Page:A General Biography of Bengal Celebrities Vol 1.djvu/189

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180 LIFE OF BABU RAM GOPAL GHOSE. mployer, and become an independant merchant — an honourable profession, the prospect of which thrills me with delight CORRESPONDENCE WITH Mb. W. ADAM. I have lately received a kind letter from Mr. "W. Adam who is now living at Boston with his family. He sent me an United States Periodical containing a characteristic article from his pent defending the character and labors of Ram Mohnn Roy from the attacks of a missionary traveller Mr. Malcolm. I hope to carry on a regular correspondence with him. GYAN AN ASH U N NEWSPAPER AND ITS EDITORIAL MANAGEMENT. I should mention to yon before I conclude that at a meeting of a few select friends lately held in my house at the request of Baba Ram Chnnder Miter, and Horo Mohan Chatterjea the present con- ductors of the Cfyanafuuhun, to take into consideration different points connected with the management of that paper. I was requested to take up the editorial management of it. I hare not yet acceded to the proposal, and I think, there are weighty reasons for declining i^ I have little leisure end less ability to conduct i*, and the conse- quence is, I will feel it to be a great bore. And unless it can be better managed than it is at present, it is not worth while to take it up. But after all, should the paper dovolve upon my hands, you may be sure to be constantly bothered by me for contributions. In fact it is the hope of being largely supplied with news by you that some times induces me to change my mind. And I am quite sure that I have no muf usil correspondent who will more ably and more cheer* fully respond to my calL Ever Yours affectionately Ram Go pal Chose Baba Gobind Chuuder Basak Deputy Colleotor Sultanpur, Chittagong.