330 ST. GALESONDA other martyrs — three of whom were women — were put to death, she buried them hononrably about the year 202. AA.S8., from a Greek MS. Life of St. Charalampius. St. Galesondai or Galsonta, Gal- SWINTHA. St. Galla (1), M. with Chabiessa. St. Galla (2), or Gallus, March 3, commemorated with Mautia and others. AA.SS. St. Galla (3), May 8, M. at Constan- tinople with St. Acacius. AA,SS, {See Agatha (2).) St. Galla (4), Sept. 4. Mother of St. Simpliciola. Mentioned in the German Martyfology of Walasser, and in Greven's additions to Usuard. AA.SS,j PfgsteTm St. Galla (5), May 31. SS. Galla and Alexander, confessor, are honoured at Clermont, in Auvergne, where they were buried in the church of St. Yener- andus, and where miraculous cures were wrought at their tombs. Their history is unknown, but their worship is very ancient, being mentioned by St. Gregory of Tours in the 6th century. AAJSS. KM. St Galla (6), Placidia. St Galla (7), Nov. 16. 5th century. Wife of St. Eucherius, and mother of St. Consortia. St Galla (8), Feb. 1, V. 5th or 6th century. This saint was of noble birth, renounced the world, and was veiled at Valence by seven bishops. She led a religious, ascetic life, worked miraculous cures, and cast out devils. A deacon who seduced her maid was destroyed by fire from heaven. A man iwho put an evil construction on her actions, and caused her to be spoken ill of, was seized by the devil, but released in answer to her prayers. She lived to a very great age. AA.SS,, Appendixy from an anony- mous MS. St Galla (0), Oct. 3, 5. 6th century. A young, bonutiful, and wealthy Boman widow, daughter of Symmachus, one of the most learned and virtuous of the Boman patricians. He was consul in 485, and was put to death at Bavenna in 526, by Theodoric, king of the Ostro- goths. Her sister, Busticiana, married BoBthius. Galla lost her husband within a year of her marriage, and decided to devote her life to G^. She soon had a serious illness, and was told that un- less she married again very soon, she would have a beard, which indeed eventually happened. She was not to be turned from her pious purpose by fear of disfigurement, but took the veU in the monastery of St. Peter. In the last years of a long and holy life, she was afflicted by a cancer in her breast Shortly before her death, St. Peter appeared to her standing between the two candles which she always kept burn- ing at the foot of her bed. ^e said, " What is it ? Are my sins forgiven ? " He said, "Yes; come." She begged that Benkdicta (11), her favourite among the nuns, might come with her. He answered that Benedicta should follow her in thirty days, but that another nun whom he named should die with her. She told her vision to the mother of all the nuns. She and the other nun died in three days, and Benedicta thirty days after them. St Greg. Mag., Dial, Ub. iv. cap. 13 ; Migne, 77. This ia the only St. Galla in the Boman Martyrology, AA,SS. Butler, Oct 3. Yepez, sermon 40. St. Gallena, M. with Chabiessa. St. Gallenia, Nickta. St. Gallica, June 2. One of 227 Boman martyrs commemorated together in the Marty rology of St. Jerome. AA.SS. St. Gallicia, June 3. Boman martyr. AA.SS. Ven. Galliota, June 24, or MoTHKB Gaillotte de Gtourdon de Genouillao et Vaillac of Aquitaine. +1618. Having been vowed to a religious life before her birth, she was brought up in the convent of Beaulieu, of the Order of Hospitallers of St John of Jerusalem, took the veil at twelve, became assistant prioress at fifteen, and at sixteen prioress of Fieux, a small convent in the middle of a wood far from help or society of any kind. She was obliged to return to Beaulieu, as it was not thought proper that young nuns should live in such a lonely place. She then contemplated entering the Order of St Clara, but was persuaded by her directors to attempt instead the
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