Page:A General Biography of Bengal Celebrities Vol 1.djvu/187

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178 LIFE OF BABU RAM GOPAL GHOSE. with gay dresses, and the senior classes will be examined on general subjects and in the evening the frontage of the College will exhibit a brilliant display of fire- works. Here then is to be a new feature in the College examination, viz., there is to be no recitations or acting as in former years. I do not know if I informed yon in my last that I have given order for building an iron steam-boat. It is now being built at Kashipore by an experienced European. I expect it will be completed in 3 or 4 months. I will of course let it, when I io not want it for my use. After this I may probably some day take a trip to Chittagong to do myself the pleasure of squeezing you by the hand. Ac. &c- Yours affectionately, Ram Gopal Ghosb. 8 miles to the North of Calcutta, Uth June 1839, Sunday. My dear Gobind, Here am I at a beautiful place on the banks of the River in the company of sweet Tonoo (Babu Bam Tonoo Lahiry) and •f removed from busy life's bewildered ways." Turton, Dr. Bromby, and Mr. Smith of the Sudder Court and other bigwigs have occupied this garden before, and it is well-known under the name of the Kamarhatty Groves. Since the beginning of last month I have had bad health, though not actually laid up, and I came down here last night in the hope of improving my health by a fornight's stay, though I must arrange to attend my office from to-morrow, &c. &c. &c. Ever Yours affectionately Bam Gopal Ghosb.