tt bti SaX<u/i(()id. 2. JVO- son (appar.) of Rehob. 2 Ch 1 I 20 , E/i^ufl, A 2aX W w0, ©L 2aXoy.i0. 3. JVC- head of post-ex. family Ezr 8 ' °, 2aX«/iou<?, etc . fn. rPCDtt) n.pr.f. 2aX(<o)iu0, etc.: 1. in Israel LV24". 2. daughter of Zerub. 1 Ch.3 19 . "PCDtiJ n.pr.m. in Asher, Nu 34 s7 ; 2fXf/i(f)i. iTTpTlBJ v. p. 1002. t^N^tt) n.pr.m. in Simeon Nui'j"
».4i I0 19. 2a al ur).
T(l)rV>p7>tti n.pr.m. 1. Jeremiah's time; <X*,uou (genit.) : a. VV- J e 36 14 . b. If"? v 26 . c. nv 37 s , WJ. 38 1 . d. n;. 3 f 2. Levite, W}. 1 Ch 26 14 , ™ 2aXa M «a, etc., = DlW 12 a, q. v. 3. post-ex. names : a. iT- Ne 3 30 , TfX^ia(E), ©L 2cX'. b. RJ- Ne 13 13 , priest, 2fXffjia(t) ( = c or d?). c. RJ- Ezrio 39 , 2(X</iia. d. WJ- v 41 , © t'd. t IttbttJ (van d. H. fP-) n.pr.m. vel loc. (cf. Palm. n.pr. pbw GACooke 299 ; Ph. n.pr. div. obv Lzb 377 GACooke 41 ; As. Salamanu, of Moabit. prince COT Ho "»• "; n.pr. div. Sulmanu, v.foll.); — i»K3"!« JT3 'B> IPS Ho 10", SaXa^av (cf. also Field H « i -"- 957 ) ;— dub.'.WeNow think= foil, (and cl. ins. after Hosea's time), cf. also Marti ; others cp. Moabitish prince, v. supra ; Spiegelberg 1All " <1898) - 120 '- suggests n.pr.loc, cp. jja-ra-ma-na in Egypt. t^DN3D7© n.pr.m. king of Assyria (prop. V1DN-, = As. Sulman-aSaridu, '(God) Sulman is chief,' Schr ZKll<1886) - ,97ff -Muss-Arnolt JBI '« ,<,8M) - 79 );— 2 K I f- 1 8 9 ; 2aX(a),«ii«i<r(o>p, 33 Salma- nasar. This was 'e> IV, B.C. 727-722, Say B " DB *•'• Johns *«»• »'»•■■'•. "cbcj v. n. rby. vfcjj v. sub &0. t *1 /tf vb. draw out, off (NH id., loosen, draw (nail, sword ; Jastr) ; As. saldjm, pluck out, draw sword; Aram.lpB' draw sword, draw qff shoe, *&X*. draw sword, in Lexx. remove corselet ; Ar. i_ll,.' is pass, pass away, CX^ strip, plunder, etc.) ; — Qal Pf. 3 ms. 't? Ju 3 22 + ; Imp/. 3 ms. vPty Ru 4 s , etc. ; Imv. ms. t pK' Ju 9 54 + ; Pt.acl. *& 8 10 -f-,etc.; pass. f. RfW Nu 2 2 s3 + ; — 1. draw out sword from (IP) wound Ju 3 M , cf. Jb 20 25 ; usu. sword from sheath Ju 8 ! *9 i ' 1 S 3i 4 =i Ch io 4 , +!T)Vnp * S 17"; ,T3 na^B' 13-1PI1 Nu 2 2 23 - 31 Jos 5 1 ' 3 (all J), 1 Ch "; elsewhere 'n ^ ^K coll. Ju 8 10 20 S1617 « 2 S 24" 2 K 3 s6 1 Ch 2 1 3 - 5 , cf. Ju 20 s6 and ('n »bV) v 25 . 