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tratf Pr24 21 those who change (but dub., v. Toy). Pi. transit., cltange, alter : Pf. 3 ms. n3B> Je 52 s3 c. ace. garments, =N|e>(Ges lc ) 2K25 29 ; /»n^f. 3 ms. T^ ^W*. Pr3 i*Zes< hepervert the judgment ; i3B^. 1 S 21" (read ff$ Ges !75bb , f^JJ We Dr (and reff.), cf. Bu HPS Now), c. ace. ioyo (v. DJtt? , and As. sane temi, madness) ; HSE^I Est 2 9 , i.e. changed her place D't^ari TV? aiBp; 1 s. ^89^ the utterance of my lips I will not change (|| *nna ^n« tfi>); i n f. cstr.Wfm* rra&'.b j e 2 3li i.e. change thy political course; toyttVIK iniSB'a ^34' (title; cf. 1 S 21 14 supr.); Pt. VJB nsehp Jb 1 ^"altering his face, i. e. in death (subj. God). Pu. Impf. 3 ms. MB* VJB tJH (Ges» 76rr ) Ec 8 1 , usu. »'« clianged, mollified, Siegf WB'? »« fortea" (on 'B Ti? v. * 4, -v/tTSJ). Hithp. P/. 2 fs. consec. n , 3PlE i ni NJ Mplp 1 K 1 4 2 arise, pray, and disguise thyself. PUtt? n.f . (on appar. exc. v. Albi^ AW "' <I896 >-

) year (etym. v. </) ; — abs. 'v Am 2 W + ; cstr. 

n3B*Gn4i 5 " + ; sf.in3B , Ez46' 3 +,nrWLvi4 10 + 2 t.; du. DWl? Am i' + , Dfl-iK I5 25 + ; pi. tMB»Ex 2i 2 + ^ cstr. "if Gn 23' + 24 t., rfof Dt 3 2 7 + 8 t. (poet, and late) ; sf. V JB> Lv 2 g" + 4t. sf.; •CrtJf' Is 3 8 l5 V3i", Qn^ 78 M + 8t. sf.; — year, as division of time, EX23 1417 3 t. no$a + , etc. ; '#n rven Dt 1 1 ,! , opp. '$? rrnriK v w , 'B>n riKx Ex 23 16 , 'Wn nBipn 34 =* 2 Ch 24 23 , 'e»n n31E>n 2811' + , etc. ; fWtO 2 K 1 3 20 , rd. 'V K33 © Bur, 'B>a 'K> ptO Kit' cf. 'BO '&= year by year I S i' + ; nj#3 Benz, cf. Ne io 33 ; so't? 'c'Dt I4 22 , 'e> 1W 'e> 2 S 2i', 'en 'E'-baa Estp 21 - 27 ; esp. of duration of life; 'B »n W(»d;) Gn 23 1 25' + (P); On*!? Jb 36" + , *n«e> </>■ 3 1 '" (|| '50), etc. ; of God Jb 10 5 f 102 2 " 9 ; 'in phr. of age, v. J3 9, na 9 ; indef. Q"if Ez 3 8 ,r =/or years, 'V fp5> Dn 1 1 6 ; D , ?e» flj is OTpftlJ 1 S 29 s ; specif, ^t?n 'nto nsfa is6' 14 28 , frnri x'a rue's 20', nKiDE'n rue* i)t 15 9 31'", ba^n rue> Lv " + , etc.; ■Va'E' ♦jff' Isi6 u 2 1 1B (v. Tab') ; Drnpe rue* j e n»+ a t.; y fto 'e? is6i 2 , etc.; "ftp*! HUf Dt 3 2 7 , cf. Jo 2 2 ; most oft. c. num. card.: pi. after units, appos., Ex 2i 2 +, so also DUB> ti)rf 2 S 2 10 + , but du. tt®$ Am 1 » + 4 t., B'P; O'Dje* Gn 4 1 ' + 4 t.; very rarely c. num. (certainly) cstr. DUB* 'Pie* i S 1 3 1 (corrupt), 'V vbf Lv25 2 '; 8 + iW+2k 22 1 ; before unit (rare, late) 2 Ch 1 1 1717 Dn I s ; sg. after 1 1-19, tens, and hundreds Gn 5 3 - 9 1 4 4 + oft. ; so 90 + 9 years 17** + , rarely 30 + 3 years 1 K 2", etc.; but DUB* *)JK 1//90 4 1000 years, so ( + &???!