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QTnSttJ off, away, human subj. : a. ace. pers. + 7 loc. Jos 24" (E), Ju7 8 iSio 25 + ; +7pers.Je48 12 ; + n- loc. Ju 12 9 and (c. inf. purpose) Gn 28" (P); ace. of goat, 7]NTj£ Lv i6'° (n- loc.), v 26 ; send out, different ways, ace. pers., 2 loc. Ju 1 a"' J 20 6 ; send into exile, '1 subj., c. IP loc. Je24 D , n- loc. 29 20 . "b. send away, dismiss, ace. pers. Gn 2 1 ,4 (E), 2 5 6 ( J ; ?yo pers.), 2 S 1 3 16 + ; specif., c. ace. of wife (=divorce), Dt22 19W 24'- 3 Je3 l + , abs. Mai 2 16 . C. send away empty (-handed) DiJ , l, + acc.pers.Gn3i 40 (E),Dti5 l3 Jb22 9 . d. send off, give a ' send-off ' (sometimes escort part way), ace. pers., Gn 18" 2 4 M 3 i 27 (all J), I S o 26 2 K 5" 6 a . e. ace. rei 1 S 6 s Ne 8 ,2 + , c. ace. loc. 1 S 5 10 6 3 , 7K pers. Je 27 s , etc. 2. a. send away, sub)/', ace. pers. Gma 29 (J; ^PITO), 1K9 7 ( S JS 75/D). b. give over, ace. pers. yjr 8 1 B (3 of evil), c. cast out, ace. pers. Je 28 16 ('JB-byo), Lv 18 24 20 23 (both *3BD). d. send out, forth, send on a mission, esp. of '♦, c. ace. of hornet Dt 7 20 , ef. 28 s " 32" (all 3 pers.), serpents Nu 2 1 6 (E; 3 pers.), lions 2 K 1 'j mM (both id.), foes

K 2 4 2,2 ( + inf. purpose); pestilence Am 4' Ez 

28 23 (3 pers.), etc. ; also springs into (3) channel |/ 104'°. 3. let go, set free (sometimes c. *&£>*}) Ex4 23 5 2 ' 2 (allJE), 2S3 21 " 32, + ; = cease to abuse Ju 1 9"; +inf. purpose Gn 24 s6 (J), Ex 5' (E ; + 10 t. Ex), 1 S 5"; c. ace. of bird Gn 8 78 ( + intra) + ; 4. rnfrn <js-?y Lv i 4 7 , cf. v 53 (both P) ; = let loose, ace. of beast, Ex 2 2 4 (E), Lv 1 6 m (3 loc.) ; ace. of bridle Jb 30" (fig.) ; metaph. of strife Pr 6" •" 16 28 ; let loose waters, subj. Jb 1 2". 4. shoot forth branches, Je 1 7 s 1// 80 12 EZ31 3 (but v. 1. n^B* 2); cf. of locks (ff3») Ez 44 20 =Ze< grow long. 5. let down, ace. pers. Je 38 s (3 instr.), ace. rei v" (id. 4- ?N pers. et loc). 6. shoot (ace. of arrow om.), y '£*? rrffrf? 1 S 20 20 . 7. phrases : "*?n("n?) n ^ W3 fJu i 9 20 49 , cf. 2 K 8' 2 f 74 ; ; but also

Bte 'V t Am i 4 - 710 ' 2 2" Ho 8 14 Ez 39*; rare 

expressions are : Dy^T? DnW^l Jb 8 4 (God subj.); stretch out hand, 3 rei (for use) Pr 31 19 , 7 pers. (charity) v 20 ; njnWn CUT^in Jb 39 3 (of hinds, bearing); D^SH "JSrpy ^DnVnW Ecu 1 . — inbB' ^21 Jb3o' 2 is corrupt'; TheodEwDi rbp abp_; Me BuBe al. dittogr. from v" b . Pu. Ff. 3 ms. n^ Ju 5 15 Jb 18 9 , etc.; Impf. 3 ms. n^ Pr 1 7 11 ; Pt. nWtp Is 1 6 2 4- ;— be sent off (started on journey) Gn 44 s (J); with com- mission, 3 pers. Ob 1 Pr 17 11 , 7^ pers. Dn 10"; be put away, divorced, of wife Is 50 1 (fig.); be impelled (1), ^H? (=at his heels?), c. 3 loc. Ju 5 ,s (vb. dub.j, cf. V^-13 nan.3 rvW Jb 18 s he is hurried into the net with his feet (?@Du 173! nnpw'); (wO Jj3 Is 16 2 a driven (scattered) nest (|p1" f liy),'cf.13'11?3 3JJM 't?t? HJJ 27' ; 'B*D ^y3 Pr 29'* a boy let loose (unrestrained). +Hiph. Pf. 1 s. '%$${ and I ('") will send famine, H¥? Am 8",' cf! Ez 14", wild beasts; 3 pers. Lv 26 s2 (H); Pt. nyfO, ace. of flies, 3 pers. Ex8 17 (J); Inf. cstr. nyfri^, ace. of foe, 3 gent. 2 K 15 37 . . rt7U? n. [m.] missile, weapon, sprout (late);— abs. 'e> Jo 2 9 4- , rfcj? Ne 4 11 Jb 33 19 , sf. inirt? Ne4 n ; pi. B*T$f> 2 Ch 23 10 , etc.; — !. missile, iveapon, Ne 4" and v 17 (where D^tsn corrupt ; read probably fa'D'a or iT3 ; v. Eyle Be-Ry Berthol), 2 Ch 23 10 (disting. from rwn, ??.?); coll. 32 s and 'B*3 -ZV Jb 33 19 36 12 (perish by or <rush upon [and perish]), Jo 2 9 (v. "iy3). 2. sprout, shoot (cf. pCWfty andA//8o 12 Jei7 s ), DVI9 ?]"$? Ct 4 13 (fig.; meaning] Perles AM, - 6S prop. y.V?f *)& thy two cheeks); 4-prob. EZ31 5 (rd. Y$fa Co Toy al., or *rbp3 [with v 6 ] Krae). fn. PHtt? n. pr. m. son of Arphachshad, 2aXa: 'e> Gn io 24b it' 3 "' 5 1 Ch i I9b ; rb'ff Gn io 24 »ii 12 iChi 19 " 24 . fin. n 1 ?© n.pr. in '^n n3i3 Ne3 15 =BV. "Hrol*j n.pr.m. father of Jehoshaphat's mother; — 1 K 22 42 =2 Ch 20 31 ; 2ef»«i, laaa, 2uXec, etc. t ON'PUJ n.pr. loc. in Negeb of Judah J0SI5 32 ; 2arj, SaXtii/i, 3LMni|i. ' ri7t*j n.pr. font, at SE. of Jerus. (connex. with above -/not certain (Ba NB66 ), jr 104 10 has Pi.);— 'W? "» Is 8 6 ; 2(()iX<» aM ; =111. n^; mod. Birket Silw&n ; v. Wilson""'- DB BlLoi " Cond GASm RS EnwB ' b -" : " 08AL,! "'»» 3nl8 Buhl 0139 ; on inscription found in adjacent tunnel v. Dr Sm xvt GACooke 15 ". TD^n^^tfJ n.[m. |pl. sending away, part- ing gift;— 1. %*$¥ nns Ex i8 2 (J) after she had been sent away. 2. a , n?B' 1 K 9 16 he gave (city) as parting gift (i.e. dowry) to his daughter ; cf. fig. □"nw Mil 14 thou shalt give a parting gift (=say farewell to, lose) MoreSeth of Gath.