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covenantof Dt2 9 9 1 K 1 1" + 5 t., " njnf 1 K 2 a , perform vow Dt 23^; keep commands Je35 ls Ez 2o' s ; esp. nixp, Q"pn, T-pV, etc., of '" (sts. || tta), Ex 20 6 =Dt 5'°, Am 2 4 1 K 2" V 119 s17 - 34 + very oft. (c. 1 20 t.) ; " fJJ t? Gn 1 8 19 (J) + 4 1., "• '371 2 S 22-=f 18 22 , '" "l om. Ju 2 Mb ; D'pny nin-iK 's? p r 2 20 (|| cato ^m y^n), 'v 'Vf! (ways of wisdom) 8' 2 (i/' 1 7 4 v. 1 d) ; foe/), discharge an office, nsns Nu 3 10 i8 ; (both P), abs. 2Ch5 n ; a function or duty, esp.rnO??9 'w LvS 3 * Nui M + c. 32 t. (v. 7 D infr.); ace. of obligation oft. om., esp. D (and R D ) keep and do Dt4 6 7" + 8t.; to do s>™ + 16 t.I> + 3 t., etc. d. o6serue=follow dictates of (prudence, justice, kindness, wisdom) Ho 12 7 (OB^DI IDn), Is 56 1 Pr4 4 5 5 7 12 ; bad sense, observe vanities ^31". — Doubtful are: ~foy? abs. H04 10 , very strange (conj. in We Now Marti) ; "WOtf 1 S 9=', HPS «inK, c f.NowBu Comm -; ^'"readfVipj Yft "W (asv' s , (SCheBae). 4. sts. '< subj.: a,, keep, preserve, protect, ace. pers., +3 of way, etc., Gn28'" n (J), Ex2 3 eo (E; of^P), f 9i n ('D), Jos 24 17 (E) ; ace. pers. (or B>B2) only : 1 S 30 s3 Je3i 9 Nu6 54 (P), Jb29 2 ^i6 1 +io t.ff; + IP ^i2i 7 +2 t.; ace. "^1 1 S 2 9 , cf. Pr f (IP); Pt- IJ.pb' ^ 121 35 , cf. v 4 , etc.; ace. of city 127 1 . b. c. ace. rn?, b pers. Dt 7 12 , + "l?!? v 7 + 5 t., obSv'? np« '^n ^ i 4 6 6 ; nv^ri bt 7 s , etc.; pass, of covenant ('» agent) W^ph i>33 nar?

S 23 s (legal terminology, Dr). 5. keep, 

reserve, weeks of harvest Je 5* (7 pers.). Niph. 3 „ Pf. 3 ms.->pB>3 2 S 20 10 , etc.; Impf.

fs.lO^n Ju 13"; 2 mpl. np^n Ex 23"; 7»«y. 

