nrrbti 102 ° t [nrn'rtt'] n.f. shoot, branch (cf. i. Tl^f 3);— pl. T sf. HTin^ i s l6 3 ) of v ; ne f Sibmah (E. of Jordan). Tnptt'O n.[m.] 1. outstretching; 2. place of letting loose ; — 'e only cstr. : 1 . 'B T '13'i 5 ? 3 in every outstretching of one's hand, = every undertaking, Dt 1 2 718 15 1 " 23 s1 28 820 . 2. I9p nb> Dpnp5» Tte» Is 7» (/pi. 3 esp. Is 32'°). TrjOCJO n. [m.] 1. outstretching; 2. sending; — 'd only cstr.: 1. DT 'O Is 1 1 " Edom and Moab are the outstretching of their hand (that of which they take possession, cf. /Qal 3). 2. Wfi^ tTK ni3D nVp Est 9 19 " </«; sending of portions to each other. TnrOipp n.f. 1. discharge; 2. deputa- tion, sending ;— 1. abs.'nbs? '» PK Ec 8 s </«ts is no disc/iarge in war. 2. cstr. D'JH 'aSpp 'D yfr 78"a deputation (or sending) of angels of evil. II. n7t#(yof foil.; Ar. 'SI strip off hide, ii.iL. ^it'ece 0/ hide stripped off; Aram, ffy? ■f?tf take off garment ; Ar. 3«», Aram. KPipB*, UN*. 7n'<f«, perh. also Palm. Knta (pi.? Lzb ; Reckend 2 " ,,u ««)--"- C p. 1. T^V) ; hence rfcf, q.v. (also NH Ecclus), v. GFM PA0S I89 °- '" ! «">• iu '■ 7 ). l^hxp n.m. E * * a table (on form of word cf. GFM 1- ' - ; prop. (v. supr.) skin or leather mat spread on ground, v. also, on early Sem. ' table,' Thes 1417 We 8k "" n " - 157 ES *"■ '• 1S4 : Snd ed- m Kennedy
- >„. B1 b. m.599.^ ; _ a bs/B» i S 20 34 + ; cstr. fnfitf 1 K
5 7 + ; Bf. ,, »p^Jui 7 +,etc.; pi. rrtJn?^ Is 2 8 8 + , cstr. ni:r6e> 1 Ch 28 1616 ;— 1. table for king's repast Ju i 7 (c. nrw), 1 S 20 s ' -34 2 S 9 11 (read iyj 'E> ® ThWeDr and mod.), v 13 i 9 M 1 K 2 7 5 1 18 19 io 5 =2 Ch 9 4 , cf.Is2l s (c. VQ (q.v.lo) arrange); c. ?$? 2 S 9 71011 Dn 1 i 27 ; for governor Ne5 17 (c. ??). 2. for private use 1 K 13 20 (c. i>K), Jb 36" V 23' ( fi g - . c - ^-V). cf - 78" (id.), 128*, also (in bedroom) 2 K 4 10 ; of revellers Is 28", cf. 1// 6 9 M (fig.), of wisdom (fig.) Pr 9 2 . 3. esp. Ez P for sacred uses : in tab. Ex 25 s3 + 17 1. 25-40, Nu 3 31 , D'JBn fn?e> Nu 4 7 (cf. 2 Ch 2 9 19 infr.); iTOn 'tfn Lv24 M (cf. 2 Chi 3" infr.); in Sol.'s temple 1 K 7* 2 Ch 29 18 , also (10 in no.) 4 81 ' 13", cf. 1 Ch 28 1816-16 ", also Ez 23 41 (c. VJ>); in Ezekiel's temple Ez 4o 39 - 39 + 6 t. Ez 40 (8 in no.), 40 42 (of stone, 4 in no.); like altar 41 22 , = altar of burnt-offering 44 16 ; in second temple, "• rbw Mai i 7 , "J 1 ^ *& v 12 ; for idolatrous meal Is 65"; fig. of s sacrif. feast Ez 3^ (eschatol.). t £0 /u vb. domineer, be master of (late) (NH id. ; As. saldtu, have power; Ar. kL overcome, prevail; Jo*l-< strong, hard, uIIlL- dominion, also rw/er, sultan; Eth. iPAfTl: Aram. B???, ^.iL*. (esp. der. spec), Nab. B^>B>, |»^)j— Qal P/. 3 ms. 't? Ec8 9 , etc.; Impf. 3 ms. D^ Ec 2 19 , etc.; Inf. cstr. tibf Est 9 ';— domineer, lord it over, 75? pers., Ne 5 15 ; 3 pers. Ec8 9 (i? jn?); 3 rei 2 19 ; become master of, 3 pers. Est 9 1-1 . Hiph. 1. give power of: Pf. 3 ms. sf. pers. bbt6 ^cbfn) Ec 5 13 , so Impf. 3 ms. sf. UB^: 6 2 (both subj. God). 2. = Qal, get mastery of: juss. 3 fs. , ?"B?B i ri"?N IJM^f 119". ' WyttJ adj. having mastery, domineer- ing ; — 1. having mastery: DVQ 'V? D"1K pK Ec 8 8 ; elsewhere as subst. 'Wt the ruler id", so (c. r$rr?y) Gn 42 6 (prob. late substitution for original word of E) ; pi. as subst. D^Dw Ec7 19 (specif, of Alex.'s successors Perles Ana1 - 42 ). 2. domineering, imperious, fs. (Ko 11-1-501 ) riaiT HCTt rip?^ Ez 1 6 30 (Jerusalem personified). tjte^tf n.[m.] mastery (Lag BN199 );— Ec 8 4S (c. 3). II. U70 (-/of foil.; Zehnpf BAS,K5-No - 53 cites As. ialtu, a shield of leather). t [bS©] n.m. 2 s 8-7 shield(?);— pi. Wzbf 2 K 1 1 ,0 + , cstr. Vty 2 S 8 7 + ; sf. D^p^ Ez 27"; ■ — shields (so AV EV Thes ; al. quivers, or [v. esp. Barnes Exp0 ' Tl-43t-(c[,188) ] arms, equipment; Vrss vary ; As. $al(u (v. •/) seems to be a specif, article), 2S8 7 =iChi8 7 , 2 Kn 10 = 2 Ch 23 s (where + ni35D, but) Ct4 4 appos. of I?.p (q.v. sub pj), hung on walls, cf. E7-27 11 ; '#? w|)p J e 51' 1 i.e., perh., put arms through thongs, ready to use them (but v. Barnes ,-c- , and Gie, cf. K^D Qal 2). ntflVttJ v. &ht supra. ] 125 V ^- Hiph. ]12 throw, fling, cast (Ph. "]"){•> in cp., meaning dub.; Ar. aJJLl is travel (or cause to travel) along a road, cause to enter); — Pf. 3 ms. T?? } '^ , Am 8 3 + ; 2 ms. sf. consec. W^ff{ Je 51 63 ; 2 fpl. consec. njn^BTn