D 1 ?© t3'VBn'tyf73 3 ; i'vyy^" 72'; 'e'E^E*^ 8 ; Vchn(H3») Dt23 7 Ezr 9 la ; $ IS-Di' 'B>Pr3 2 ; 'E>3 Jb 1 5 21 in time of prosperity. 4. peace, quiet, tranquillity, contentment, Is 32" (|| OpE'n n031) ; 'E>3 33^40 (to sleep); depart life '^3 in tranquillity Gn 1 5 15 (R JE ), I K 2" + 3 1., K^ Is 57*; 'B» E*n!> nnnK ^37^; '^3 K3 Exi.8 23 (E) come in contentment; 'w px Je 1 z' 'B> H1J (|| DT103D) Is 32' 8 , cf. Je 25 37 ; Inst? 'E* Jb 2 1 9 '; «jgto£ D'D'^E'i'l ,/, 69 03 security, (let it) income a imp (but ©AqSymTheodJer 'oj« D'Ol^i", Du (cf. £) D'D^E*! peace-offerings, and jnb^ v"). t5. peace, friendship : a. human relations: TOB* E'lJN Je 20 10 man of my friendship, cf. 38 22 Ob 7 ^41'°; P 3 'B* n W Zc6"; 'B> 'xy* Pr 12 s0 ; (ns, D?) 't? 13T f 2 8 3 35 20 Je q 7 '; 'E* B'pa ^ 34 15 ; 'B> yr Is 59 s ; 'E* ^ v 8 ; fW 'BO Gn 2 6 M (J); 'BO "frl v 31 (J), "i S 2 9 7 + 4 t. ; 'b>3 ait? 2 S 1 5 s7 ; || np*lV in Mess, reign ^72 3 . b. peace with God,esp.in covt. relation : Is 54'° JV"i3 covt. of my peace, cf. Nu 25 12 (P), Ez 34 25 37 M , also Mai 2 5 ; 'B* as name of altar Ju6"'; *• subj. j> 'E> DE> Nu6 26 (P); 'E>3 ipa ^ 29"; 'b> )>an 35 c7 ; |» 'e> nb-y j e 33'; 't? ^ck nND Jei6 5 (|hDn); ^? 'B> "Wl V85 9 ; '0 |7U Hg2°; '£> DUETTO Je 29"; man subj. ^ 'E* HB'y Is 27 s3 ; '«b "|i>n Mai 2 s . In this sense || p^S
- 8 5". II n i?*]V Is 54 13 6o 17 , || ito g5 » i, z 4 i«
a river 4 8 ls 66 12 ; ^"ity-by. 'B* ^ 125 5 128 6 , 'B> ^jn-jin UnX; 3"1 119*; 'B> IDIO I s 53 s chastise- ment for our peace (but SS Buhl WD?B'). 6. peace from war : (?) 'b* HE'y ma&e peace (with) J0S9 15 Jb25 2 ; pM'B* jro Lv26 6 (H);+p3 / B ! pal Ju 4 17 iS7 ,4 iK5 26 ; t'B^) JDp Dt 2 o 10 Ju 21" Mi 3 5 ; fjfc 3iB> Jos io 21 (E), Ju 8 9 1 1 31 ; 'BO N3 2 S i 9 2531 + 7 t; tj * Wl 1 K 5 4 + 3 t., cf. 2 S 17 3 (v. Dr); Q ^3 Ez 7 25 ; V ^3X70 Is 33 7 ; cpjn 'e> jna 1 Ch 22 9 ; 'e» n^xto Ct
10 ; tnCN(l) 'B> Is 39 s =2 K 20 I9 +3 t., cf.
