of the solfeggio class for mixed voices. He also instituted an evening choral class at the Conservatoire. In Oct. 1872 he took a class for harmony and accompaniment for women. These professorial duties did not prevent him from pursuing his organ studies, and after having held from 1842 to 1854 the post of organist at St. Nicolas des Champs, he was given a similar post at St. Eustache, which he filled until his death, with so much ability that in consideration of his long tenure of office the curé was allowed to celebrate his funeral obsequies at St. Eustache, though Batiste did not reside in the parish. A musician of severe and unerring taste, Batiste was one of the most noted organists of our time, but his compositions for the organ were far from equalling his talents as professor and executant. He will be chiefly remembered by his educational works, and particularly by his Petit Solfège Harmonique, an introduction to the Solfeggio and method of the Conservatoire, by his diagrams for reading music, and above all, by his accompaniments for organ or piano written on the figured basses of celebrated solfeggi by Cherubini, Catel, Gossec, and other masters of that date, entitled Solfèges du Conservatoire; in short, he was a hard worker, wholly devoted to his pupils and to his art.
[ A. J. ]
BATTEN, Adrian. P. 156 a, l. 14. He probably died in 1637, as on July 22 in that year letters of administration of the estate of Adrian Batten, late of St. Sepulchre's, London, deceased, were granted by the Prerogative Court of Canterbury to John Gilbert, of the city of Salisbury, Clothier, with consent of Edward, John, and William Batten, brothers of the deceased.
[ W. H. H. ]
BATTERY, one of the agrémens used in harpsichord music. The sign for its performance is identical with the curved form of the modern indication of the arpeggio (see i. 87 b, ex. 4, second chord), which implied that the chord to which it was prefixed was to be played twice in rapid succession.
[ M. ]
BATTISHILL. P. 156 a, l. 3 from bottom, for 1775 read 1777.
BATTLE OF PRAGUE. Line 8 of article errs in giving 1793 as the date of the London publication, as the piece appears in Thompson's catalogue for 1789.
BAUMFELDER, F. A. W. See vol. ii. p. 735 a.
BAZIN, François, born at Marseilles Sept. 4, 1816, studied at the Paris Conservatoire, where he afterwards became professor of harmony, under Auber. [See vol. i. p. 392 b.] In 1840 his 'Loyse de Montfort' gained the Prix de Rome. In 1860, on the division of the Paris Orphéon into two sections he was appointed