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nn© pnc 6 36 is go often (wear by treading), Str cp. iter terere) ;— Qal Pf. 3 pi. D^P V™ O^SK Jb 14" waters rub away stones; 2 ms. ApO?/! Ex 30 36 (P; of pulverizing incense, v. ppi Hiph,); fig., ace. of foes, Impf. 1 s. sf. Ep.ntJ'XI 2S22 <3 (||ppn)=^i8* 1 . tpnc a. m. Fr3 ' a> dust, cloud (as fine, thin) ;— 'e> abs. ^ 89 73S , cstr. Is 4c- 15 ; pi. &$nf Dt 3 3 M + ;— I. fine dust, ^3]NO 'B> Is 4 o 15 (sim. of insignif.). 2. (thin) cloud, usu. pi. (oft. II D W), Dt 33 M (poem), Is 45 8 Je 51 8 Jb 35 5 3 6» 37 21 38" V36 6 57" 68* 77" 78 ra 108 5 ; opp. dnn P^S 28 ; 'B* *3| 2S22 12 =Vn8 12 ; = heavens, sky Jb 37 18 (c. JTP"!'!'), and (sg.) f 8 9 7 3S . "lh© v. ">in"tf. fl. "int^' vb. be black (NH line* and deriv., Mac&, blackness, etc., Ecclus 25" Hiph. make black ; Aram, "in^ (Jastr Dalm), Aph. grow black, so jJL*., )lLa+. coal; Jager 8 * 8 "- 295 cp. As. sum, coal, lurinnu, fire-pot); — 'e>, of skin Jb 30 30 . •Hi!"!® n.[m.] blackness;— CHNn '#D ^n La 4 s . t-l'TO adj. black;— Vof hair Lvi3 3, ' 37 (P), so fpl. r"">ne> Ct.5 11 ; of skin, fs. TTfinf i» ; of horses, mpl.' Dnhf Zc S". tniin© n.f. ace. to De Comm Ruetschi K * u blackness, viz. of hair (so $), i.e. (EV) prime of life (which Wild allows); usu. dawn of youth (II. - v) ;— Ec 1 1 ,0 ( + nnb:). t ffinr W j Ges 584in ] adj. blackish (Gann jA8i8w.F.v.-ii«,.i66.no.4i ) cp j ST n pr irrw on seal = 'le brun');— f. rnrpnf Ct i 6 . t-nnttJN n.pr.m. in Judah, called "?« '«  yipJ? I Ch 8* 4 s ; A<rxo>, 2apa ; A Ao-SuS, Aa^ovp ; ©L Aaaap, Atromp. II. inttf (-/of foil.; MI» mne>, Ar. As. seru, NH inc', Aram. *& all tZaic»). tin© n.m. Gnl9 - ,5 dawn;— abs/B* iS 9 M + , in^ J u 19 25 + ; sf. ITJW Is 47 11 (but read prob. >*~}U&) ; — dawn, c. n?y rose Gn 1 9 15 32 2 " 7 Jos 6 15 (all J), Ju 19 25 1 S 9* Ne 4" Jon 4 7 ; opp. ns'JJ Am 4 13 ; as adv. at dawn + 57'= 108 s ; 'B^Sysy Jb3 9 4 i 10 ; 'C- , S33^i39«; no 3 rd.prob. / B i Drn (v.inipp infr.);'!? also Jb38 12 , in sim. Ho 6 3 (but rd. 'nssp? J3 *nne>3 as inf., v. following, Gie n.itr. a» W g Now GASm Marti), Is 58 s Ct 6 10 , Jo 2 s (al. blackness, ||^5?1 ',3V); 'B>~f3 Is 14" (of star, fig. of royal splendour; — lit. as myth RS K 30 °); '0 i^> PS Is 8 20 is obscure, so also '#? Ho io ls (We in storm, i.e. I?^?). — Is 47" usu., but improbably, dawn (origin) of calamity : JHMich Hi Ew Rod (Thes) De Di al. charm away { RVm) (Ar. ^JL enchant (We Held - 2 - l59 ' 20 °), JJL- enchantment [=Sab. inD DHM "<""""• 24 -']); but v. [iriB*]. I [in®] vb.denom. look early, diligently for (late; orig. look for dawn); — Qal Pt. 2a -rp p r 11 27 (II Bfea, wy), eUewhare Pi. c. ace. (sf.) Pf. 3 ms. sf.iBID Vintf p r if* seeks him early (with) discipline (chastises him be- times); 2 ms. sf. consec. WNl Hr0 Jb7 21 ; lit. Inf. T3? "^ Pi-7 13 ; of wild asses, Pt.

  • R*fl , " | n#» Jb 2 4 5 (Ges » lao u ) seeA*'^ eagerly for

their food ; usu. of seeking God () earnestly, Pf. t xf*y$ ^ 78 31 (|| Brn), / m p/. 2 ms. ^S-^K intpn Jb 8 5 (si vera 1.), 3 ms. sf. *?3™JS* (Ges i60e ) Ho 5 15 (|| B*i53), + 6 3 (v. 1HB/), and, ace! wisdom, Pr I 23 , P<. sf. 'inPD p r 8 17 ; see^; with longing, long for ('■>), iQnBW Is 2 6 9 V' 63 2 . rvnrrt v. i. idb*. tin©Q n.[m.] dawn;— 'O Dmcfiio 1 , but D prob. dittogr., read inB* (Du, cf. Buhl), tn^in© n.pr.m. in Benjamin, 1 Ch S w ; a(n)p(a)ia. TD^in© n.pr.m. in Benjamin, 1 Ch 8 8 ; aapi;X[fi], ©L Hcapav. [J"intf] vb. go to ruin(?), only der. spec. (NH Hiph. = BH, Ecclus. nnW 30" corrupt act; Ar. vS»^ extirpate; Eth. (thi injure, violate; TelAm. sahdtu is fall (esp. of city), be prostrate (1 of land), perh. Canaanism (v.Wkl™ AmVoc,b ), As.poss.*e<M,/ee, escape (cf. niS) ; OAram. (Zinj.) nnv destroy lab* 7 *, Aram. rinB', ^u»jk (assim. of K), mutilate; — very improb. Gerber 179 denom. from int?) j^+Niph. be marred, sjtoiled, Pf. 3 ms. nnB'J, of waistcloth. Je 1 3', vessel 1 8 4 ; be injured, or even (hyperb.) ruined, Impf. 3 fs. nn^n Ex 8 20 (J) of land (21VH V.? 1 ?); be corrupted, corrupt, in morals and rel.,' of earth, Pf. 3 fs. nnnf 3 Gn 6 12 (P), Impf. 3 fs. 'Sn VBb 'B'ni v" (P); so Pt. fpl. as adj. ninnf? Ez 20". tPi. Pf. 3 ms. nnB* Ex