h#. ihv (/of foil., unless loan-word ; NH = BH, Ecclus43 ,7c MVVhis snow; Ar. 'JS, Aram. K?>, J^JT, As. salgu). t Jf& n.m. , " «• 10 sno w ; — abs. V Is 1 ,9 + , &V Ex 4 6 + ; cstr. b& Je 18";— mow, 2 S 23 20 ("^3 Di") = 1 Ch 1 1", Jb 6' 6 37 6 (|| IBD DOT), V'l47 M1 i48 8 ( + B'«,"T53,lit3 , i?); 'B' , , n Jb24 19 , cf. o 30 Qr CB», < Qr toS De Di Bu al., snow as purifying; v. also [•$]); poet. '0 nilYK 38" (|p"i3 'K); symb. of coldPr3i 2 '; as moistening, fertilizing Is 55 ,0 (|| DtPS); on mountains, fig. of normal habit, p33? 'B* Je 1 8 14 ; sim. of whiteness, of leprosy Ex 4 6 (J), Nu 1 2 10 (E), 2 K s 27 ; c. |J? comp., of fair skin La 4' (|| a ?C)>' 8 ^ m - of sins, y>3^ 'B>a is j» c f. V^5i 9 (I» comp.); sim. of refreshment Pr 25 13 (drink cooled by snow, v. reff. in DeToy), of the unfitting f& '#? 26' (|| ICO).— On snow in Pal. v. Nicol Hu,DB8,,ow . t [nSt!?] vb. denom. Hiph. snow; — Impf 3 fs. 5.W (Ges* 109k ), impers. f 68' 3 it mows on Salmon (meaning obscure). tl. [H 7t#, l7t£H vb. be quiet, at ease (Ecclus 47" ffbv prosperity, 4 i u vb& prosper- ous, at ease ; )Lv be tranquil, quiet, cease; £ SOB*, vE* be at ease, then 6e careless, thoughtless, go astray [for Heb. n3B>, MB*], Aph. nejrfcc* (God, etc.), BAram. XW? error; Ar. "XL (_,) oe forgetful,neglectful,content,free(fr.a.rixieiy)y, — Qal 1. be (have) quiet: Pf. 1 S. ♦*$? Jb 3 26 . 2. 6e ai ease, prosper, of wicked, 3 pi. OK* Je 12 1 La i 5 , also Impf. 3 mpl. tff (Ges (75a ) Jb 1 2 s , and (of good) f 1 2 2 6 (?£ Jb 2 7" v. II. rfaty Niph. Impf. 2 mpl. vCT juss. 2 Ch 29 11 6e not negligent (easy-going ; Germ. ' bequem '). Hiph. Impf. 2 ms. i"OB*ri juss. 2 K 4 28 do not mislead me (cf. 3J3H v 16 ), strong Aramaism, whence Klo njffl. t[^CJ Ges* 84 '" Lag BN142 ] n.[m.] ease, prosperity (Perles A "* IS0 delusion; cf. Aram. Off error, sub ■/, e.g., Gn 43"); — sf. *$& f 30 7 (cf. De Bae); < read *fl$$ (or s rS<>V Bi), 01 Hup-Now Du al. (>Sta Hup think «W abbreviated from TllPB 1 ). t^ti] n.[m.] quietness ;— ^ 283 s7 , i.e. quietly, privately (cf. l«N»-> often in the same sense PS 4167 ).
. rfclfi v. rbm. fn. n?ttj n.pr.m. son of Judah, 2i}Xa>p[i>]: Gn38 6 "" T,!6 (J),46 ,2 (P); Nu26 20 (P), 1 Ch2 3 4 21 . t'^S'ty adj. gent, of foreg. : c. art. as n.coll. "#n Nu 26 20 (P). So rd. also 1 Ch q 6 Ne 1 i h , v. tlktf (Lag BN43 ), vbti, vhxp adj. quiet, at ease;— 1. of pers. at ease, ^f Jb 16 12 , ify 2 1 23 (Kci" 1 ' 83 ); of nation, 1yB> (poss. diminutive Ko" 1144 )Je49 31 (||nB3b 2W); prosperous, of city fs. rr6f Zc 7 7 ; of wicked, mpl. cstr. *j?& B^W ,/, T3 M (Renan"-" 1131 prop. D'inj; *$?> 2' of land, ome<, TO^f 1 Ch 4 40 (|| no?}?). 3. ^D33 1^ $>T SO Jb 2o 20 'B'isappar.n.abstr. gro'ei, ease, so Di De al., read nw Siegf Bu, Du (after ©) i3bDD3 tbf t6 ; b& Ez 23" is corrupt, Hi Co Berthol (cf. Da) W sang, Toy D*"!?, Krae Dne t Pl^b© n. f. quietness, ease ; — abs. 'w ^i22 7 +; cstr. H^tf Ezi6 49 Pri 32 ; pi. sf. ^nipC* Je 22 21 (<?]nij>B> Vrss Gie); — quietness, peace, Pr 17 1 (opp. 3n), ^ 122 » (|| Dibf) ; ease, careZess security, Ez 16 49 (Bpfn m.^, Pr I 32 ; prosperity, Je2 2 21 Dn 8 25 II 2124 ; 'E'S in (time of) security (of sudden attack), if not unawares (ThesEwHiKe al.); cf. *i*£ ^i lit. out of quiet, i.e. suddenly, unawares (e.g. 1 Mace i 30 = i£;, mva ), *$?> W S Pr 3 K 6 15 (=0tojD, ^ 3 o 7 v.[% ■ _ til. [H/tf ] vb. draw out, extract (si vera 1.; =^V; Syr. JLv (e.g. Ex 2 10 ), %*"?$ (e.g.Lvii 17 )); — Qal/m^/.sms.apoc^Ges' 10 " 1 ) VM ni^ byi '? Jb 27 s (De); < read V^, or ^ (V^j Di; Schnurrer We Siegf Bu Du btCOT demandeth; Perles*"*'- 48 *$%*$ «T.- t [iTTtf] n.f. after- birth (= Ar. XL , Aram. Kn;^, T )fcL^«.);— sf. W$¥ Dt28 57 . tiV©, ^Ttf, H 1 ?© n.pr.loc. (orig. jiV^.v. adj.gent. (otherwise Ba NB}224b ), which also shews that Vb)V, b*W, was posited when text of K was fixed, cf. Dr 2815 - 12 );— ^ Ju 2i 19 1 S i 24 3 21 14 s Je7 l4 (on destruction of S. v.We 288 ' 17 ), 26 s 41 5 , 'V J2BT3 ^ 78 60 ; iiw Ju 2i 21 ' 21 Je 7 12 ; nV Jos jgLsi.10 I9 5i 2I 2 22 ">( a ii Por E), Jui8 31 2i 13
S i 3 - 9 2 14 3" 4 3 ' 412 1 K 2 27 14 2 ' 4 Je 26" (var. tf>B»