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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/1048

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D^tf a. full, perfect : riobf J3K full weight Dt 25 13 , t?nB , «v li Prii 1 ; of jiyGni5 16 (JE); number of captives Am I**; of army Na i 12 (text corrupt; © DTi b&O, but ? ; v. Comm.) ; of reward Ru 2 12 ; of stones, whole (in natural condition, unheum) Dt 27" Jos 8 31 (cf. law Ex 20 25 ). b. finished : stones for temple 1 K 6 7 ; temple 2 Ch 8 16 . 2. safe, unharmed, of pers. Gn33 ,s (P; Sam. DW, cf. abvfa 28"; not n.pr.loc. as Vrss). 3. in covt. of peace, friendship, c. DN Gn34 21 (P); '> oy D.;>C> 33? « »n*nrf at 'peace with keeping covt. relation, hence complete, perfect, 1 K 8 61 11 4 15 s "; c3K 2 Ch 16',^ om. 2 K 20 3 = Is 3 8 3 (3.'?),

Ch I2 M 2Ch 15" 19 9 25'; 3^ 1 Ch 28 9 2 9 9 . 

fii. D^CJ n.pr.loc. abbrev. fr. dJ^HJ (q.v.), and perh. (Gunk Dr) intended as archaism Gn 14", cf. (poet.) *76 3 (|| |^f); v. Jos A " til0 ' ! ; @ aXi)jt and (>//■) (lpl]vrj. fi. Qv© n. [m.] recompense (abstr. Ba »»«),-_ Dt 32 35 ( read w ith @® 't? «7; 1| 0$); so read also (for D.??*) Is 59 1918 Du (otherwise Che" 1 " Di-Kit Marti)! tn. D ?ttJ n.pr.m. in Naphtali Gn 46" Nu "; SwXXij/i, 2cXXi;(p). "hr&CJ adj. gent, as n. coll. 'tfn Nu 26 49 . T[lQ7>C?] n.[m.] reward, bribe; — pi. fi , 3bi>e>isi KI (|pn'e'). tffl v>tf Mi7 s , DVo?Ho9 ; ,n.[m.]requital;— pi. DIM?!? Is 34 s ; — 1. requital, retribution, 'vn nj; H09 7 (|| rrnps); '0 nje> Is 34 s (|| 053). . reward, bribe M17 3 'EG DDK*. t [rTQvC?] n.f. requital, retribution ; — cstr. TwV ff 9 1 8 . t Qlk>Xl5 (less oft. D^ttf) n.pr.m. 2*X(X)ot^, 2xiX(X)ow/i, 2«XXi)/i, etc.; — 1. king of N. Israel

K i5 1013141i . 2. son of Josiah, and king 

of Judah Je 22 11 1 Ch 3'^tnKirV 1, v. p. 219. . husband of Huldah 2 K 22"= 2 Ch 3 4 M , B @L 2«XXij/i, A -Xovp. 4. uncle of Jeremiah Je 32'. 5. in Simeon 1 Ch 4 s5 . 6. in Jerahmeel 2 4041 . 7. in Ephr. 2 Ch 28'*. 8. in Napht. 1 Ch 7". 9. father of a threshold- keeper Je35 4 . 10. wall-builder Ne 3 12 . 11. priests 1 Ch 5 s8 - 39 Ezr 7 2 (ancestor of Ezra, perh. = D^ST? 7 a). 12. Levites : a. 1 Ch o"-» perh. =>••», and Ezr 2 42 1| Ne 7* (=r*$9f 2, dVk/O 8 c, (l)nn^BH?). b. Ezr 1 o 24 . 13. v 42 .


tp'Wj n.pr.m. wall-builder Ne3 ,i =D^E' ace. to Thes. t □t'QJD n.pr.m. Mea-ovkafi, Moo-oXXa/x, etc.: 1. grandfather of Shaphan 2K22 1 . 2. son of Zerub. 1 Ch 3 19 . 3. in Benj.: a. 8 17 , perh. =b. 9'. c. v 8 . d. Ne 1 1'. 4. in Gad 1 Ch 5 13 . 5. wall-builders: a. Ne3 4 ' 30 . b. 3 s . 6. a chief icr 1 . 7. priests (distinctions in part obscure): a. iCh 9 11 Nei 1" i2 13 (perh.= Dl^ll). b. iCh 9 12 . c. Neio 8 . d.Nei2«. e. v 33 . 8. Levites : a. 2 Ch 34 12 . b. Ezr 8 16 io 15 Ne8 H . c. i2 5i (=a^B'12a). O.Ezrio 29 . THiO v>l!JQ n.pr.m. Moo-oXai«o0, etc.: 1. in Ephr. 2 Ch 28 12 . 2. priest Ne 1 1 ,3 =rrt?WD I Ch 9 12 (Mao-fXiitutf, etc.). t( ; l)rV07t*Jp n.pr.m. Mto-oXXaiua, etc.: Levite WJ- 1 Ch 9 21 , WJ- (®L 2<X<par) 26 1 - 2 - 9 (=^Tp^ 2, fflW 12 a). JfO^lto v. nioWp. tn^pyUJp n.pr.f. mother of king Amon 2K21', MftroXXafi, A Maaa-aXa/j-tid. nbbtlj n.pr.m. Solomon (2aXa>iiwi<, rarely 2aXo/xoi]/, ®L mostly 2oXoiia>v; cf. Lag B!iD3 - 96 ); — king of Israel, son of David and Bathsheba 2 S 12 24 1 K i" + [name 2 t. S; 162 t.K; 109 t. Ch; 7 t. Ezr Ne]; born in Jerus. 2 S 5 14 1 Ch 3° 1 4 4 ; designated by D. as successor, anointed and proclaimed before D.'s death 1 K 1 30 - 33 - 34 - 39 + ■ king after D.'s death 1 K 2 1 " 7 1 Ch 29 s8 2 Ch i 1 + [phr. 'E> H^tJ 1 K i 34 -)- 36 1. K, 1 1 1. Ch, Je 52 20 Ct 3 911 ; "On tf 1 K 2" 12 3 1 Ch 2 9 24 2 Ch io 2 ; nyn) 1^9 1?iKi2 a 2 Ch 11 3 , 'fc* 'D 2 K 23" 24 13 2 Ch 30 26 35 3 Ne 13 26 ] ; builder of temple

K s 22 6 12 1 Ch 5 26 + oft. ; wise 1 K 3 10 5 9 - 

io 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 2 Ch i 711 + ; author of proverbs (and songs) ace. to Proverbs '£* 'Tfty I 1 io 1 25 1 (cf.

K 5""), v. also **$ V 72 1 127' (titles), Ct 1 1 

(title) ; of written provision for priests, etc.

Ch 35 4 , cf. 8" Ne 12 45 ; elsewh. (outside of K 

Ch) name occurs +Je 52 20 Ct i 5 (Wkl A1,or - F<>rKh - 1119,1 prop. Salmaites, Nab. abw Lzb 376 , cf. Levy TW I1.489 J agtr 15sr^ 3 ;.9.11 glUI ftnd m phr H 3 JJ 1J 3 't? Ezr 2 5538 =Ne f'- m , Ne 1 1 3 . t rtitthti, 1. rraStt? {'b? Ezr8 10 ) n.pr.m. 1. Levites :' a. ni»- 1 Ch 24 M!S 2 6 28 ; Ttlf. v 18 23 18 ; niO- 26 s3 Kt, ni?- Qr, SoXb^, ®L aa>iu0. b. mO- I Ch 23 9 Kt, fl'l?- Qr, AXo>0«/x,