antckuˊ, give me your hand! aˊkhu to give to eat; ạtcˊkhu, you give to eat. athiˊsi tcikuˊ, you give medicine. ạkĭfhûⁿˊtku, Saturday. akĭktceˊhi, a flower. — ila akĭktceˊhi, sunflower. ạkishoˊtiạˊtabạ, a lizard. aˊkiska, grass, bush. — aˊkiska ktceˊhi, rosebush. akoˊhi, to shout, to call out. — bakoˊhi I shout; tcakoˊhi, you shout. kiaˊwa ĭñkoˊhi, what do you call? miⁿˊte kiaˊwe ibakoˊhi, what am I calling? tcaˊkohi, you are calling. akoˊcka, gizzard, his gizzard. ạkoⁿˊsi, bee. — ạkoⁿˊsi wiⁿˊshu, honey. akôⁿˊti, a peach. — ạkôⁿt atcûˊti, a plum; akôⁿt palăˊska, an orange or a lemon. (The Jesuit missionary Poisson mention contai as the name which “our Indians” give to the plum, and this may have been taken from the Ofo language, but it is at least as likely that it is from Quapaw, Poisson having had the Quapaw (or Arkansa) mission.) akshiˊki, mad, crazy. akshoˊti, alligator. aktcạˊhi, to boil. — aˊni aktcạˊhi, water boils. ạktcaˊpi, near. — abạktcaˊpi, near to me; atcạktcaˊpi, near to you. aˊktchĕ, to spit (cf. tcahe). — baˊktchĕ, I spit; tcaˊktchĕ, you spit; oⁿaˊktchĕ, we spit; tcaktchĕˊ, spittle, your spittle (?). aktaˊtci, friend. — abaktaˊtci, my friend; tcaktaˊtci, your friend. aˊktạti, to love. — baˊktạti, I love; tcaˊktạti, you love. akteˊhue, akteˊhu, to shup up. — bakteˊhue, bakteˊhu, I shut up; tcakteˊhue, tcakteˊhu, you shut up; oⁿakteˊhue, oⁿakteˊhu, we shut up; akteˊhu, shut it! abakteˊhu, I shut it; atcakteˊhu, you shut it. aˊktha, to watch. — baˊktha, I watch. aˊkti, bug, insect. aktiˊsi, paper. — akteˊsue, to write; bakteˊsue, I write; tcakteˊsue, you write. akteˊsue iⁿˊfpe, to read; bakteˊsue, I read. aˊktucpôⁿˊcka, to splice, to patch. — baˊktucpôⁿˊcka, I splice or patch; tcaˊktucpôⁿˊcka, you splice or patch. |
aˊktuwa, to gather, collect. — baˊktuwa, I gather or collect; tcaˊktuwa, you gather or collect. aˊkuitcuⁿˊ, to be stingy. — baˊkuitcuⁿ, I am stingy; tcaˊkuitcuⁿ, you are stingy. akyuˊwe, to send. — bakyuˊwe, I send; tcakyuˊwe, you send. alaˊhi, alahiˊ, skin, bark, also the shell of a turtle, etc. — balaˊhi, my skin, tccalaˊhi, your skin; iˊtxa ạlaˊhi, buckskin, deerskin; aphaˊ alahiˊ, scalp, “head skin.” alaphaˊ, whisky. — alapha tcuˊti, red whisky. aluˊthĕ, to be drowned. — baluˊthĕ, I am drowned; tcaluˊthĕ, you are drowned; oⁿluˊthĕ, we are drowned; miⁿˊti baluˊthĕ, I drown myself; mihiⁿˊsa baluˊthĕ, I drown myself; mihiⁿˊsa etciⁿˊti baluˊthĕ, we are drowned each other; ihiⁿˊsa baluˊthĕ, he drowns himself. amạphoˊaka, amạphûˊska, the common partridge (Creole: perdrix). amashûˊpka, palmetto amạskuˊwĕ, salt. — atk amạskuˊwĕ, sugar; ạfhoˊti atk amạskuˊwĕ, sugar-cane. amaspoˊhi, amaspohiˊ, tobacco-pipe (cf. pûhi, hole). amatchoⁿˊ, ạˊmatcha, aˊmạtchôⁿˊ, down, low, low down. — ạˊmatcha bạteˊkna, I go down. amawactĕ (?), to let go, release. — baˊmawactĕ, I let it go; tcaˊmawactĕ, you let it go. amaⁿˊ, turkey. — amaⁿˊ iyaˊñki, female turkey; amaⁿˊ itoˊki, male turkey. aˊmaⁿ, land, country, ground. — aˊmaⁿ tuˊfhahe, to hoe land; aˊmaⁿ kheˊwe, to plow land. aˊmifĕ, to sneeze. — baˊmifĕ, I sneeze. amĭfhĭˊpi, parasol, umbrella. — amĭfhiˊpi tcaˊni, you take your parasol; amĭfhiˊpi baˊni, I take my parasol. amiˊhuⁿ, amiⁿˊhuⁿ, fever. — amiˊhuⁿ fhi, yellow fever. amiˊshu, to fan, a fan. — bamiˊshu, I fan; tcamiˊshu, you fan. amôⁿˊfi, amôˊfi, iron, a pot, pottery.— amôˊf okhoˊe, lid of a pot; amoⁿfhạsiˊ, amoⁿfhạˊsi, money. amoⁿfhạsiˊ ishuˊhi, amôˊfi iwôˊfi, brass, copper. amoⁿfhạs afhaⁿˊ, amoⁿfhạˊsi afhôⁿˊ, silver. amoⁿˊ fhạs ĭ fhiˊ, amofhạˊsi fhi, gold. amôⁿs taˊnufhaⁿˊ, one dollar. amoⁿˊfi ạtkûˊsi, scissors. amôˊfkĕ, scythe. |
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