nw (H)8 PRO®
2 r +, sf. *jnnc> Ho i 3 »; 2 ms. nn# Is 14*°+,
etc.; Zmv.mpl. W^JeS 10 ; Inf.cstr. flntf Gn 13'°+. e* c ->" — 1- «po«V, rw'n, ace. of eye Ex 21 " (E), vineyard Je 1 2 10 (fig.), branches Na 2 3 (fig.), also = destroy, ace. pers. 2 S i 14 14" (ace. om.), Ez 5" 2o' 1'??"^? Gn 6 ' ; 9 1 " ( p ). cit y. fortress, etc.,Gni3 10 i9 ,3M (allJ),2S2 4 ,6 Je5 ,0 (acc.om.), 48 18 Ez 26 4 43 3 La 2 s , ruin temple v 6 , nation Ho 11 9 1 3* (read perh. I^n?* OortNow), land 2 K i 9 12 (Hiph. in || Is 37 ,s ), Ju 6 s Jos 22 M (P), Ez 22 s0 30", earth Gn 9" (P); c. h obj. (? 3 b), city 1S23 1 ", pers. Nu32 ,5 (P); c. ace. VOrp Am i", destroyed (stifled) his compassion (or, RS K2S al., the bonds of kinship, v. WQCfl), nna Mai 2 3 , i.e. violate it, v. esp. niflK 'Bh ( BC . sem^n) Gn 38'( 3)he spoiled (it) wpore <Ae ground, made it ineffective, =waste words Pr 23 s . 2. pervert, corrupt, ace. wisdom EZ28 1 ', abs. —deal corruptly, vintf ipnsyn H09 9 (cf. [pb?], p. 770^; but We Now read tone*, Vmw), Ex 3 2 7 (JE), Dt 9 12 , so b 'v 3 2 5 . Hiph. 103 Pf. 3 ms. irnp n Gn 6 12 4-; 1 s. finB'ni Je 51™, etc.; Jmpf. 3 ms. rvne>: Dn 8 24 + , nhf : Mai 3 U + , nnB»i 1 Ch 20 1 ; 2 ft. Wiftai Ez i6 4 ' 7 , 2 mpl. Jinne-n' Dt 4 16 31 29 ; 7mt>. ms.'sf. IwnBVl 2 K 1 8" 5 =Is 36 10 ; 7»i/ abs. nmn Dt 31 29 ; c'str. rvnfn rS 2 6 15 + , etc.; Pi. JVriK'p Gni9 ,4 +, etc.; — 1. spoil, ruin, ace. crop Ju 6 4 Mai 3 11 , trees Dt 20 19 - Je 1 i 19 (fig.), vessels 2 Ch 36 19 , houses 34", palaces Je 6 5 , cf. Is65 s Lvi 9 !7 (H), Ru 4 6 ; DJ"! 'S?n J e 49 9 thieves damage as much as they want; ace. pers. = ruin, destroy, 1 S 26 9,i Ju 20 21 - a ( + njnA), v 35 42 2 K 1 3 n 2 Ch 24 13 ( -f IP separ.), + 1 2 t., + (ace. pers. om.) Is5i l3 +4 t., acc.in IV3 2CI121 7 , abs. Is u 9 = 65 25 ; also ruin one (bywords) Pr n 9 ; ace. D$> 2 S 24'° Dt 9 26 ; land 1 S 6 5 Je 36 s9 Dn ii ,; (v. Dr); city wall 2 S 2o' 5 (EwTh here denom. from TTW they were making a pit/ < © We(?)KloDrBuHPSNow D^Op were de- vising), La 2 s , cities and nations Gn iS 2 *' 28 ^, ace. om.), I9 ,3U (J), Is 37 12 (Pi. in || 2 K i 9 12 ), 3 6 ,0I0 = 2 K i8 2i «+n t. + (Israel personif.) Dt 4 s ' io'° 2 K 8' 9 , pride of Judah Je 13 9 , earth Je 5 1 ' ; abs. c. adv. ace. Dn 8 24 (v. Dr ; Bev conj. ring* or ir'e« ulter mons t rous things), cf. 1 Ch 2i 12 ; Pt. as adj., of lion Je 2 30 , angel