■van !) row thorns, thorn-bushes, token of waste-land, only Is, +JVB* Is 5 6 7 21 " 426 27 4 ; fig. 9 17 io' 7 ; 'v pp 32 13 . 2. adamant, as sharp, H 9 ¥ a ' ' ' ri ? ,n ? 'VJ Jei/ (|| -'Tia CJ?3); as hard, fig. of prophet's firmness Ez 3'; Zc f M fig. of hard heart. tn. "WOttl n.pr.loc. 1. in D^?? in J u io ,s , 2a/inp; A @L 2apap«in. 2. in ( n 7 n !) "'l 1 Jos IS 4 *, 2a/mp; A@L 2a<p«p. tin. T^TpXD n.pr.m. Levite, i Ch 24" Qr, ayLTjp, 2€fjt/irjp (Kt "HOC). &Dtf (/of foil.; mng. unknown ; NH = BH; Ph. CDC; As. XamSu; Aram. NEW, U»X, OAram., Palm. CDC Lzb 379 ; Ar. ( _ r t£, Sab. ODCV goddess, SabDenkm 21)Mllr DHM B "- 8 -
^yj c l Z,,G " ,(19<)0) - 408,r - J^gK299 JJjjZMGlli(1887),712
ttJOCJ n.f. Ju19 ' 14 et m. " 19 ' 23 (Albr ZAW,v (i895», :«) sun ; _ a b s .'B> Jos 1 o 12 + , &$ Ju 20 43 + ; sf. ^cpc" is 60 20 , new j e 15 9 ; pl.*sf. ^ticdc Is 54 12 ; — !• « MM , Gn37 9 (E; +raoon, stars); marking time: as rising (vb. rot q.v.) Ex 22 2 (E) + 8 t. + Mai 3 20 (fig. RgT| 'C, of reward of the faithful, with wings, i.e. rays? NowGASm; or winged sun-disc [cf.We]?); vb. NXJ Gn 19 s11 (J), Is 1 3 10 Ju 5 31 (sim. of splendour ; v. N^ 1 f ) ; setting (vb. Vfat) Gn 15" (J), Am 8 9 +i 9 t., + xb '&n vn Gn 15 12 (JE), isiap »t 'c + 1 04" (v. Nto 1 i, NtoD 2); as giving' day light Is6o 9 ; hot iSn 9 Ne7 3 Exi6 !1 (P),cf.Is49 10 Jon 4 s fr 1 2 I s ; as ripening crops Dt33 I4 (poem), cf. (fig.) Jb 8 16 , tanning the face Ct 1 6 ; standing still at Joshua's word Jos io 1213 * (poem in J; II DT5). v ,sb (J), cf. Hb 3" (+riT) ; casting shadow (on dial), Ife THK nibjm BY* Is 3 8 8 , '#n 2fm v s ; set in sky by *» Je 3i 25 Vi9 5 74 16 136 8 , enduring 72 s " (cf. Dp 1 g, P- 768 ; [n3B] II. 4 a (e), p. 817), also 89 s7 ; personif., called to praise "* 148 3 ( + ITV); to be darkened by '<'s judgment, Ez 32* Jo 2'° 3 4 4 15 (cf. Am 8 9 supr., Mi 3 6 ). 2. of direction : 'B"n rnjOO Nu 2 1" (E) toward sun-rise, = East, cf. Dt 4 41 - 47 + 1 6 t. ( v . mip p. 280); 'tfn NUD Dt 1 1 30 +3 t. (v. N13D 2, p. 99). 3. obj. of worship (usu.+ moon, stars, etc.) 2 K 23 s Je 8 2 Ez 8 16 Dt 4 19 ; horses given to 'c 2 K 23 11 , 'C"n ni:i3"ip v n . — Vid. also 'C 1V3 p. 1 1 2 b . 4. other phr. : fa. 'Wn TO, i.e. openly, publicly, 2 S 12 12 Nu 25 4 (P), so 1*3 >?]><? 2 S 12 11 . tb. fig. of living, 'C nrn ^, 5 8 9 , 'C nan Ex6 5 7 11 1 i 7 , opp.t5>n -icnri 12 2 . c. 'B>n nnri, i. e . on the earth, Ec i 3 +
t. Ec (cf. Gk. ty fktr, Kue 0,,dllL1Mi KM '»>»).
5. pinnacle, as glittering, shining, pi. IS54 12 thy pinnacles, battlements (of Zion), so perhaps sg. Crbx "• f3D* 'C ,j, 84 12 battlement and shield is 'x *> (Gr Bae Du Buhl ; most sun, and so Thes De Che SS ; Hup-Now hesitates). ptJJTDtt? n. pr. m. Samson (As. n.pr. Samsdnu, Hilpr Mu^ * ,, " ,^7 • 7(, ; on CDC in Ar. n.pr. trib.cf.Nb z " G * 1<1886,16S );— lap+wv. JU13 24 14' 3 + 35 t. JU14, 15, 16. t"Hiypi*j n.pr.m. inBenj. iCh8 M , ivptaoapia, A Sapurapta, ©L 2ap.ifraia. V»ttj v. [npc]. fttJ, ^ v. ?kc n>3. >jttj v. pe>. N3© v. I. rnjcl N2©' v. njc / Hfe, T2N31ZJ n.pr.m. king of Admah Gn 14 2 , ■S.(vvaa P (v.">¥?C v l , © id.). tKX5 v. sub II. n:c. t"WM3ttJ n.pr.m. uncle of Zerub. 1 Ch 3 18 , aw(rap, ©L2aratrap (EMey En, " ehun » 77 cp."!X3CC, butv. Now"" 1 ' 1 ). JJl. ( v of following ; meaning dub.). TaattJM n.[m.] window- lattice (3JCK Ecclus42 n );— abs. 'at Ju s 28 ; sf. ^fK Pr f (both 11 im tl- [TWt&n vb. change (NH Pi, etc.; Ecclus 42 24 , etc.; As. Santl, change, Aram. &W, Nab. Ethpa. Lzb 379 ; Syr. jLia., esp. mentally = grow insane,- cf. (prob.) NH rut? year, =Ph. n:c, nt? ; MI 2 - 8 nc ; As. lattu (cf. Muss-Arnolt JBL,l08B).73n.). Af £ r^ . Aram . ^ Kjgt, |J J| . ) JkCxi. ; OAram., Nab., Palm. snJB', n3C, ne*, V Lzb 3,9f '; on year from changing seasons, v. Philippi 2 * 10 """ <1878) ' 79t P )a ZMOlII(18S7).612,621,636/ esl) against DHM VI " MOrtm ' »°« r - li1 - 452 who proposes bilit. V), cf. Thes ; a daring suggestion by Jen za ,11 o«*>. 177) ._ Qaj P f j s tfl^ «t, Mal 3 e j am '"',1 do not change; Impf. 3 ms. JOB* (Ges !77rr ) La 4 1 how is the fine gold changed (si vera 1. ; Lbhr No - *jfc ; gloss on D^ Bu Lbhr); /«/. edr. fvby pp^ niJB* V 77" the right hand oftheHighest is changed (<S 33 X Aq Sym Theod Hup-Now EVm Bae Du We Buhl ; AV RV Ew De Che al. years, usu. ins. I will remember); Pt. D'JiB'Esti 7 differing, different, c. JO, cf. 3* (so Ecclus 42 s4 );