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fifojJ certainlyorig..VrssThWeDr and mod.); 3000 =D»e^K mbf Ex 32 M + 28 t. 4. c. tens, '{? foil. Nu i^+ii t., precedes Lvi2 4 +i7 t., + (as ordin.) 3 + 20 Je 5 2 s0 4- 3 t.; 20 + 3 2 K l2 7 +2 t. 5. as round, or conventional, no.;

(or) 3, Am 4 8 Dt 17 6 Jos 7 s 2 K 9 31 Is 17 6 ; 
(and) 4, Pr 3o lil8 - 2129 ; three days' journey 

Ex 3 18 5 3 8 a , etc. ti. rU7?U7l Pi. denom. do a third time, divide into three parts, etc. ; — Pf 2 ms. VjfW Dt 1 9 3 divide land into three farts (so Imp/. oyn-m e^e»i [f or 1IT n^i] 2 S 18 2 ©L Bu) ;

S 20 n stay three days (cf. Dr); v 20 WeDral.(cf. 

®) read '3 vv* (for 'n rfbf)= I will shoot on the third day with the arrows (HPS qu.) ; Imp/. 3 mpl. rajW£ 1 K 1 8", and Imv. mpl. Xskti V s * do a third time. Pn. P«. BW O </tree years ota Gn 1 5" 4- 1 Si 24 (read with © ThWe etc. pWp nsa for rfbf D"!?a), f. riB^B/p Gni5 99 ; B^BTpn BOTH Ec4 12 <Ae threefold cord; fpl. n*lB*?B'E> Ez 42" three-storied chambers. , ttT ,l ?ttJ m. ITttr^ip f - ad J- num - ord -ios third;-'?"^ tf» Gn i 13 + 3 1 t.,etc.(64t., rarely 'BOB*); pi. D'BOB* (third 50, set of messengers, etc.)iSi9 2 '2Ki 13 + 4t.;n'B^nn3t5 , 3iKi8 1 + 4 1., etc. ( 3 3 1. ; someti mes T*whf, rV>bf,etc.) ; = third part, a third 2 S 1 8~ 2! + 1 3 t., + (cstr.) Nu i5 6 +4 t., +TWbf (Ges"") Ez 5 12 «AiVd part of thee; = third time 1 S 3 s ; also rPB^B* Is i9 !4 third (on par with other two) ; D'B^'a Ez 42 s in the thirds, i.e. third story; — 'B* n?3J? ' Je 48 s4 , v. 'y p. 72a.— nnffc$ Ez 21 18 is corrupt and doubtful ; Krae prop. HB'pBh the sword shall be doubled and trebled; other conj. in Co Toy. 1 8 20 5 del. 'B>n © We Dr al., so v 12 . 2 S 23 18 read DB^^n @ We Dr al. tDtt£>» and (less oft.) D^bt adv. = three days ago. specif, day before yesterday (Kb"- 1 -"" Lag B!i2 » A " n '- Ba J,B * 2,6b ); — in phr. 'B* ?tori EX5 8 yesterday (and) day before, idiomat. for hitherto, so Ru 2", 'B 1 9<CW 1 B 4 7 ; 'B> 'H3 Gn 3 i"(E),Ex 5 ' 14 (J),2Ki3 i ,cf.iSi4 21 i9 7 ; 'e-D3 / n-D3Ex4 ,0 (J),2S 3 "iChii 2 ,cf.2S5 2 ; '5? 'DO from aforetime, previously Ex 2 i 2936 (E), Dt 4 " i9 4 - 6 Jos 4 18 (J), 3 4 20 5 (both R), cf. 1 S 10"; 'V 'n? 1 S 2 i« as formerly (but Bu 'B* 'n»=/or some days). — 'e* Pr2 2 M Kt is difficult; Qr D , B i ?B'(v. in. B"?B>) is imposs.; supply perhaps TfOn have I not written to thee heretofore, etc.? aN ptf (very seldom Db6b>, D'B^B*) m n . indecl. thirty;— 1. bef. n.sg.: H12K Gn6 15 + 3 t, +,c.nesaEx26 8 +3t.; n3B? 2 S5 4 +i2t. (age of paternity, of Levitical or royal duty, etc.), B*N J u i 4 ' 8 + 3 t., etc.; bef. n.pl. D'J| Ju io 4 12 9 , D'BOK Je38'°(read here prob. nfif Ew Hi Gf al.), less common words Ez 40" Ezr i 910 , etc.; after n.pl. Gn 32 16 , Wpff 'B> Ez 41 6 ; «1^K 'B* 1 Ch 2 3 3 + , D»^ 'B* Ezr «*• Ne 7"; 'B> foil, units Gn n 12 + 14 t., precedes 1 K 2 2 42 4- 29 t.; V foil. 100 (1000, etc.) Gn 5 5 + 15 t., precedes 5 3 + 21 t. 2. as ordin. 'E> ri3B»(a)

H3B> Tm x K 16 23 , cf. v w 4-4 t.; n3B> om. Ne 

5 ,4 + 4t.; njf.om. 2 K 25 2? =Je 52 31 ; fl3B> 'tfa alone Ez i 1 .— 1 S 13 5 read fifty ®L We Dr al.; 2 S 23" read nety Qr Vrss Th and mod.; 1 Ch n' 1 read Mfafo, ntS^n @L Kit Benz al. (so||2S23 8 for"B i ^n). fl. ttf(' , )7tt> n.[m.] third (part, i.e. of ephah? dub.), name of a measure; — for dust Is 40", tears ty 80 6 (in fig.), adv. ace. measure-wise. tn.[BWaf] n.[m.] pi. t&fa a (three- stringed . three-barred 1 three-cornered 1) mus. instr., perhaps a sistrum (so 33), or ' triangle ' (RVm: cf. Prince EB '"- 3228 ) ) 1 S 1 8 6 ( + DOT). fin. ttT^ttJ a.m. adjutant or officer (best explained as third man (in chariot), v. esp. Hpt BASI„.586f. Bender ZAW«IHO«»).H WMJ [ A., u. Eur.

; v. also Kau M - N - DPV - 19M1 °; doubted by Di 

11 147 Baen ,b - Buhl 14 ); — abs. 'w of king's personal attendant at court 2 K 7 2 - 1719 , sf., mili- tary officer of king, !*$£ 2 K 9 25 , iB»l>B/ 15 25 (on abnormal — v. Ges 493 " Ko"- L ,33 ' 4 ' 49 - 495 ); pi. DT^B/ Ez 23 ,5 + (sts. C>b6b>', etc.) v 23 Ex 14' 2Kio 25 - s , + (Qr)2S2 3 8 (>Kt^B'), iChu 11 1 2 ,9 (v ' 8 van d. H. ; Kt in both, BP&hv), read in all three nB'^n (V&) chief of the three ©L We Dr Bu Now. — El , B i bB i Pr 22 20 Qr v. DB^tf. fn. [t!)7ttj] adj. pertaining to the third; — only m.pl. as subst. D , B i ;B i those of third genera- tion (grandsons) ; 'V 'ja Gn 5o 23 (E) sons of those of third generation, i.e. great-grandsons (v. Ko^ 1899 ' 633 "); EffldTrft) 'B*"^ D"33-^y Ex 20 6 (Ej v.[5?a-i]) = Dt5 9 ,Nui4 19 , cf.Ex 3 4 7 (bothJ). tt*J7C? (van d. H. BOB*) n.pr.m. in Asher, I Ch 7 s5 , Zf/xr,, A 2fXr]s, ©L 2fX«|U.