Zc8 19 ; 'E> n5?Ec3 8 ; 'E^ iK 2 b in time of peace ; 'V ~i& Is 9 5 (Mess, title), cf. 'E> nj Mi 5 4 . 7. as adj. VDPB* ty 5g 21 those at peace with him (rd. Vqbf Bae Buhl Du, or V$tf SS; © appar. VD&E>). D72J n. rm.1 sacrifice for alliance or V * 87 L J friendship, ' peace-offering ' (expl. disputed : orig. sacrif. for alliance Di"; al. peace-offering (mark of peace with God), © Sm - KPr «pi)i>iKi}, De sta 0L4% We H<id.n (fellowship between God and worshippers); welfare-offering, ©elsewhere <ra>- TT)i>mv, Ke; tliank-qffering (as due rendered for benefit, or in paying vow, cf. /Pi. 4, and Pr7 14 ) Ges Ew Kn ; sacred meal its special feature : v. J££<8em.l. HI; 2n<led. 237. JT 0W Arch. II. 211 f. Qpj^Encr. Bib. !lc "" cM "; As. Mmu= fa^B/ is cited by JJerem Eo<:iBlb - Brrou -» ");— cstr. 'B* Am5 H ; elsewh.pl. D^B ! Ex24 5 + 6 9 t.; cstr.-O^Lvio 14 ; sf.TWf Ex20 24 , etc.; pi. is abstr. intens. Lv 7 13 Nu 6 17 (P) + ; pl.ofno. Ex24 5 (JE), 1 S 1 i l5 + ; usu.hard to decide; 'v (in app.) defines D^ai I'x 24 s (JE), and so n3T of covt. of Horeb is'K^as also sacrifice for Saul 1 S it* 1 foil. phr. shew 'b* essentially = DTIST in like phr. (v. fU?); 'B 5 coming to mean '| in all ritual; over against niPiy Ex20 21 32 6 (JE), Lv 6 5 (P), Dt 2 7 7 Jos 8 3 ' (D), Ju 20 26 2 1 4 1 S 1 3" 2 S 6 17,s 24* 1 K 3 15 9 25 1 Ch i6'" 2 1 20 2 Ch 31 2 EZ43 27 45 46 21J ; so in longer lists Lv 9 422 Nu 6 14 29 s9 (P), 1 K 8 HM 16 13 2 Ch 7 7 29 s3 Ez 45 1517 46 12 ; and when 'b* alone Lv 7 1433 ; in P 'B* defines ' in cstr. sg. or pi.: Ex 29 2s Lv 3' + 34t.P,Lvi7 5 i9 5 22 21 2 3 19 (H), soiSio^KS 63 2Ch 3 o 22 33 l6 Pr7 14 ; V» of Hand Pincl. HTin, ■vtt, ran Lv 7 12 -' 6 , and so 'b* min nar v"- 15 ; 'E* disting. from (larger) 'r in lists 'vj, n^iy Jos 2 2 27 (P) ; TU, 'T, rby Nu 1 g 8 (P) 5 ty disting. from ninj Ez 46 12 (where may = either of other two); from Dmo, ni313 Nu 29 s9 (P) (and must then ref. to mini); from T1J Nu 1 5 s (P); appar. then not disting. from nilin, ITlin 2 Ch 33 16 being probably specification. t [□ vIT] vb. denom. be in covenant of peace ; — Qal Imv. D7B' Jb 22 21 be at peace (in covt.) ; Pt. sf. "oJ'iB' f 7 5 i.e. my ally, friend (cf. 41'°); Pt. pass. cstr. "t^E* 2 S 2o' 9 , read KM © Ew g in.264 Dr ( c f.We) HPS and mod. Pu. Pt. DpE't? Is 4 2 19 one in covt. of peace (with '< ; but © D^fD <Aet> rw?er, so Che 1 ""; Ges Hi Ew al. one resigned (to God), read then EJE'D, cf. V , Ar. iv. ; Kroch Gra Marti "n^ETp). Hiph. Pf 3fs.nD^Vn Josio 4 n' 9 ; smpl.lO^Vnio 1 ; Impf. Vtyfi, Is44 26 +, D^E*: Pn6 7 ; 0.^1 1 K 2 2 4S , etc.; — 1. make peace with, J1K, Josio 14 2 Sio 19 = iChi 9 ,9 (Qy); DyDt20 12 iK22 45 ;c.i'Spregn. Jos II 19 submitting unto. 2. cause to be at peace, N$, Pr 16 7 . Hoph. Pf. 3 fs. noWn Jb 5 211 live in peace with, p (|| fl'IS). fi. D7tt) adj. complete, safe, at peace; — 'B* Gn 1 5 16 + ; pi. Q , O^B i Gn 34 21 Na 1 »; f. nD^E* Dt 25 13 + ; pi. nteSE* 27 6 Jos 8 31 ;— 1. complete: