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Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/495

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INDEX. Ri'O Holt. W. II., otThf Kirs, P:irramnlta, N.S.W.. and of cilcnpr.iiric, Quopuslnnd, .ustinlia, 2.'il. i34'2). Hoiiil, Dr. .7., of Colac, Victorii, AnstralU, (843). H.iou J. n , of Heleiislca, CaullUW, Victoria, .u«lra- Ma, .Ml. Hooil, U., of Morranc Victoria, Australia, Oi7. Hood, V. 0., of . nandalc, Queensland, 077. Houi>, V. W., of Burcnda, Quconslanrt, G77. lloPK, .V , of Kauranui, ■I'iniaru, and of Kichinond Sta- tion, Cantcrburv, N.Z., 253. (238). IIopETOON, His Ex. The Karl cf, of Victoria, .Vustralia, 36J. Hopkins, J. P., of Capo Colony, (7;iO>. Hopkins, J. R., of Winclu-lsea, Victoria, (301). HoBX, W. A., of llolinvvood, Adelaide, S. Australia, 2.'ie. Horiic, A., of Uuigford. T.asmania, (190). IIOBROCKS, E.. of Adelaide. S.A.. 734. Horrocks. .1. A., of Adelaid?, S.A., T36. Horroeks, L. B., of Napier, X.Z., 735. Horrocks, W. C, of Adelaide. S.A., 736. HoRSKAt.i., J. A., of Surrey Hills, Victoria, Austraha, 637. HovELL. Very Hev. Do R., of Napier. X.Z., 688. Howard, Rev. C. B., of South Australia, (431). Howe, H. A., of Lisccarroll, Montreal, (755). Hudson, J., of Xolsou. N'.Z.. (229). Hume, H., of I'arramatta, N.S.W., 442. Hume. .1. II., of CoUinawood. Ganins, X.S.W., 442. Humphreys, E. W., of Chiistchurcli, Dunedin, N'.Z., nunce'r'foid, E., of Farley, West Maitland, X.S.W., S60. Hunnerford. M. O., of Sydnev, X.S.W., SS8. HusGERKORu. Rev. S. of Enfield, Sydney. N.S.W., 858. IlCTTON, I'rof. F. W,, of Christchurcli, Canterbury, X.Z., 6iC. {Aniit, p. 512.) Ilibott, George, of Tasmania, (.^06). I.ON.'..lNNES Hon. Sir .1. G., of Winslow, Sydney, N.S.W., .i80, 1342), (435). I.onc-Innes, C. JI.. of X.S.W., .'iSO. I.ong-lnnes, C.apt. .1. I... of Sydney, X.S.W., 681. Lone Innes. R. H., of X.S.W., 680. Irhv, K., cU Bolivia, Tenlerficld, co. Clive, X.S.W , 203. WiNTER-lRViNo, Hon.W. I.,of Xoorilim, Goulbuvn River, Moira, CO. Victoria, 165. (Arm.^, p. 362; cori-t- ffenda, y. xix.) Isaacs, of Aucklutid, X.Z., i417). .Tackson, F.S., of Brisbane, Qnecnsl.and, 164. Jackson, F. A., of Jackson Dale, Fiji, l.')S. (.4i-»iJ, p. 352 ; coffigtnda, p. xix.) Jackson, F. R., of Wanganui, N.Z., 163. Jackson, H. B,, of Tdau, Savu Savu, West Fiji, 163. iCoiriffcmfa. p. xix.) Jackson, J. H., of I..;iunceston, Tasmania, lfi4. Jackson, J. H., of Sandford, co. Victoria, 164. (jemht, p. xiii.) .lackson, S., of St. Kiida, Melbourne, 164. Jackson, W., of Melbourne, 164. Jackson, W. H., of Laurel Lodge, Toowong, Brisbane, and Beachwood, Humpybong, Queensland, 434. IAri,i.i. p. 608.1 Jacques, K., of Montreal, Canada, (468). Jago, T. W., of Dunedin, N.Z.. <421 1. James, E. M., of Alcasion, Melbourne, Australia, 645. Jeays J., of Brisbane. (92). Jekyll, H. .r. C, of Gayhurst, Avonside, Canteriiury, X.Z., 1376). .Jenkins, Hon. R. P., of Bamballa, X.S.W., (770). ■ Jennings, Hon. Sir P. A., K.C.M.G., of Double Bay, Sydney, N.S W., 62S. Jersey. His Exeelk^ncy The Earl of, 297. Jillet. J., of Oaklands, T.i.«niania, (7861. Johnson, Hon. G. R..of Wellington, N Z., 343. (.1rni«, p. 288; coi-riif'n'lii, p. xix.) Johnson, of London, Ontario, (849). Johnson, J. W., of Wair.akaia, Gisborne, X.Z., 344. Johnson, T., of Hobart, Tasmania, 333. Johnston, lion. C. J., of lloinewood, Wellington, N.7„, 703, i704i, 18161. .Johnston, Hon. II., of Xcw Brunswick, (640). Johnston, Hon. J., of Homewood, Wellington, N.Z., 702. Johnston. S., of Orna Wliaro. Hawke's Bay, N.Z., 703. Johnston, Hon. W. W., of Wellington, X.Z.. 701. Jollie, K., of Waireka, Patca, Taranaki, X.Z., 38.'!. Jones. A. K., of Halifax, Nova Scolia, 758. Jokes, Hon. A. G., of Bloomingdale, Halifax, X.Z., 737. Jones, C., of Weymouth, nighy co , N.S., >685). Jones, Right I'.ev. L., Bishop of Xewfoundland and Bernnula, of St. John's, Newfoundland, (23t;(. (Corri- Jones, Capt. R., of Halifax, X.S., 1 10.3). Jordan, H., of Shirhy, Brisbane, Queenslnnd. 678. Jordan, H. R. II., of Townsville, Queensland, 678. Joseph, of Toronto, Canada, (849i. Joseph, a. E., of Pavo Park, Somerset, Cape Colony, (406). Joiirneaux, E., of Melbourne, Canada, (7.^<), JuEitJs, Right Rev. C, of Chrlstchurch, N.Z., 688. Kateb, Hon. H. E., of Mount Broughton, Moss Vale, X.S.W., 165. {Armt, p. 3.')2.) hater. H. H., of Bunguribbee, and Calcula, Orange, N.S.W. . 106. Kay, C. P.. of Brookshaw, Pigeon Bay, Canterbury, X.Z., (376). Kay, J., of Toronto, Canada, (669). Kecne, W., of Bando, N.S.W., (307). Kennedy, Sir A., K.C.B., of Queensland, 473. Kennedy, J., of Keswycke, Gunning, N.S.W., 44;. Kennedy, J., of Appin, N.S.W.. 442. Kensedv, W. M., of Ellerslic, Ellham, Taranaki, X.Z., 279. {Vtyi^riijtntki, p. xix.) Kent, J., of Queensland, (731). Kermode, Hon. It. Q., of Mona Vale, Ross, Tasmania, (443;, (475). Kermode, W.. of Mona Vale, Tasmania, (320). Kersteman, W., of Torato, (670). Kettle, C. C, of Wanganui, New Zealand, 611. Kettle, C. H., of ntago, N.Z.. 611. King, A. S., of Melbourne, Australia, 187, (276). Kino, A. S., of .Madford, Kcw, Victoria, Atistralia, .596. King, G , of Napier, N.Z.. (718). King, J., of Nanibrok, Roscdale, Victoria, Atistralia, 188. (CorriqiMda, p. XX.) King, Hon. P., of I'anksia, Sydney, N.S.W., (228). King, P. G., of Boisdale, Gippsland, Victoria, I8H. King, Capt. P. G., of X.S.W. , 187. (276), (697), (748). Kino, Hon. P. G., of Banksia, Double Bay, Sydney, 185. ("oi-riflciiii'i, p. XX.) King, Rear-Admiral P. P.,F.R.S.,of Dunheved, Penrith, N.S.W.. 187. (276). Kingsbury, Hon. J. .1., of Brisbane, Queensland, (824;. KiNNEAR, U. IL, of Brookong House, Toorok, 130. Kirk. B., of .Sydney, (14). Kirkh.am. J. K., of Oxley Rains, Australia, (741). KiBKPATRicK, Lieut.-Col. G. A., of Cloaeburn, Kingston, Ontario, 360. {Voa-iiicnilu. p. XX. I Kirkpatrick, S.. of Frontenac, Canada, i438). Kitchener, A. B., of Waiheni Grange, Dunback, Otago, N.Z., 181. Klingcnder, E., of Toorak. Victoiia. (172). Knight, Col. Charles, of Jamaica, i,539). Knight. Hon. Sir W.M. .M., LL.D., of Wallaroy, Sydney, X.S.W., (178). Knox, Hon. F.., of Fiona, Sydney, N.S.W,, (140), (557). Van Koughnet, A. II. S , of Toronto, Canada, 706. Van Kodounet, Capt. B., of Toronto. Canad.l. 705. Van Koughnet, M. 11.. of Toronto, Canada, 706. Van Koughnet. M. S., of Toronto, Canada, 706. Van Koughnet, Col. the Hon. P., of Canada, 706. Van Koughnet, S. J., cf Toronto, Canada, 706, (738). Labebtocche, P.p.. of Melbourne, Victoria, 361. l)e Labilli^rc, C.E.. of Port Philip, Australia, 419. De Labillikbe, H. p., of Victoria, Australia, 418. ( ( o)TWe.i((<i. p. XX.) Lakey. Hon. John, of New South Wales, (510). I.aidley, J., of Kosebank. Sydney, N.S.W., 188, (166). Laiulev, Hon. W G., of Hillside, Sydney, 1.18. Laiiie H 1)., of New Glascow, Nova Scotia (236). Lamb W., oi Kainbala, and Rooty Hill, N.S.W., (22). Lamb. W.. of Greystaincs, Sydney, N.S.W., (784). Lange, Peter, of Uitenhage. S. Africa, (406). LAN<iToN. Hon. K., of Toorak, Melbourne, Australia, 679. Labnach', 1)., of New .South Wales, 447. Lawson, W., of Veteran Hall, Prospect, Uomebu»h, X.S.W., (275). I.ATXAN, G., of Wonnerup, Sussex, W.A., 525. Layman, G. W., of Willgarrnp, Black ivood, W.A., 525. Leacock, E. P., of The Hill, Birlle, JIanitoba, Canada, 823. Leake, C. IL, of Rosedale, CainpbcH;own, Tasniania, 606. I/nke, J., of Tasmania, 607. Leake, Hon. G. W., ((.C. of Perth, W. .Vustralia, (236). Iz-ake' L., of Perth Queensland, (4). Leabmonth, J. R., of Euineralla West, Macarthur, Victoria. .Vustralia, 266. LivingstoneLeabmontii, T.. of Melbourne, 664. (Coi-- ri</'Htht, p. XX.) Leabmonth, P. of Prcstonholino, Hamilton, Victoria, Australia, 264 De Leiy. J. G. A. F. C, of Quebec, Canada, i4i). 3 K 2