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covering); 3 mpl. + lnf. abs. niDB> Dnp *ntplp»l Nu 1 r 12 (J) they spread (sc. the quails) for them- selves all abroad round about the camp (i.e. to dry them; 93 siccaverunt ; cf. DiGray); Ft. Tfyb ntSC? Jb 1 2° expanding the nations (cf. ? 3 b). Pi. Pf. i s. "SS f§B "WJt# ^ 88 10 7 have spread out unto thez my palms. t[ntOlWp] n.[m.] spreading-place (NH for drying figs, etc., (ARSKennedy I!, " ! '• B " , • FB„.T,is68^ ; _ cstri Qsp-in nDBT? Ez26 iM . trritSttJT? n.[m.] id.;— D'cnn^'D EZ47 10 . Btttf v. DIB', D'tstf v . supra. flLJti^ vb. overflow, rinse or wash off (NH id., so J Aram. 'lDB' ; As. iatdpu, overflov), Ar.i_sk- id., Cuche) ;— Qal Pf. 3 ms/B* Is8 3 +, etc.; Impf. 3 ms. *$fa 1 K22 38 , etc.; Ft. %(W Isio c - + , pi. B'BDB* Is28 2 ; — 1. over/low, of river Is 8 s Je 47 2, (v. TH}), Dn n 10 - 40 , all fig. of invading army, cf. Is 28 15 (qy. by Sta™* **• 1894 ' » Du Marti id. DCB* Bit?), v 19 (v. DIB*), also (sim. of' in judgment) v 2 (D?P), 30 28 , of judicial destruction, nirjS tmw Is io 22 ; c. ace. of land Je 47 sb , Pers. (fig.) Is 4 3 2 («•*«??), + 6 9 » ("^), v 16 (D:p 'B>), 124* (°3?). cf. Is 28 17 Ct 8 7 ; DB*3 S)t2iE> flooding rain (of V s judgment) Ez n" 13 38 K ; nPiB* ?nj I s 66 12 , sim., in good sense. — Abs. Dn 1 1 2C v. Niph. — Fig. of dashing, rushing horse, npni>B3 'IB* D1D3 J e 8 6 . 2. flow, run, lit. of bn? ^ 78 20 2 Ch'32 4 . 3. lit, rinse or tcas/i 0^, c. ace. of thing washed 1K22 33 , VT D'.p Lvi5"(P); of stain Ezi6 9 (^VD; || YUT); HJPHj Jb 1 4 19 . Nipt. Impf. 3 ms.' BJ» IDE* Lv 1 5' 2 6e rinsed out, off (P ; of wooden vessel) ; 3 mpl. VJS?P totpB^ Dn 1 i^ie sw>e;rf away (de- feated), read prob. <"|Dt£ (for *|be»), also v 26 (cf. Dr). Pa. P/. 3 ms. Wm tppw) pjbl Lv 6 21 (P) t'i sAaW 6e scoured and rinsed. ^fpV, t%& n.m. SEl -" flood;— abs. «]DB> Na i 8 + 3 t.; cstr. V Pr if, V * 32 s ;— flood, fig. of '»'„ judgment', I3j> 'B* Na 1 8 , cf. Dn 9 s6 , nijTll T0n 1 1 22 (cf. Dr); of calamity, D'31 D'D 'B^S*; «1N 'B* Pr 27 4 a/ooa" 0/ an^«r; so *|Sj?. *?f Is 54 8 (V for t3 bef. foil. V Ew Di ; > Du Che Marti del/e-asdittogr.); t lpB*lit.ofrainflood, Jb 38 s . "lEJH/ (-/of foil.; As.iatdru,write,Sab.-UQ Hom chr124 DHM Ep o I """" nArl "- 21lv - 2 ; Ar. p»L r«Z«  (a book), wt'te, Ji»J row, line; Aram. X"]PB' ) J4* document, so Hilpr 8 *"- El "-'- 8 CIS" 67 , Nab. Palm. TOP Lzb 374 : Horn" 1 " 1 - 69 all from As.).

h«ti t"^I2ty n.m. official, officer (prop, scribe, secretary 3 or fr. original meaning as arranger, organizer ?);— abs. '& Pr 6 7 , '& 2 Ch 26"; pi. CnOE' Dt 1 l5 + , etc.; — appar. subordinate officer, judicial,civilormilitary(cf.Dr D,1 - ,5 Gray NuU ' 16 ): organizing people for marching Jos 1 l0 3 2 (both E), cf. Dt 20 b - 89 ; appointed over Isr. by Egypt, overseers Ex 5 14 , cf. v 8101319 (all J) ; elsewhere + D , ?&!Nuii" , (E), Dt29 9 3 i ffl ; + 0'DDfe> i6 18 1 Ch 23 4 26 s , +'? et 'BB> Jos 8 s3 (R 6 ), and (-rD'tftO) 2 3 J (B D ), 24 1 (E, or R D ); 'DB* as minor judges also Dt 1 u ; ^rrns D^nnBTSn 'OV 1 Ch 27 1 , chosen from Levites 2 Ch 19" 34 13 (+Dnflto, D-iyiB'); as title of individ. 26 11 (|| nsiDri); of ant, tytA IDB*. J'Vi? rfyfQ Pr 6 ; . TvTipQj n.pr.m. an official of David, 1 Ch

w Kt(>Qr , D-jE'); Aaaprms, Carpal. 

t [itOtrJC] n.m. rule, authority;— sf.npfp Jb 38 s3 (of heavens over earth). "M© n.m. gift offered as homage (/dub.; perh. in spite of & = ^J>, Ar. ^J^, vb. wish, • °-l thing (weakened fr. thing desired); cf. J*sn 4);—'^ y& Is t 8 7 , 'B* 'irsjf f 76 12 , W '3V 68 30 . N" 1 ^ n.pr.m. 2 S 20 25 Kt, v. SIB*. TpN' , ffi n.pr.loc. in Issachar, Jos 19", Vltava, 2f/w. I. nn , y v. 3B". 11. TOTD v. 31B*. T T t[rref3 vb - onl y Q* 1 /jw ?/ a P° c - sr^I ■** '^3 D t 32 18 , but <read n|*n (II. nc-j) <A« 5ocA which begat thee thouforgattest,Sa,m.ttWT),T)i Dr. tWaS n.pr.m. in Eeuben, iCh u 42 , Smf.., Sifai. [n*'©'], rrrniJ v. me, tlin 1 © n.pr.flam. on border of Egypt, prob. E. branch of Nile J— tn Jos 1 3 3 , BS3JB 'B* 1 Ch 13 5 ; clearly = Nile, in?' V1J Is 23 s (|j -I'JTj? -it<)), nW *5 J e 2 18 ; cf. Dl r * 3 " Wilson "**•• vi> 8HiaoB ^ usu <J er ived from I. "iriB', as black water, but doubtful). tn217 "Yl!~TO n.pr.flam. in Asher, Jos I9 26 ; ru 2«ui>[p] icai Aa@apa6 ; poss. Nahr ez- Zerkd, S. of Carmel, and just N. of Caesarea, Wilson H " ,DBRa, " 0BL,B " 4TH , but v. Buhl 0105 . WW v. I. DIE*. "b% iV{}, n.pr.loc, ^'W etc., v. nV- 3 T