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Page:A Dictionary of the Biloxi and Ofo Languages.djvu/330

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[BULL. 47

ĭfthĕpiˊ, ĭfthĕˊpi, ĭfthĭˊpi, black, also coffee. — aboˊki or aˊni iftĕˊpi, Black river; ĭftĕˊpi itoˊ, black man, negro; teˊska ĭfthĭˊpi, black bird; ĭftheˊpi, coffee; ĭfthepiˊ tcaˊyu, make coffee! tcĭⁿashoˊhi ĭfthĕˊpi, black moss.

ĭftheˊyi, left. — tcak ĭftheˊyi, left hand.

iˊhi, ihiˊ, mouth. — biˊhi, my mouth.

ihiˊ, iⁿhiˊ, hair, feather, wool. — tesk iⁿhiˊ, bird's feather; cĭˊtkạshĭ iⁿhiˊn shhep's wool; apxaˊhi, head hair.

ĭkoˊni, grandmother. — bĭkoˊni, my grandmother.

iˊla, luminary. — noⁿˊpi ila, sun, “day luminary;” upoˊfi iˊla, moon, “night luminary;” upoˊfi iˊla buˊyĕ, the moon shines; iˊla nuˊfha, one month; iˊla ĭⁿtuˊka, sun-gazer or American bittern (Creole: vise-en-l'air).

ilĕˊ, iⁿlĕˊ, to speak, he speaks, language. — ibalĕˊ, I speak; itcaˊlĕ, you speak; tcuˊpi ileˊ, all speak; miⁿˊti baˊle, I speak; tiⁿˊti tciˊle, you speak; oⁿˊti ileˊ, we speak; miⁿˊti iyaⁿˊ ibaˊlĕ, I, a woman, speak. aⁿˊglif iⁿlĕˊ, another language, or the English language; aⁿglifhi iⁿlĕˊ, the Indian language; miⁿˊti iⁿˊlĕ (or iˊlĕ), my language.

ĭletciˊ, ileˊtci, tongue. — tcileˊtci, tcileˊtcĭ, your tongue. — ale tci, to lap; baleˊtci, I lap; tcaleˊtci, you lap; oⁿaleˊtci, we lap.

ĭphi: ĭphibaˊwi iphiˊbowi, ephiˊpawi, up, high, above. — ĭphibawi hạteˊkna, I go up, ĭphibaˊwi itcoⁿˊ, high in the tree; Ĭphibaˊwi-itoˊ, “The-man-up-above,” God; Itoˊ itxaⁿˊ ĭphipaˊwi, up stairs. epiˊtcoⁿ, high up; epiˊtcoⁿ teˊkna, to go up.

ĭˊshi, full.

ĭˊshuˊhi, to stink, to smell bad. — bĭˊshuˊhi, I smell bad; tcĭˊshuˊhi, you smell bad; tcamuwacteˊ tcĭˊshuˊhi, go away, you smell bad!

itcaˊhu, to sing, a song.

itcaˊki, ĭtcaˊki, hand, fingers. — bidjaˊki, my hand; aˊñkwa itcaˊki, someone's hand. ĭtcaˊki toⁿ, itcaˊki tañ, thumb, “big finger” (?); ĭtcaˊki tcĭˊñki, fingers, “little fingers”; tcitcaki añtckuˊ, give me your hand! itcaˊkạpạc leˊki, finger-ring.

itcakoftûˊftu, kidney.

itcaˊmạsi, to salute, to greet, to say “bonjour” to one. — bitcaˊmạsi, I salute.

itcaˊnti, the heart.

itcapi, lips. — bitcaˊpi, my lips.

itcạcpha-aˊhnạku, mushrooms.

ĭtcạthôⁿ, mortar. — ĭtcạthoˊpka, pestle.

ĭtceˊpi, door. — ĭtceˊpi kiˊska, window, “small door.”

ĭtchepiˊ, ĭtchĭpiˊ, dirt, dust.

itchiˊ, fat, oild, grease.

itchoˊhi, green, unripe.

itcoˊlĕ, chief.

ĭtcoˊti, neck, throat.

itcoⁿˊ, itcaⁿˊ, iˊtcoⁿ, tree, wood. — itcatuˊskạ; tcĕtuˊska, a stick. itcạtciⁿˊki oˊphi, a thicket of bushes, lots of bushes. ĭtcofhiˊ, yellow tree (Creole: bois jaune). itcanôˊñki, a fence. itcạˊpheti, torch, “fire stick.” itcapluˊ, thorn-tree. itcaˊni, tobacco.

itaˊtĭska, back. — bitaˊtĭska, my back; tcitaˊtĭska, your back; oⁿtaˊtĭska, our backs; tcitāˊtĭskatu, your (pl.) backs.

iteˊ, iˊte, eˊte, suffer. — biˊte, I suffer; tciˊte, you suffer; ạˊpha iˊte, headache. eˊtete, sick, keeping on suffering (redupl. form); abeˊtete, I am sick; atcĕˊtete, tceˊtete, you are sick; oⁿteteˊ, we are sick.

iteˊhu, to touch.

itxa, iˊte, to have, own, possess. — miⁿˊti txa, it is mine; tciⁿˊty txa, it is yours; ĭtoˊ iˊte, to marry (said of a woman); iyaⁿˊ iteˊ, to marry (said of a man). abaˊṭhĕ tĭnĭñki, I have no dress. hockamiˊtha, my child; tokmiˊtha, tiˊkmitxa, my brother; tokoⁿˊtxa, our brother.

ĭthäˊnạni, wife. — bĭthäˊnạni, my wife; täˊnạni niˊki, a widower, “his wife not”; täˊnạni thĕ, a widower, “his wife dead.”

ĭtheˊfi, theˊfi, belly.

ithoˊhi, itoˊhi, blue. — tĕˊska ithoˊhi, blue-jay.

ĭthoⁿˊ, ithoˊñ, (see ithôⁿˊ), big, large. — iⁿˊtufi txoⁿ, a large town; biˊtx̣oⁿ, I am large; tciˊtx̣oⁿ, you are large; iˊtx̣oⁿ, he is large; tcuˊpi iˊtx̣oⁿ, we (they) are large. aˊno txoⁿ, lots of water, much water.

ithôⁿˊ, to grow (cf. ĭthoⁿˊ, big).

ithoⁿˊfka, sister. — bitxôⁿˊfka, bithoⁿˊfka, my sister; tcitxôⁿˊfka, your sister; bitxoⁿˊfka itxĭⁿˊto, my sister's husband.