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ass 39 6 ((Symbol missingHebrew characters)); shepherds Ct 1 8; = tomb ψ 49 (cf. 1). b. God's abode in Zion Ez 37 27 Ps 132 5,7 cf. 43 3 84 52 ((Symbol missingHebrew characters)).

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) n.pr.m. ((Symbol missingHebrew characters) hath taken up his abode); — (Symbol missingHebrew characters), (Symbol missingGreek characters) etc.: 1. descendant of Jehoiakin 1 Ch 3 21,22 (on context v. Kit), Ezr 83,5. 2. Ezr 10 2 (diff. from 1 ?). 3. father of a wall-builder Ne 3 29. 4. father-in-law of Tobiah Ne 6 18. 5. priestly name : a. Ne 12 3 = (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 1 Ch 24 11 , cf. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 3 Ne 10 5 12 14. b. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 2 Ch 31 15.

† I. [(Symbol missingHebrew characters)] vb. be, or become, drunk, drunken (NH id., der. spec, and deriv.; Ecclus 40 18,20 (Symbol missingHebrew characters) strong drink; Ar. (Symbol missingArabic characters) be drunken, (Symbol missingArabic characters) also be full, (Symbol missingArabic characters) fill ; As. šikaru =(Symbol missingHebrew characters) , šakûru, drunken, perhaps also vb. šakâru ; Eth. (Symbol missinglanguage characters) Aram. (Symbol missingAramaic characters)=, esp. date-wine (Löw p. 125), cf. (Symbol missingAramaic characters) be drunken, usu. (der. spec.) defile, deform, etc.; from (Symbol missingHebrew characters), Egypt. ṯà-k-ï͏̥ra WMMAs.u. Eur. 102 Gk. (Symbol missingGreek characters) LewyFremdw.81);— Qal Pf. 3 pl. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Is 29 9 ; Impf 3 ms. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Gn 9 21 , 3 mpl.(Symbol missingHebrew characters) Is 49 26 , etc.; Imv. mpl. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Je 25 Ct 51 ; Inf. cstr. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Hg 1 6; Pt. pass. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Is 51 21 (Ges§ 130b Lag BN 60 );— become drunken Gn 9 21 (J), of social drinking 43 34 (J), Ct 5 1, token of plenty Hg 1 6 ; fig. of nations staggering helplessly under calamity Je 25 27, 51 21 ((Symbol missingHebrew characters)), Na 3 11 ; of infatuation Is 29 9 ((Symbol missingHebrew characters)), of disgrace La 4 21 , self-destruction, (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Is 49 26. Pi. make drunken: Impf. 3 ms. sf. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 2 S 11 13, lit.; fig. 1 s. (sf. of people) (Symbol missingHebrew characters) (read (Symbol missingHebrew characters)) Is 6 3 6 (subj. (Symbol missingHebrew characters)) I made them drunk in my wrath (but MSS Ges Hi Ew Che Kit Marti al. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) I brake them in pieces); Pt. fs., of Bab., (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Je 51 7; cf. Inf. abs.(Symbol missingHebrew characters) Hb 2 15 (i.e. terrorizing nations; read prob. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) We Now). Hiph. id.: Pf. 1 s. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Je 51 57 (subj. (Symbol missingHebrew characters)) i.e. make princes helpless,(Symbol missingHebrew characters) v 39 ; Imv. mpl. sf.(Symbol missingHebrew characters), obj. Moab, i.e. make helpless and disgraced 48 26 ; Impf. 1 s. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Dt 32 42.— RubenJQ xi(1899), 446 prop. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ho 7 5 for (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Hithp. Impf. 2 fs. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 1 S 1 14 how long wilt thou make thyself drunken [a drunken spectacle]?

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) n.[m.] intoxicating drink, strong drink (BaNB §71 );— alw. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) abs.; usu. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) (exc. Invalid book name): Is 29 9; usu. condemned, Is 5 11.22 28 56 12 ((Symbol missingHebrew characters)), Mi 2 1 S 1 15 Pr 20 1; forbidden to priests on duty Lv 10 9 (P); not for princes Pr 31 4 ; nor Nazirite Nu 6 3 Ju 13 4,7,14, cf. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Nu6 3 ; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) ψ 69 drunkards; but (Symbol missingHebrew characters) as common drink Dt 29° (opp. to miraculous), allowable in sacrif. meal 14 26, commended for weak and weary Pr 31 4 ;(Symbol missingHebrew characters) Nu 28 7 (P; for (Symbol missingHebrew characters) v 14 + ); v.further KennedyEncy.Bib.iv.5309 f. — On form cf.LagM ii.357; BN 51

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) adj. drunken (BaNB § 134 b);— abs. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 1 S 25, (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 1 K 16 9 + , f. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 1 S 1 13 , pl. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Jo 15 , cstr. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Is 28 1,3; — drunken: 1 S 25 36 , (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Je 23 9 , (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 1 K 16 9 drinking (and) drunken, 20 16 ; as subst.= drunken one, drunkard Is 28 1,3 Pr 26 9, pi. Jo 1 5 ((Symbol missingHebrew characters)); in sim. Is 19 14 Jb 12 25 ψ 107, and (of earth) Is 24 20; f. of drunken woman 1 S 13.

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) n.[m.] drunkenness; — (Symbol missingHebrew characters) only fig. : Je 13 13 Ez 23 33 (Co Berthol Krae (Symbol missingHebrew characters) not Toy), both of bewilderment and helplessness under calamity; from drinking blood 39 19.— Vid. LagBN 202. cf. 199

† [(Symbol missingHebrew characters)] n.pr.loc. on NW. borderof Judah, c. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) loc.(Symbol missingHebrew characters) Jos 15 11 , (Symbol missingGreek characters) GL (Symbol missingGreek characters)

II. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) (√ of foll.; meaning unknown).

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) n.[m.]gift;— (Symbol missingHebrew characters) ψ 72((Symbol missingHebrew characters)); sf.(Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ez 27 15.

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) in (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 2 S.6 7 is disputed; GB om.; A@L (Symbol missingGreek characters), for his hastiness (prob. from Aram.; cf.(Symbol missingAramaic characters) = suddenly), B temeritate; T (Symbol missingHebrew characters) because he acted in error (Aram. (Symbol missingAramaic characters) err: v. Baram. (Symbol missingHebrew characters)), hence AV RV for his error; < Th We Dr Bu Now fragm. of [(Symbol missingHebrew characters)] (Symbol missingHebrew characters) [(Symbol missingHebrew characters)] 1 Ch 13 10. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ct 1 6 3 7 al.; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ec 8 17 : v.(Symbol missingHebrew characters) 4d.

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) Jb 21 23 lapsus cal. for (Symbol missingHebrew characters) q. v. (cf. PerlesAnal.82).

† [(Symbol missingHebrew characters)] vb. Pu. be bound, joined (NH Pu. = BH; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) rung of ladder; Aram. (Symbol missingAramaic characters) appar. only 1 K 7 28,29 (Symbol missingAramaic characters) ravine, narrow path between mountains; Ar. (Symbol missingArabic characters) is seize, carry off, by force) ; — Pt. fpl. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ex 26 17 tenons joined each to ((Symbol missingHebrew characters)) its fellow, 36 22 (both P).

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) n. [m.] pl. joinings of bases (B juncturae);—'(Symbol missingHebrew characters) 1 K 7 28,29, (Symbol missingHebrew characters) v 29 ; AV RV ledges, < ribs (Kit) or frames (Benz), joining or binding the parts together.