WPMBW t (l)rryncr; n.pr.m. ('< heareth) ;— Sa/xams : 1. rr., Gibeonite, one of David's heroes I Ch I2 * 2. WJ- in Zebulun 37". tn^yQttJn n.f. a causing to hear (prop. Aramaizing Inf. Hiph.; Ges* M1 Sta' 304 *);— D'JtN 'BNl!) Ez 24 26 <o cause ears to hear, i.e. bring tidings in person (t rd. njJO- No z "° ■•««■■».«•). fi. [SQM] n.[m.] thing heard;— cstr. V3W yDE'p'r K^> Is 1 1 3 no« according to what his ears hear, not superficially (|| 1 , 3 , J n&?"]Pp). j-n. 37QQJO n.pr.m. Matr(a)fui(v) : 1. in Ishmael Gn 25 14 1 Ch i 30 . 2. in Simeon 4 s5 - 26 . t [njttDtE??] n.f. obedient band, body of subjects; — onlysf.: 1. prob. = body-guard, as esp. bound to obedience, ^nyoB'P 1 S 22 14 cap- tain over thy guard (Ew Be ch Dr Bu Now), cf. fa- 2 S 23 23 = i Ch 1 1 25 . 2. DPI- Is 1 1 14 the sons of Amnion (shall be) their subjects (|| aNiO BT ni^p ; c f. nvntw MI 23 ). rQt^' (/of foil.; cf. NH petf accusation (or suspicion); Thes cp. Ar. ^^i speaA; rapidly (and indistinctly) (KamFrey), but dub.; rapid- ity seems main idea ; — and v?= L £ 1). tytlC n.[m.] whisper;— 'B* abs. Jb 4 12 ; cstr. "I3" 5 ! t5> 26 14 a (mere) whisper of a word, something wholly inadequate. TiT^C? n.f. (derisive) whisper, deri- sion ;—'v Ex 32 25 (J). I. TOtfc^ vb. keep, watch, preserve - T 466 (NH id.; Ph. not? inn.pr. and (Fin.)=waich- man; Tel Am. Simiru is perhaps overseer (Canaanism),Wkl No - 801 - 23 ; Mand. tH»OD pre- served Nb M46 ; cf. Ar. T.».l converse by night, stay awake (v. Lag BN,oi ); Ba NBl76 '- ! ES43 infers from Itaol* eyelid (cf. [n"W] infr.), and Ar. Jii support, aid, protect (l=r), that two vv are combined in Heb.; but proof insuff.); — Qal m Pf. 3 ms. 'b> Gn 37" + , etc.; Zmp/ 3 ms. 10B" 1 S 2 9 + , I??* Je 5 24 + , sf. 3 ms. &?$] Ex 2 1 29 - 36 ; 3 fs. sf. EPIDipn Pr 1 4 3 (rd. DVipKTI , v.Ges M7 «Toy),etc.; /mv.ms^tafJb2 6 -)-, trjDf* iCh2 9 18 +; mpl.VipB>Jos6 ,9 -r,etc.; 7«/.ak -li»^ Dt 5 12 + ; cstr. "foe* Gn 3" + , sf. ! 7 1 - 1DE' 2 » etc.'; .Pi. ac<. ipt? iSi ,2 + , etc.; pass'.™® Ec5 1! (i S9 24 v. infr.),etc.;— [Synon. I.">X3,"ip3 , q.v.]: 1. a. keep, have charge of, garden Gn 2 15
