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Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/494

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S6S INDEX. Gordon, D. W., of Seaview, British Columbis, 132. Gordon, G., of ftlelbourne, Victoria, (270>. Gorine, K., of Wt-llington, N.Z., (701). Gormley, T., of St. Arnaucl, Victoria, Australia, {G27). Gorimilly, J. J., of Ottawa, Canada, (636). GuukIi, of Frederic ton, New lirunswick, (UOS). GouUi, a., cf i'ort Hope, Canada, (fJTlt. GoYDER. G. W., of WarraUilla, Ald^ate, S A., 6S9. Gnice, Hon. M. S , C.M.G., of Wellington, N.Z., (703). Graeme, P. J. F., of Iligby, Lake Dauphin, Manitoba, Canada, 795. Grant, J . of Tullochgorum, Fiugal, Tasmania, 247. Grant, J., of St. Vincent, West Indies, (746). Grant, J. H., of WoodleiL^h, Herberton, K. Queensland, ■247. Grant, Lieut. -Col. J. M., of King Williainstown, Cape Colony, 861. Grantham-Hill, .ti-e Hill. Grasett, Rev.. Dean of St. James, Toronto, (672). Gray, C, of Waroika, Gisborne, N.Z., (254), 836. Gray, K., of Hughenden, Queensland, «35. Gray, Right Rev. R., Bishop of Cape Town. 836. Grayson, B., of Rosehill, Rondebobch, South Africa, (730). Green, Rev. A., of Toronto, Canada, (466). Green. G. H., of Brisbane, Qaeensland, (363). Greene, M. L., of Kingston, Canada, (275). Greene, M. R., of Greystones, Victoria, Australia, 41. Greene, W. P., of CoUen, co. Louth, afterwards of Vic- toria, 41. Grege:, W., of co. Kent, Ontario, Canada, (772). Gregort, Hon. A. C, C.M.G., of Brisbane, Queensland, 4r). Gregory, Hon. F. T., of Toowoomba, Queensland, 45. Gregory, J., of Western Australia, 45. Gresson, H. B., of Waiora, Canterbury, N.Z., 704. Gresson, J. B., of Papanui, Cbri.^tchureh, N.Z., 704. Ghey, Right Hon. Sir George, P.C, K.C.B., etc., of Auckland, N.Z., 582. Grice. J., of Durban, NatiU, (405). Grice, R., of Melbnurne. Australia, (390). Griffith, Rev. E., of Brisbane, Queensland, 349. Griffith, Hon. Sir S. W., G.C.M.G.. of Merthyr, Bris- bane, Queensland, 348. (Corrloemla,-g xiiiandxix.) Grigg, J., of Finglas, N.Z.. (118), (526). Groom, F., of Harefi»ld, Tasmania, 767. Groom, W. O., of Suva, Fiji Islands, 767. Grove, J. W., of Coldbrook, Long Bav, Tasmania, 333. (Anns, p. 128.) Grove, T., of Sunnybanks. Long Bay, Tasmania, 334. Grubl), Hon. F. W., of Launeeston, Tasmania (190). Grdeber, S. H., of Ormley, Fingal, Tasmania, 243. Guthrie, T., of The Hermitage, Geelong, Victoria, 133, (3G8). Hadfield, Most Rev. 0., D.D., of Wellington, N.Z., (286), (636*. , Hngernian, A., of Upper Canada, (794). Hale, Ven. Archdeacon, of Launcestor, Tasmania, (858). Hall, Rev. C, of Somerset Hall, Jamaica, (528). Hall, E. S.. of Sydney, N.S.W., (33^). (718). Hail, G. W., of Christchurch, N.Z., 53. Hall, Hr J., K.C.M.G., of Hororata, X.Z., 52. (Arms, p. 240; corrioendo, p. six.) Hall, R. W., of Riverton, South Austmlia, (84). Hall, T. W., of Timaru, N.Z., 53. Halliwell, T., of Dunedin. N.Z., (387). Ham, Hon. 1)., of Wivenhoe, Ballatat. Australia, 824. Ham. D. J., of Yalluck Station, N.S.W , 824. Hum, W. T., of Brisbane, Newloundland, 824. Hamer.sley, E., of Pyrtou, near Guildford, W. Australia, (244), (246). Hamilton, Hon. C. E., of Winnipeg, Canada, 832. Hamilton, J., M.D., of West Hamboro, co. Wentworth, Canada, (66s) Hamilton, K., of Hamwood, Quebec, Canada, (467). Hamilton, His Excellency, Sir R. G. C. K.C.B., LL.D., of Hobart, Tasmania, 59, (733). {Cor> i<jcnda, p. xiii.) Hamilton, Hon. T. F., of Eldcrslie, New Gisborne, Victoria, 248. Hamilton, T. M., of Ensay, Victoria, (141). Handfield, Rev. H. H. P.. of Melbourne, Victoria, 347. Handvside, J. S., of Akitio, WeUinston, N.Z.. 693. Hanford, J. T., of St. John, New Brunswick, (35). llanlord, T.. of St. John, New Bruuswick, (607). Ihirbnttle, T., of Hobart, Tasmania, (4ri9/. ll;u die, Rev. A., The Manse, Richmond, Australia,(677). Hakdini;, Hon. G. R., of St. John's Wood, Brisbane, 639, (319). Harding. R., cf Mount Vernon, Hawke's Bay, N.Z., 160). Harper, Most Rev. H. J. C, of Canterbury, N.Z., <237), (358), (498). Harper, Rev. W.. of Christchurch, N.Z., (256). Harrison, K., of Woodbury, Antill Ponds, Tasmania, (190). Harrison, Col. R. M., of Jamaica, (.