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B. GALENA 829 or any dangbter of their house who chose to become a Cistercian nnn there should be admitted and provided for in that monastery. Fronilde died in 1188 or 1196, and was buried in the cloister of Ferreyra. Bisco, Espana Sagrada^ xli 31, etc. St. Frontiana, March 14 (Fbontina, Frontintjs), M. at Nicomedia, with others. AA,SS. St. Frostine, Euphbosine. Cahier. St. Fructuosa, Aug. 23, M. with others, at Antioch, in Syria. Supposed 4th century. AA.SS. St. Frudoca, or Fbudoche, Findooa. Mas Latrie. St. Fua. Eva, M. at Avitina, Feb. 11, is called Fua, perhaps in error, by Baronius. St. Fuinche, Fanchea. BB. Fulcide, Sancta, and Rues- sella, Aug. 16, W. sisters, who built the convent of Prato, near Douai, and became nuns there. Bucelinus. St. Funchea, Fanchea. St. Furnata, Feb. 22, M. at Nicomedia, in Bithynia, with Antiga. AA.8S. St. Fusca, FoscA. SS. Fuscina (l, 2), Feb. 5. Two relatives of St. Avitus, bishop of Yienne, are mentioned as holy nuns this day, with AspiDA and Sbvebiana. AA,SS., Prseter. Stadler. St. Fustolia, Nov. 9, V. Nun. Sup- posed 14th century. Appears in a col- lection of prints of saints referred to by Gu6nebault. G St. Gabtina, Jabhthena. B. Gachilosoinda, or Gaghilo- SWINTHA, GaLSWINTHA. St. Gadda, Aug. 19, M. at Amasea, in Pontus, with others. St. Gadea. Under this name St. Agatha has a chapel in the Cathedral of Burgos. St. Gadron, Anoadbesima (1). St. Ga^ne, or Gaenne, Gaiana. St Gxrilla, Oct. 28, M. at Borne. Occurs in the Mart. Labbeanum. AA,SS., Prefationes, vol. iii. Apparently same as Cybilla (1). St. Gaffe, Eva, abbess of Gloucester. St. Gag^a, Juno 3, Boman martyr. AA.SS, St. Gagiora, 6ajo8a (2). St. Gaiana, Dec. 10, June 4 (Agai- ETA, GaIne, Gaenne). (See Bipsima.) St. Gaida, or Legadia, Oct. 15. Sup- posed same as Leocadia, Dec. 9. AA.SS. B. Gailesuinday Galswintha. St. Gaiola, March 3 (Cacola,Caiola). First in a long list of MM. in Africa this day. AA.SS, SL Gaiora, Gajosa (2). St. Gajosa (l), March 3, M. with Mabtia and others. AA.SS, St. Gajosa (2), March 4 (Gagioba, Gaioba), M. The only woman's name in a long list of martyrs. AA.SS. St. Galalia, or Eubalia, Dec. 10, V. Sir N. H. Nicolas, Notitia Historica. St. Galata (l), or Galatus, March 13, M. with several others at Lacum G^rati, conjectured to be that part of the Sea of Galilee where the herd of swine perished (St. Luke viii.). AA.SS. St. Galata (2), April 19, M. at Meli- tina, in Armenia. AA.SS. B. Galena, Feb. 10. + 202. Daughter of the Emperor Severus. When the venerable Charalampius was living at Antioch, in Pisidia, in his 114th year, the deidl, disguised as a king of the Scythians, accused him of taking away all his soldiers by magic. The Emperor Severus, lest he also should be deprived of his army, ordered the aged saint to be tortured. Gkdena re- proached her father for his cruelty. She had a vision of Paradise, which was interpreted by Charalampius to mean that she should be admitted there, but her father should not. When Severus afterwards ordered her to sacrifice to the gods, she went to the temple and threw down their statues. The em- peror sent 500 men to replace them during the night, and next day brought her to see the miracle the gods had wrought. She destroyed the new ones also. When St. Charalampius and some