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Page:A Grammar of the Telugu language.djvu/33

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ఒ is short ŏ as in prŏduction. The long form is ఓ as in boat, moan, repose. The two sounds ŏ and ō are similar to o in hŏney and mōre as pronounced in Derbyshire.

These initial forms are found in the dictionary but are laid aside in common use, (Symbol missingTelugu characters) vŏ and (Symbol missingTelugu characters) vō being substituted.

But the consonant V is not pronounced. Thus (Symbol missingTelugu characters) is simple ŏ and (Symbol missingTelugu characters) is ō Accordingly.

(Symbol missingTelugu characters) ŏppu (right) is written (Symbol missingTelugu characters)

ఒకటి ŏcati (one) is written (Symbol missingTelugu characters) or even వకటి

ఒత్తుట​ ŏttuta (to press) is written (Symbol missingTelugu characters)

ఓగు ōgu (wicked) is written (Symbol missingTelugu characters)

ఓపిక​ ōpica (patience) is written (Symbol missingTelugu characters)

ఓసీ ōsī (madam) is written (Symbol missingTelugu characters)

The short vowel has two second forms. viz ొ as కొ co గొ ఖొ kho &c.

The six letters ఘ &c. write this separate, as ఘ‍ొ. But they usually adopt the second form.

The second form is compound of ె ĕ and ు the sign of u Thus కెు is co, (Symbol missingTelugu characters) గెు go ఖెు kho &c.

The six letters write the ె separately, as usual The long vowel is formed by adding the accent to ొ thus కో cō గో gō ఖో khō &c.

Or by adding ె (dirgham) to the ు thus కెూ cō ఖెూ khō గెూ gō &c.

This compound form is used by all consonants but all of them do not use the simple form.