itxuⁿˊhi, cord, ligament. itoˊ, a man, a male. — itoˊ nûfhaˊ, a man, one man; Itoˊ itxaⁿˊ ĭphibaˊwi, God, “Man-big-above” (see ĭphi). iwâˊ, to sleep. — biwâ, I sleep; tciwâ, you sleep. iˊya, deer. iyaˊ, raccoon (there is a slight difference between this word and the above, apparently, but not certainly, due to accent). iyaˊfhu, blackberry. iyaˊti, pirogue, canoe, boat. — iyaˊti apeˊshihi, steamboat. iyaⁿˊ, woman. iyoˊnakĭ, to mock. — teˊska iyoˊnakĭ, mock-ingbird. ĭⁿfhiˊhi, ifhihiˊ, afraid, scared. — ibaˊfhihi, abaˊfhihi, I am afraid, I am scared; itcaˊfhihi, itciˊfhihi, you are afraid, you are scared. iⁿˊfpĕ, to know. — ibaˊfpĕ, I know; tcaˊfpĕ, you know. akteˊsue iⁿˊfpe, to read; bakteˊsue iⁿˊfpe, I read. ifpheˊwe, you teach; ifphetciˊwe, you teach me. iⁿkheˊhi, it is enough. ĭⁿktaˊwe, to hate. — bĭⁿktaˊwe, I hate. iⁿˊtco, iⁿtcoˊ, body, flesh, corpee. — aˊñkwa iⁿˊtco, a person's body; iⁿtconaⁿˊtci, ghost, spirit, soul of the dead; ạˊñkwa iⁿtcoˊ, somebody's body or corpee. ĭⁿdakiˊ, iⁿdaˊki, iⁿˊdaki, hominy (Creole: gros gru; Mobilian: sagamité). iⁿtheˊ, forehead. — biⁿtheˊ, my forehead; tciⁿtheˊ, your forehead. iⁿtoˊnisi, to make fun of, to joke, to play with (cf. aniˊsi). — abiⁿtoˊnisi, I make fun of; tciⁿtoˊnisi, you make fun of. ĭⁿˊtu, egg. — ĭⁿˊtu fhi, the yolf of an egg, “egg yellow”; ĭⁿˊtu afxoⁿˊ, the white of an egg (both of the above may take aˊbas, “hen,” before them); aˊbas iⁿˊtu, “hen's egg.” ĭⁿˊtufa, ĭⁿˊtufi, town. — ĭⁿˊtufa atkiˊtco ạˊte, he went to town; loˊkobathi iⁿˊtufati atitcoⁿˊ ateˊkna, I am going to the town tomorrow. kạfpxôⁿˊte, to mash, to crush. — bakạfpxôⁿˊte, bakạfpôⁿˊte, I mash, I crush, I squeeze or press; tcạkạfpxôⁿˊte, you mash, you crush. |
kạˊnạtaka, kanạtaˊka, red-headed lizard (Creole: scropion). kạˊshoki, to break. — bakạˊshoki, I break; tcakạˊshoki, you break. k’adeˊsi, spotted. — ạbaˊs k’adeˊsi, guinea-hen, “spotted hen.” kaⁿlạtchĭˊtka, “wood tick” (Creole: puis bois). keˊtci, kˊĕdji, crooked, a bend. — itcaⁿˊ kĕˊtci, crooked stick; aboˊki kêˊdji, river bend. kfaˊhi, old. — doˊkhaˊfi, ĭˊdokhafi, an oldman; doˊkfaˊhi ctoˊhe cteˊkna, are you goind to see the old man? khạtuˊye, to sew. — akhạtuˊye, I sew; tcakhạtuˊye, you sew; ạñkhạtuˊye, needle. kheˊwe, to plow (cf. akx̣eˊ). — aˊmaⁿ kheˊwe, to plow land. kiaˊwĕ, something, what. — kiˊawe tce, what do you say?; kiˊawe tcoˊpteˊkna, what are you doing to get? kifaⁿ, five. kiˊska, small, little, thin (generally of human beings). — iⁿˊtufi kiˊska, a small town; iˊto kiˊska, a thin man. kiskaˊwe, to lend. — bakiskaˊwe, I lend; tcakiskaˊwe, you lend. kĭˊctạcga, nine. kĭˊctatạki, to ity, the pitiable people. — bakĭˊctatạki, I pity; tcakĭˊctatạki, you pity. kithĕˊ, a fight. — aˊkithĕ, you fight! aˊkithĕ miⁿˊtĭ, I fight; aˊñkwa kithĕˊ, one is fighting, aˊkithĕ tciⁿˊti, you fight; aˊkithĕ tcuˊpi, all fight (ourselves and yourselves); kithĕˊhe, they are fighting. kiu: kiukna, to come. — akiuˊkna, I come; tcakiuˊkna, you come; kiuˊkna, he comes; oⁿkiuˊkna, we two come; oⁿkiuknaˊtu, we come; tckiuknatuˊ, you (pl.) come; kiuknatuˊ, they come; aˊshohi kiuˊknao, a rain is coming. bạˊkatcakiuˊ, whence do you come? lĕmôⁿˊti tcaˊkiu, you come here! tcaˊkiu aˊctutĭ, come and eat! atucnạwạ, tcaˊkiu aˊctutĭ, make haste and come and eat! deˊtoⁿni aˊkiubĕ, if he goes I will come. tcakiuˊ, come on! takiuˊ akteˊ, I am going, you are going(?). kobiˊska, slender. — itcoⁿˊ kobiˊska, a slender tree. kofpeⁿˊti, gạfpĭnti, gofpiⁿˊti, to whip. — aˊgạfpiⁿti, I whip; tciⁿgạfpiⁿˊti, you whip; hibabaˊ gạfpĭⁿˊti, añkôfpeˊnti, a whip. aˊni kofpĭˊnti, a wave. |
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