ms.iptfn Is 7 4 (^i>) ip&n Gn 24" + ; fs. lOffn Ju 13 4 , etc.; — 1. be on one's guard, c. 2^3 2 S 20 10 fey reason of the sword, i.e. against it ; c. 3 temp. 1 S 19 2 , Of 2K6 10 ; ta/fce fce«i Ex 2 3 ,3 (E) Dt 2*; c. IP pers. Ex 23 21 (E), Je 9 3 ; JP rei Ju i3 13 Dt23 10 ; JP inf.ta&e care not to, etc. Gn 3 1 M (E), 2 K 6"; inf. without JP Ex 1 9 12 (J), but rd. prob. nvjtt? ; sq. JB lest Gn 24 s (J) + 1 1 1. (esp. Dt); c. ^K(I) juss. Ex id* {3), Ju 13 4 Jb 3 6 21 , c. Imv. coord. Is 7*. — Very oft. Imv. (24 1.), esp. in phr. I^P^n (12 t.), D?b nptfn (3 t.); 4-D3' , nfe'SJb Dt4 16 Jos23 Il (R D ; +inf.); +'233 Je 17 2 ' appar. 3 pret. on peril of your life (cf. 3 III. 3 a), so perhaps also D3™">3 Mai 2 1516 (WeNow). t2. keep oneself, refrain, abstain, n^ND 1 S 2 1 3 . t3. be kept, guarded, Ho 12" (cf. 'b* of Jacob v 13 ): be preserved (by ) ^3 7^ (thsyb), but rd. prob. ngfl [ttytb) d^s Hu P - Ri(Now)Che Bae Du Dr. tPi. Pt. pi. D^PKTp KW^Pan Jon 2 9 those paying regard to false vanities (cf. Qal V'3 1 ')- tHithp. Impf. 1 s. yijjO "ipriEte} ^ 18" / kept myself from, etc.= 2 S 2 2 24 (vb.'cohort.); 3 ms. ""ipS nipn ipriBh Mi 6' 6 , but read "ifcBTIl <Aom keepest, observest, We Now GASm. f 1. T2C? n. pr. m. (prop, clan-name, cf. Sta zAw»aTO. w* cf Sab nDB , 0s ■ but NAram. ^ DHM z "° """ < 1885) - " SabDenkm «•) ;— 2(n(n)rip, etc.: 1. 't? orig. owner of hill where Sam. was built 1 K 1 6 24 2 2. lOB': a. Levite 1 Ch 6 3 '. b. in Asher 7 s4 , A @L sVw ; =^W v 32 . c. in Benj. 8 12 van d. H.; >*T# q. v. tmOtt) n.f. guard, watch;— 'ti "> HJVtf 'Bb ^i 4 i 3 (|| »tjb^ Wby n-iy?). T"1Q© n.pr.m. 1. father of one of Joash's murderers 2 K 1 2 21 , Sw/iijp, ©L ^fifitjp (called mft q.v., a Moabitess, || 2 Ch 24 26 ). 2. Asherite 1 CI17 32 , 'S.a^p, ^wp np ; =~n?f 2 b. T'Hpw n.pr.m. usu. 2anapti, etc.: 1. in Simeon, 1 Ch 4 37 . 2. father of a hero of David 1 Ch 1 1 4 3. Levites : a. 1 Ch 26'°. b. 2 Ch 29 13 , ZapPpu, lapfrpi.

TSytyti n.pr.m. in Benj. 1 Ch 8 21 , 2apa- 

paB, -pti.

  • n^^T^tl? n.pr.f. Moabitish mother of one

of Joash's murderers 2 Ch 24 26 (m. 2o/«n&>#, A Sapapid) f. ®L2apipap.a>6), Ipp'E'n.pr.m. 2 K I 2 :1 . I [n^CttJJ n.f. eye-lid. (from its guarding the eye)I— pi. cstr. 'Ji? rfPOf ^■ 1 f. t [iQ©] n. [m.] watching, vigil (so Di ; > observance);— >."b I2""!PE' ^Exi2 42 a night of vigils to ' '&] 1»^ V v 42 . t(l)rnCttJ n.pr.m. ( has kept, pre- served); — 2ap.ap{e)ta(s) : 1. VT- a hero of David i Ch 1 2 6 (van d. H. v*). Elsewhere W» : 2. son of Rehoboam 2 Ch 1 1 ". 3. contemporaries of Ezra: a. Ezr io 32 . b. v 41 . TV^JptlJ n.pr.loo. capital of N. Isr. from Omri's time (belonging to clan^p,Bta. 2AV " ,sa) ' I65 - ,75 ; originally |i"»f$ or pVDv' ■ Ab. Samerina COT l K 16 ' 24 ) ; — 'V i K 1 6 24 (name expl. as from lOB', orig. owner of site), v 2SM32 2o 110 +; njhpfe' i K 2o" 2 K 6 19 14"; personified as woman Ez i6 «.oi.»3.m 23 4. 33 . Mng of N _ j 8rael Jg /^ ^L^