2. drou> ojf sandal Ru 4 7 s (cf. I. f^n 1 ; also RS K ^ Dr Dt 2S - 9 Bewer SK lMTl (,903 >' 332 ). 3 . shoot up (]), i.e. draw out blade, of grass on roof ^ 1 29" (cf. Ew Bae al.) ; Che Dr is unsheathed (vb. c. subj. indef.=pass.), with same meaning; Hup-Now prop. D?B> (with || in Syr.) ; v. Orten- bel . g T.. l kntikd.r..(iMi).3ot]^riB' > We Hp, Du l^n (as go 56 , v. 'n 2). t[f)7CJ] n.pr.m. son of Joktan ;— *£t? Gn io 26 =i'ciii 20 ; 2aX«£; identif-byCs 2 " " 1 * 1 ""' 153f - with S. Ar. tribe >_«£,, cf. Mordtm z » G '" u (.to. 228 Glaser "™"-' 05 Hom chr7 », and v. Di Dr. L//u (v of following; meaning unknown ; conj. in Dietr Wort,or * ch - 229 "-; cf. Lag BN173 ). Xlibt, ttffctf, n»V» n.m. et f. a three, T ' T ' T : 430 triad (NH id.; vbv SI 2 ; ]vbv 30 MI 2 ; Ph. B^B>; As. salastu, Maltu; Sab. fbv Horn 01 " 47 - 124 , but also f&fi, etc., Id. 47 ' A - nA -"- 175 Sab Denkm No - 31 - 8 ; Ar. £55, W& Eth. D»M: vMWl Aram. «r6n, )££1. ; Nab. r6n Lzb 877 ; Palm. rbr (in HKO n!>n) Reckend 2 " 01 '"* 1888 '- 408 ; v. also Kb"- 1 - 206 );— m. Vibw (En- rare, chiefly late), c. n.f. Am 4 s +90 t., also cstr. v?f Gn i8 6 + 65 1. (but 38 s4 read perh. Tgbf Sam., cf. Di al.),-e$f Ex2i"; f. nOT^nc/i-rare, chiefly late), c. n.m. Gn6 10 + 149 t., also cstr. TWpp Am4 4 +92 t. (3+10=13 are additional; on rare exceptions to rule of gender cf. Ges' 9 ' ), sf. ttnfbf Nu 12 4 , VMffyp v 4 Ez 40 10 41 16 ;— three (Hex chiefly P): 1. no other num.: a. bef. n.pl., &f$i t., e.g.nios'B'Ex27 1 -i- ) neKa'E'+iK 7 27 , nvbf 90 1., e.g. Gn i8 2 + (so always ^f, tipf 1 rd. npbfr? Gn 38 s4 Sam Di ;='&?, from -fO); after n.'(late : on 1 S i 24 v. pBty) 1 Ch 25 s + 17 t.; n. om. 1 S 17 14 2 S 24 ,2 =42 t. b. = ordin. D'DJ 'K*!? Ex 19 5 on third day; 'V DlM OTPpJlStJ*,'*?! B*C 3o l3 ,both=<Areerfay*ayo; esp.'b 't? D3f3 1 K is 28 -)- 7 t. (Ges* 1340 ). 2. 1 3, c. n.f. : nif n-Ve-y vbf Gn 1 7 s5 1 K 7 1 + (as ordin.) Gn 14 4 {f^bf), Je i 2 25 s ; before Dny Jos 21' 9 ; after, i9 16 +3 t., before T? Jos 21 33 1 Ch 6 45 , niQK Ez 40" ; c. n.m. ~to% rfbf before >m ]B NU29 14 ; after, v 13 ; ordin. before Di' Est3 12 9 '; after, v 17 ; Di' om. 3 13 8 12 9 18 ; bnSi om. 1 Ch 24" 25 20 26". 3. 300=^ niNO Gn 5^+59 t. (1 Ch 1 1" perh. intentional change [HPS 8m J from Tpf || 2 S 2 3 8 , which