{?) Ec 6 6 1000 years twice over; with cp. num. oft. repeated, 900 year+ 30 year Gn 5 s , etc.; 100 year + jo year + 5 years 25', etc.; c. num. card.=ord., J» »ais n^a 1 K22 41 m the fourth year of, etc.," also t» HJB' D'B'tDn rifz 2 K 15 23 , etc.; but i> 'e> nn^y vaiKa 2 K i8 13 , etc. (oft.), and ntb-y hnsn nim i K e' 39 , etc. ; also (c. units), nya-in' him Lv i 9 24 + , etc., + 1 ? zKiftte ninth year of, etc.; and even (Ges* I34p ) nJK'a i> D'ye'Piri 2X25", cf.Ezr7 s Je 46 2 5i M +(Kt) 28 1 32 1 (QrnjE ! 3). II. JlJt^ (v/of foil., meaning dub.; Thes cp. Ar. L shine, Eth. (K; = wKl be beautiful, DP 1 , cf. Philippi 2 **" 11 " 1878 '- 79 ; but As. sinitu is dyed clothY "•itt? n.[m.] scarlet (prop, coccus ilicts, which attaches itself to leaves and twigs of quercus coccifera ; the dried body of female yields colouring matter; cf. Tristr NHB319 Post H M t.DB8cA«"T M'Lean Enc ' Blb - "'■);— usu. 'B': nippl fWl '$n On Jos 2 19 this cord of thread of scarlet, t0n 'n v !1 , 'K»n PW Ct 4 3 (sim. of lips) ; so 'tf(n) alone Gn 38 s130 (J), and as material of clothing 2 S i 24 Je 4 30 Pr 31 21 (pi. D'je>; on order of 11. v.Toy); pl.also in sim. Is i 18 if your sins are like scarlet (robes); elsewh.(P) '#(?) ny^in (v.'n) of material for curtain, veil, ephod, etc., Ex25 4 26' + 24 t. Ex ;• 'e* 'n n?3 Nu 4 8 (v. 11. '3 2); cstr. 'n(n) "if used in purif., + Lv 1 4 « ' 9 <»•* Nu 1 9". till, n^li^vb. repeat, do again (NH id.; Ecclus 42 1 ; Ar. ^LS bend, fold, double; Aram, ton repeat, also teach, Jl; As. sanil, esp. Pi. repeat, relate, cf. Scheil ZA,089< "' 409 (Dl thinks denom.) ; on 'b* as V of Q)??' two, v. Philippi zmo «m (ms). 77 Ba ,b - *" " eg! >- m ) ;— Qal Pf 3 ms. 'b» 2 S 2o'°; /mjo/. 1 s. fUBta 1 S 26 s , etc.; Znw. mpl. Of' 1 K i8 ;m ; Pt. rp p r 17 9 26";— do again : <h 'V &> . . . W1JJJ 2 S 20 10 , cf. 1 S 26"; abs. 1 K 18 3434 Ne 13 21 ; = speak again Jb 29" + 40 5 acc. to many moderns (rWN for MT mytt) ; 13"13 'V Pr 1 7' repeat with a thing, keep talking about it (naT nWB> Ecclus 42 1 ); 26" a dullard repeals with (a) his folly, does it over again (learns nothing by experience). Niph. Inf cstr. D^pya ny-iB-^K Dii>nn rrt^n i>$n Gn4i 32 (E) concerning the dream's being repealed, etc. trk), D^IW (Philippi 2 "° "" 0895 »' «» Ges » 97bn< "') ' 7M n.m." et f. du. two (NH id.; Ph. D3B»K (and »» second), Pun. D3B» Lzb 380 ; Ar.