=i29). Hart, U., of Glenavon, Somerset E. Cape Colony, (24). Hart, U., of Ailsa, Cathcart Distiict, Cape Colony, (if). Hart, W., of Melbourne, Australia, (572). Harvey, A., of Durban, South Africa, (46). Hassan, J., of Mathavi, Campden, N.S.W., (231). Hawdon, A. J,, of Underwood, RangitaU, N.Z., 373. Hawdon, C. G., of Westerfield, Ashburtjn, N.Z., 373. Hawker, E. W., of Adelaide, South Australia, 776, Hawker, Hon. G. C, of The Briars, Medindje, Ade- laide, 777. {Coii'itjcnda, p. six.) IIawkes, G. W., of Boskenna, N. Adelaide, S A., 461, (858). llAY, Hon. Sir J., K.C.M.G., of Rose Hay, N.S.W., 77. Hayes, J., of Schafhausen, Queenstown, Cape Colony, (257). Hayter, H. H., cm G., of "Winterbourue, Arundale, Melbourne, Victoria, 335. Hazen, Hon. R. L., of Canada, (100). Headlau, C-, of Egleston, Macquarie River, Ross, Tasmania, 252. Headlam, J., of Kgk-ston, Macquarie River, Ross, Tas- mania, 253. Ealls-IIeadlev, Walter, of Collins Street, Melbourne, 251. Hearn, Hon. W. E., of Heronswood, Victoria, 107. Hearn, W. E. Le F., of Haniilton, Victoria, 106. {Anna, p. 176; corri(jciida, p. xis.) Hb.th, Cipt. G. P., of Hanworth, Brisbane, 435, (581). Heatlie, Hon. T. T., of Glen HeatUe, Worcester, C. of G. Hope, 278. Hedge, of Civil Service, Canada, (744). Helliwell, J., of Toronto. Canada, (562). Henderson, Dr. A., of Melbourne, Australia, (380). Henderson, A., of Bois Gilbert, St. Malachie, Quebec, Canada, (747). Henderson, J., of Shrublands, Jlelboarne, (4). Henderson, L. C., of the Real Estate Bank, Sydney, N.S.W., (380). Hennings, W., of Fiji, (673). Henty, C, of Kelso, Tasmania, 3. Henty, E., of Muntham, Wannon River, Victoria, 3. Henty, F., of F'ield Place, Studley Park, Kew, Melbourne, 3. Hentv, Hon. H., of Launeeston, Tasmania, and of Victoria, 2, (503). Henty, H., of Launeeston, Tasmania, 3. Henty, Hon. J., of Melbourne, 2. Henty, J., of Sandford, Wannon River, Victoria, 3. Henty, R., of Northlands, Derby, co. Bendigo, Victoria, 1. (Corrigenda, p. xiii.) Henty, S. G., of Portland, Victoria, 4. Henty, W., of Launeeston, Tasmania, 3. Herbert, C. E., of Sydney, N.S.W., (629). Hertslet, H. C, of Hawkesbury, N.Z., (718). Hewgill, H. F., of HolmesUale, Niagara, Canada, 7G2. Higgins, T., of Toronto, Canada, (668). Highett, J., 01 Highton, Victoria, Austraha, 259. Highett, J. M., of Toorak, and Blitiamo Park, Victoria, Australia, 258. {Corrigenda, p. xiii.) Highett, Hon. W., of Richmond, Melbourne, Victoria, , 259. Hill, C. J., of Grahamstown, Cape Colony, and of Smithtields, Orange Free State, S. Africa, (405). Hill, G , of Surrey Hills, Sydney, ^.S.W., (54). Hill, Hon. J., of Ranibi island, Fiji, 632. Grantham-Uill, S. G., of Rockhampton, Queensland, 697. Hill, W., of .Sydney, (54). Hills, R., of Allingtou, Elizabeth Bay, N.S.W., (491). Hockin, R. II., of Oak Lake, co. Dennis, Manitoba, Canada, 483. Hodgkinson, Hon. W. 0., of Toowong, Brisbane, Queensland, 636. Hodgson, Sir A., K.C.M.G., of Eton Vale, Darling Downs Queensland, 407, (167). Holden, G. K., of Rockton, Sydney, N.S.W., (719). lioldrick, — , of Hobart, Tasmania, (265). Holmes, A., of Dunedin, Otago, N.Z., 2j1. Holmes, H., of M;itahiwi, Masterton, N.Z., 723. Holmes, J. S. F., of Matahiwi, Masterton, N.Z., 722. Holmes, Hon. M., of Hawkestone House, Wellington, Awa Moa, Oamaru, Ca=tlerock, Lumsden, and Manipora, Southland, N.Z., 201. HoLRoYD, of Fernacres, Alma Road, Cauliield, Mel- bourne, Victoria, 25. {Arm^, p. 240; corrigenda^ pp. xiii and six.)