"TOtt? (J), ark 1 S <j property in trust Ex 2 2 69 (E), cf. 1S25 31 ; tend flock Gn 30 31 (E), cf. Zc 3 7 Nu 3 8 (P) ; so perh. (obj. om.) Ho 1 2" (where 'v? chosen for parallelism Now Marti al.) ; Pt. '33K V% "ipfc>n Gn 4 9 (J), 'V of sheep 1 S 17 20 , D7?n '& v", onjari 'b» 2 K 22" 2 Ch 34 s2 , D»B>|n 'B> Est *****, cf. v l * etc. b. keep, guard, captives Jos io' 8 (J), 1 K 20 39 , tfft Gn 3 24 (J); keep watch and ward, ?N pers. for whom 1 S 26 15 (^59 ,0 v.3end), l P5?pers.v 16 Pr6 22 ; iy?3 2S 18 12 have a care o/(read y for 'P © and mod.); in hostile sense, "I'V" ?? (in siege) 2 S 1 1", ?5? 'mm Jb 14 16 (but rd. •injjn c. ® Ew Di Du al. [not Hi Bu] ) ; abs. c. J'yo Ec 5' watcheth above, etc. (v. p. 759 a d); keep one's mouth, be prudent of speech tPr 2 1 33 , cf. Mi 7 s ; &eep=protect, save, one's life, E>B3 tPr 13 3 16" 19 16 22 5 , another's Jb 2 6 ; in Pr, ace. pers., subj. wisdom, 4" she shall preserve thee, cf. ( + IP of evil) 6 24 7 5 ; esp. Pt. watch, watchman, of city Is 2I 1UU1 62' (fig.), Ct 3 3 5" ^127'; ^Bn 'B> (in temple) Je 35* + ( v . «ip), Tjbisn ira nna 'tfri iKi4 27 =2Chi2 10 , Dnytfn VNe 13 22 , n?an ncfe* (fig.) Ec 12 3 ; 'v rpan /keep </te /iowse (of David's concubines) t2Si5 ,6 i6 21 2o 3 ; D7?n "lotf 1S17 22 , a^wanl? 2 K 22 14 , DTisn 'B> Ne 2 s , B^n 'B> Est 2' 31415 , trip's? abs. Ju 7 19 Je 5 1 12 . c. hence watch for, waitfm; ace. pers. 1 S 19 11 (to kill him), cf. ^59' (title; ace. IVan); c. , ?i?.3jij'56 7 =dog my steps, 71 10 Je 20 10 ; =watch (suspiciously) Jb io 14 13 27 33 11 ; abs. DnOB'n Jul 24 ; wait for, *Tf3 Jb 24 15 ,
- ip3? if/ 1 30 6 6 . d. watch, observe, ace. rei 1 S 1 ia
Ec 1 1 4 Jb 39 1 Je 8" (of birds), with intelligence Is42 20 ^io7 43 ; acc.pers. 37 37 (||nKl), Zen"; ace. of sin ^3 1 7 1 30 3 ; ace. rei, for the purpose of avoiding, 1 7 4 . 2 . a. keep, retain, of storing up (food) Gn 4 i 3 '(E); abs. Ec 3 6 (opp. T^)> treasure up (in memory) Gn 37" (E), cf. Mai 2' 1 Ch 29 1S Pr 4 21 (?^> tfV^), 22 13 01JO33); retain wrath Am 1" (read' nx£ "ipe* We Now GASm Marti ; v. also "103 1) + (anger om.) Je 3 s (|| TpJ). b. keep within bounds, restrain, obj. "111? Ex 2i 29 - 36 (E); c. ace. hand, IP of evil I356 2 ; fig. keep thy foot, c. cl. temp. Ec. 4 17 ; Dionp 'sir't^ ^39 2 (® Duahnp^K); appar.reflex.(=Wiph.), t Jos 6 1S (+ D"jnn-fp), poss. sc. DSfS? Di. 3. a. observe, celebrate, ace. of festival, etc., EX23 13 (E), 34 ,9 (J), I2 ,J , of day v ,7 (P), of month Dt 16 1 . b. keep sabbath tDt 5 12 Lv 19 3 ™ 26 s (all H), Ex 3 1 l3 - 1416 (P), Is 56 4 , also ( + i??Dp) v 26 . c. of other obligations : keep covenant Ez 1 7 ,4 , esp.