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26 s (both II Vse'n). Hithpo*. be cast doum, despairing : Impf 3 fs. nrftofn ^ 42 7 , 2 fs. ••nninpR v 612 43 s (all c. subj. TS?). tn© adj. low, lowly; — cstr. D^T™? 3>22 n loivly of eyes, humble. t[rT , nYiiJ' 1 ] n.pr.m. in Simeon (mng.?); — t5^1 1CI14 36 ; laaovia, leaovta. J^FTIi^ vb. slaughter, beat (orig. beat, - T 84 , _ _ ^ay 1 cf. As. sahdtu,flay, take g^dress ; Ar. Jaiv- sZay (but -=£; is this loan-word in Ar.]); NH = BH, esp. in ritual);— Qal Pf. 3 ms. 'v Je 3 9 6 4-, sf. ion?'? consec. LV3 2 , etc.; Impf. 3 ms. orf) Lv 4 24 + , 2 fs. *»n?frl! Ez 1 6 21 , 3 mpl. 8 f. vnontyjl Ju 12 6 ; Imv. mpl. '&"?' Ex 12"' 2 Ch 35«; '/»/ abs. &ne> Is 22"; cstr. OW? Gn 22 10 , Di- Ez 40 39 , sf. DBq^ (Ges i64a ) Ez 2 3 39 ; iY oc«. CrrtB' Is 66 3 , etc.; pas*, JMntf iKio 18 +, etc.;—slaughter: 1. beast for food 1 S 1432.34.34 Is 2213 ((Symbol missingHebrew characters)), cf. Lv 173.3, for blood Gn 3731 (E). 2. usu. (51 t.; Hex only P, 38 t.) term, techn. of killing sacrifice (BJacobZAW xvii (1897). 51), 1 S 125 Ex 29" Lv i 511 4 24 9 3 Nu 19 3 2 Ch 2 9 22 - 22 - 24 + ; abs. Ez 4 o 41 (b« loc.) ; bird Lv i 4 5 « M - 51 ; beast in illicit sacrifice Is66 3 ; c. ace. of sacrifice (^V, DfK, DWSn, etc.) Ez 40 39 (b« loc), v 42 44 11 Lv 4 24 7 2 1 4" + ; ' passover lamb tEx 1 2 6 , ace. npsn tv 21 2 Ch 30 15 35' 6 ' 11 Ezr 6 20 . 3. slaughter pers. Ju 126 1 K 1840 2 K 10714 ((Symbol missingHebrew characters) loc), 2 K 257=Je396a=5210a, Je 396b, = 52 10b,417;(Symbol missingHebrew characters) subj. Nu 1416 (JE); in human sacrifice Gn2210 (E), to false gods Ez 1621 2339 Is 575. 4. pt. pass. =beaten, hammered, (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 1 K 1016.17 = 2 Ch 9 1 "-", of shekels 2 Ch 9 lib ; so also Je 9 7 Qr tflne> fn ( > Kt Bnte>) hammered (i. e.sharpened) arrow. tWipn. 7w/>/. 3 ms. Bnt^ Nu 1 1 22 (J) be slaughtered for food (subj. beast); 3 fs. onfn Lv 6 18 ' 8 (P) be slain, of sacrifice.

t [rTC^rrcJ] n. f . act of slaying ; — cstr. t^npsri nc^nV 2 Ch 30 17 . trTCn© a .f. (Qal Inf. cstr. Ko'- 263 ) doubt- ful word ;—WW &W '& Ho 5 2 RV (cf. AV) the revolters are gone deep in slaughtering [' Opferschliichterei ' Ko ;"• »• "»■ ■• >], EwNow (formerly), Che iw corrupting (rd. then nnnK'); We Now GASm Marti D'B^n nnB> Aow »iac/e deep the pit of Shiftim (as place of idolatry). pntp v. v. *yrnp v. [T>^]. tDTRtf l8 3 7 30 =^np (in ||2Ki9 M ), q.v.


t Snt^' (/of foil.; Dl ProlM cp. As. laMlu, call, proclaim; perh.both onomatop., as Ar. J»jl bray (ot ass), cf.No ZMGll<1886) ' 725 ). 'rnO a.m. lion (poet.);— abs. 'e> Ho 5" + , ^nt? Jb4 ,0 + ; — lion, sim. of ", toward Israel Ho 5" (|| ^B?), 13 7 (1| ">??); of guilty men Jb 4 10 (|| nnK, CTSS); fig. of foes ^91" (|| l 1 ?!); Ziore, as hunted io 1 ' 6 (in sim.); lit. Jb 28 s Pr 26 13 . trT>n© n. f. an ingredient of the holy incense, +19J, ^0, Ex 30 34 ; ®%Sw$,<myx (whence AV onycha), i.e. unguis odoratus, the operculum, or closing-flap, of certain molluscs, with pungent odour when burnt, v. Thes l38S Di Shipley-Cook *■><*. bh>. o-ycha . g0 most; KG Jacob ZMQl,m(1889) ' 354 prop, amber. TW (/of foil.; cf. Ar. ^£JL be hot, then inflamed; Aram. JOB', ^2*. be warm, heat). trn© n.m. boil, coll. eruption ; — on man 2 K 20 7 =Is 38 21 , in & Dt 28 s Jb 2 7 ; possibly leprous Lv 1 3 '"»* Oft rqfa 1 3 23 (v. 'V ; all P), in Egypt, on man and beast Ex 9 » 101111 (all P), cstr. Ofty? V}f Dt 28 27 . ^nl^' (-/of nsne> and poss. of *int?; Ar. i_l^ is pare, peel off; also affect with con- sumption of lungs ; i_ili*i consumption, so JAram. Knsne* [f or nBTOJ). t [nnC?] n. [m.] prob. sea-mew, guU (cf. © 93) (from attenuated body, Thes) ; so Post Hast. DB CDCKOW ip r j g 4- r NHB210ff.. g( erna fl UV iatiUs, OT tern Id FFP135 M'Lean-Shipley EnwI " bI[> ;— 'lDfn Dt i4 l5 =Lv 11 16 (P), in list of unclean birds. triDn© n.f. wasting disease, consumption Dt 28 22 Lv 26'° (H). YUM (•/of foil.; cf. NH act proudly, and deriv.; Aram. Ksru? Hon (t^ 17 12 edd.); Eth. J^chfa be insolent; Ar. u l«Ji is rise, be elevated; jX-ivi. bulky, man of rank, but (J i = !5' 1). t ftrTO] n. [m.] dignity, prito;— JtJjfT^ i.e. majestic wild beasts Jb 28 s (|| W), 41 s6 . tntaisneJKt, rra^ri© Qr (i.e. [dw] + H_j_) n.pr.loc. in Issachar J0S19 22 ; Art SaAeiii Kara tfdXao-o-av, A®L 2aafiiia(6). t [pnti^] vb. rub away, beat fine, pul- verize (so Ar. jj^wl , (_f«-^ worn garment, thin clouds; Aram. PUf, <aLm, pulverize; Ecclus