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Page:A Dictionary of the Biloxi and Ofo Languages.djvu/325

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Note.— In arranging this dictionary the following order is observed: a, aⁿ (or ), b, e, eⁿ, f, h (including x and ), i, iⁿ, k (including g), l, m, n, o, oⁿ, p, s, c (Eng. sh), tc (Eng. ch), t (including d), u, uⁿ, w, y. g is probably identical with the Biloxi medial and d with the Biloxi medial . tc is an independent sound intermediate between the sibilants and t. x, and h all usually stand for the aspirate which follows several Siouan consonants and is particularly prominent in the Ofo language. Superior m (ᵐ) occurs sometimes before p or b and indicates an m nasalization.

abahoˊ, hail.

ạbaiyaⁿˊte, a dream.

abashiˊskᵃ, fog.

abaˊsi, ạbaˊsi, a chicken. — ạbaˊsi yaˊñki, or abaˊsi yaˊñki, hen; abasdokiˊ, or abastoˊki, rooster; ạbastcĭˊñki, little chickens; ạbaˊs k’adeˊsi, guinea hen, “spotted hen;” abaˊstuta, chicken-hawk.

aboˊfti, bad, evil.

aboˊki, a river. — aboˊki keˊdji, a river bend.

aˊbowe, to poison, poison. — abaˊbowe, I poison; tcaˊbowe, you poison; ạˊñkwa aˊbowe, someone poisoned.

afhaⁿˊ, white.

afhiˊhi, it stops, to stop. — aˊnic loˊlohe afhiˊhi, the current.

ạfhoˊti, cane-brake.

afpĕˊni, to forget, not to know. — bafpĕˊni, I forget, or do not know; tcafpĕˊni, you forget, or do not know; oⁿafpĕˊni, we forget.

aftaˊti, to prick. — abạftaˊti, I prick; ạtcạftaˊti, you prick.

aheˊ, ahiˊ, horn (of deer, etc.). — itxaˊ aheˊ, deer-horns.

ahiˊhi, blood. — abahiˊhi, my blood; atcahiˊhitu, your (pl.) blood.

ahiˊte, to land, disembark.

aˊx̣nạki, ax̣naka, out of, it is nearly light, it is just rising, it is out. — iˊla ax̣naki, the sun rises. aˊni abax̣naka teˊkna, I am going out of the water.

aˊho, bone.

aˊho, the haw (black or rred).

aˊkạftati, to nail. — abạkạftaˊti, I nail; atcạkạftaˊti, you nail.

akạleˊwa, to stand up. — bakạleˊwa, I stand up.

akạnạfpạˊka, bow, semicircle, arc. — ashoˊhi akạnạfpạˊka, rainbow.

akạpĕˊ, six.

aˊkde, to find. — baˊkde, I find; tcaˊkde, you find.

ạkfuˊ, bead. — ạkfuˊ fhi, yellow bead; ạkfuˊ îfthĕpiˊ, black bead, ạkfuˊ ạtchuˊti, red bead; ạkfuˊ ithoˊhi, blue bead; ạkfuˊ afhaⁿˊ, white bead.

akhaiˊyi, cushion, pillow.

akx̣eˊ, to plant (cf. khewe). — baˊkx̣e, I plant; tcaˊkx̣e, you plant.

ạkhiˊpi, satisfied. — abạkhiˊpi, I am satisfied; atcạkhiˊpi, you are satisfied.

akhĭˊsi, akiˊsi, turtle. — akhĭˊsi sxûˊpka, soft-shelled turtle; akhĭˊsi patchûˊti, red-headed turtle (pa, head; tchûˊti, red).

akhĭˊsi, akx̣ĭˊsi, the caul (Creole: la toilette), the spleen (Creole: la rate).

akhoˊba, aˊkxoba, stout, strong. — iˊto akhoˊba, itoˊ aˊkxoba, a stout man, a strong man.

akhoˊhi, prairie.

akhoˊtcaⁿ, akhoˊtcạ, out, outside. — akhoˊtcaⁿ ateˊkna, I go out; akhoˊtcaⁿ cteˊkna, you go out; akhoˊtcạ atĕˊ, I go outside.

akhoˊtĕ, akhoˊte, under. — aboˊki akhôˊtĕ, river bank.

akxôⁿhiˊ, a worm found in human beings.

ạkhu, ku, to give. — bạkhuˊ, I give; tcạkhuˊ, you give; aˊñkwa ạkhuˊ, one gives. akhuˊhi, I am giving it to him; atcĭkhuˊ, you are giving it to him; tcakhuˊ, he is giving it to you; miⁿtiˊ atcĭkhuˊ, he is giving it to me; oⁿtcĭkhuˊbĕ, give it to me! (with future suffix); aⁿtcĭkhoˊ, give me! tciˊtcaki