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so^'sa akft'skflsi'ny na'x-^^, O'ti ya'ndi o'xpa. "N^'kiyasi

one biting off little pieces, stood when Bear the (sub.) swallowed "I liked it

(only) one at a time (or mine- aU.

(See Note. ) Ing) (See Note. )

lOxana' yahe' ko," O^'ti-yandi' he'di. He-ha°'tc kide'di. ^'Eya^'

always, this (See Note.)," Bear the said that. Said when went home. "There

or (sub.) that- (See Note.)


hi°-ta'," Tc^tkana' ki'ye-ha^' kide'di. "Ha'me ta"^' o^'ni nl^ti na',"

reach thou," Rabbit said to when went home. "Bent tree large made I dwell ." (m. tom.) him (and) in

(See Note.)

6-ha°' kid^'-ta-^ Tc^'tkanadi' ti'-wo de'di. Ha'me ta"^' o"^

Said when went when Rabbit the (sub.) another departed. Bent tree large made (and) home house


i°da'hi ande'-txye. Aya°' xotka' ux6' na'n^:i, xyihS' na'nl^i

was hunting it in the (archaic Tree hollow was sitting in, was growling

past / ending).

[O'ti ya'ndi]. TcS'tkanadi' koxta', yahe'ya° kide' xe'h^. O'ti ya*^,

Bear the (sub.). Rabbit the (sub.) ran from to a distance went sat down. Bear,

danger, home-


15 "He'+ha<, t^na'x^-di', aya'nde W ^'ti^'^'yo'^ni wo' ? Ndoku' xaha-ta"

♦•Halloo, O friend, that was when did I do that ? Ck>mefrom sit down,"

you to you that place (m. tom.),


hS'di O'ti-ya'ndi. Ka'wa ni'+y na'x ^"^ 6'tii:6 ya'nde na'. Axo'g

said Bear the (sub.). What not haying stood when he was still (or . Young

that it there now)

(See Note.)

duni' da de'di O'ti ya'ndi. El^'^ha'^' akidi' si'psiwe'di duti' ha'nde.

canes to went Bear the (sub.). And then small black bugs that he went eating,

gather stay in decayed logs, (See Note.)

"Bessie bugs"

A'nde a'o"^ d6' ha° axo'g Mduni' tci'na yi'n^i da. E'ya'^ kidi'.

Along went when young canes a few small gathered. There returned

time (and) (ones) home.

[When he had been gone a long (See Note)

time] (See Note)

Tc^tkana' kitcu'di, mi'xyi de'di (O'ti ya'ndi). "tt," kiy6' ha"^

Rabbit put them down to go went Bear the (snb.) "OhI" said when

for him around in that (and)

a circle.

20 kiya' kipana'hi d6' ha° inkng' [O'ti ya'ndi]. '*Inaye'ya»," he'ka"

again turned back went when vomited Bear the (sub.) . " This what you eat said when

(and) with (?)"

Tc^'tkana'di, '^Aduti' ^ti^e' ko ndu'xni xa' na," ^'di Tc^'tkana'di.

Rabbit the (sub.), "Pood that sort I have not eaten ." said Rabbit the (sub.).

(7) in the past,

E' IfsJ^^ "Ayi'ndi ko' iya'n^ku'ya° inMya'nitepi' yahetu' ^:o'li6

Said when "You you fed me I like It so well («ic) Tiike this {dc) sure

it enough

na^'ni, ni^ia"' ^ti'tiyan^o^'ni xyexyo'," O'ti ya'ndi he'di-ha'^tca'

it has ^een when you treat me that way why?" Bear the (sub.) said that when

so {sic) (»as)

te'y§ te Tc^'tkana'-]^^ ^'Ina-ya^^ kok xahe'ni-k te'i'^ye ki ima'nfei

to kill wish- Rabbit the (ob.). "Sun moves not when I kill (and) lay you

him ed. you down {tic)

25 xyo'," 6'di O'ti ya'ndi. He 1^"^' ya'ndi-ya'^ tixtixyg' na'S^i

I" said Bear the (sub.). Said when heart was beating as he sat


TcS'tkana'di. Aya*^' xotka' aM'pflpsuki'.* E^dha^^' te'yS t6 Tcfe'tkana'-

Rabbit the (sub.). Tree hollow he headed off Rab- Then to lull wish- Rabbit

bit (in it). him ed

ta°, unatci'ktci-dl hakii'nuki, xotkaya*^' iiaku'nuki. Hakii'nuki haHca'

the (ob.) then dodged about got out of hollow tree got out of. Get out of when

aso^' poska' d6 x^'h^-haHca' lw.kxi'di [Tc6'tkanadi']. Tc^'tkana'

brier patch (cv.) went sat down when got angry Rabbit the (sub.). Rabbit