iCh2i lb ; =destroyerExi2 a (J), Je22 ; Is54 lc , D^a'OJe 4'/Onri5i'; sg.coll.CtSnGes" 26 '; thedestroying band, cf. DrBuNow) 1 S 13 17 14'* (spoilers, ravagers); fig. for snare, trap, Je 5 28 . t2. pervert, corrupt, morally, ace. "!fl Gn 6 12 (P; v. !P46),'CB3Pr6 32 ) cf.Zp3 7 l Ez23 i; (lPcomp.);'B>n nW}> n^ynn ^i4 l =5 3 2 ; ' n F9 n W? (+vb. of particular act) Dt 4 16 31 29 ; declar. = ac< cor- ruptly, Is i 4 Dt4 is ( + vb. of act), 2 Ch 2 f, + iP comp. Ju2' 9 Ez i6 47 ; Pt. as subst. Je 6™, 'WO tTK Pr 28 24 (18 9 v. infra).— TrwrcW destroy not (catchword of old song or melody?) in ^-titles: t57' 58 1 59 1 75 1 . tHoph. Pt. nnfO spoiled, ruined, of a spring, "tipD Pr 25 25 (|| bS']? ) y VQ); as subst. Mai i 14 sacrificing a spoiled tiling. TJTnffiO n.[m.] ruin, destruction; — 'd abs. Je 5 26 + 10 t.; — physical destruction Ez 5"
6 21 36 25 15 Ex 1 2 13 (P), 2 Ch 20 23 22 4
'D !>jn Pr
8 9 = destroyer ; Dn 10 s (disfigurement); 'Cnn
Je 51" (fig. of Bab. as destroyer), in 2 K 23" = mt. of corruption (where bamoth were, S. end of Mt. of Olives, poss. adapted from nnC'p— in so Hoffm "wn 0882,, i; 5 Benz Kit Bur . $g - mom offensionis). tnPlBta n.[m.] id.;— inn^p fyf Ez 9 1 . TnnUJTp n.[m.] disfigurement of face Is 52". tnntpQ n.[m.] corruption (ritual), Lv 22 s5 (H).' T nrup v. mtr. PltStf n.f. acacia, tree and wood (=nt23EK ^T • 27 7* ' Ar. "oil, prob. loan-word from Egypt, sndt, sondH, Thes 1452 Erman 2MG J " v,<le82> ' 120 );— growing in dry places ; esp. acacia (mimosa) Nilotica; cf. E,ob BK "- a> , or a. seyydl Post rlom * ( "- BMt - DBB»,TT*B-T.K Tr J stl . !< HB3 9 0«r.._' B ) pg J g + , .9 ^ grow in desert) ; usually pi., CISC' 'i'^ shittlm ivood, material of ark, altars, staves, etc., in tabern., Dtio 3 Ex25 510 - ,3 +i9t.Ex25-38(P); 'SJ om., K> H«sy_pi7Zor« of shiltim (wood), Ex a6 »W 3 6 M (P). TQ^SQJ n.pr.loc. alw. TS'n ; usu. 2qtt«i': 1. E. of Jordan, Jos 2 ' 3 '(E), Mi6 6 Nu2 5 '(P); rs'S'n i)3N 33 «; on exact site v. Buhl 0116 Gray n„ ni t 2- qfn ^3 Jo 4 ' 8 (perh. IFarfy M-&Hf, W.of Jerus., cf.We Buhl Geoer!l0 , and views inDr). [nDt£*] vb. spread, spread abroad (NH id. ; Ar. Ikl, spread out ; so Eth. (iTtb: Aram. npf , -4*);— Qal Pf. 3 pi. sf. consec. Dinpfl ^2*? Je 8 2 <Aey shall spread them abroad, etc., ace. of many separate things, so Impf. 3 fs. npe>rn 2 g 1 7 ' 9 (by loc; disting. from bns «p r e a rf