Page:A General Biography of Bengal Celebrities Vol 1.djvu/188

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HIS PRIVATE LETTERS. 179 Calcutta, 8ith November, 1859. My dear Gobind, Last night I had the pleasure to receive yonr few lines of the 11th instant, in which you very justly complain of my prolonged silence. I do not know how to excuse myself. I have certainly been overhead with business, and have not been very well either for the last 2 months, having been troubled with that very obstinate disease, the pile. I have also had the misfortune lately to loose a young sister of mine. But notwithstanding all these palliative circums- tances I should have found time to reply to the letters of one whose correspondence and friendship are, I can sincerely assure you, highly- esteemed. But I hope to be more regular in future and make amends for the past &c &c Ac. In the last meeting of the* S. A. Q. K, ( Society for* the acquisi- tion of general knowledge )' our" friend Peary Chand Miter produced the first portion of his History of India; It was a very admirable paper. It was well written, and shewed that he had been at grea6 pains to collect information. In the November meeting, the second portion was read which sustained the reputation* he had already won. He will continue to favour the Society with A great many more numbers before his subject" comes to a conclusion, -f am sorry to sajr that the attendance is not quite so full as it used to be. I am afraid we may have another instance of the temporary zeal of the so-called educated natives in the approaching decline of this society; A GLIMPSE OF HIS MERCANTILE LIFE. All our friends are quite well Babu Kalachand, ( Sett ) Tara Chand, ( Chuckerbuty ) Peary ( Chand Mitter) Russik (Krishna Mulik), Madhub Chundra MuUife, his nephew Bhola Nath have all turned their attention to trading. And lam very' happy to say, some of them have made very fair profits. I am also thankful to say that my own trading operation* with England hate been very successful. ( The Italics are ours). Should I be equally successful for 2 or 3 yean more, I will give up the business of my