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Page:A Grammar of the Telugu language.djvu/32

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The initial ఏ ē is usually changed into యా yā. Thus ఏబయి ēbai, (fifty) is always written and pronounced యాభయి yābhai; and ఏతం ētam, a swape or pump, is written యాతం yātam. Yet in the dictionary such words are always placed under the vowel initial, for reasons which (like some other anomalies in the Alphabet) will be explained in the rules regarding Prosody, and Elision.

It will be observed that the six letters which write ి over without touching them, likewise have ĕ and ē written in the same manner.

ఐ ai Thus ఐశ్వర్యం aiswaryam, (prosperity) This is sounded like I in like or y in Thy or like ei in height. But ai is the only spelling which is justified by Etymology.

Words beginning with this vowel use the shape ఐ in the dictionary; but in common use this is laid aside, and అయి AYI is substituted. Thus ఐనాను (I became) is written అయినాను ayinānu. Under the vowel ఇ it has been shewn that యి yi is used for i, and in fact does not retain the sound of y (which is reckoned as a consonant) Thus what is written a-yi-nānu, is pronounced ai-nā-nu. The second form is ై Thus కై kai ఖై khai గై gai &c. The six letters have neither of these touching them. The forms therefore are as follows.

కై ఖై గై ఘై చై ఛై జై ఝై టై ఠై డై ఢై ణై తై థై దై ధై పై ఫై బై భై మై యై రై లై ళై వై శై షై సై హై క్షై.