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]VW2 tpWQ n.[m.] support, staff; — abs. 'D, fig. of', 2S22 1, =f 18"; cstr. fe] Orfr&Q » D^D"jy?'p Is 3 1 (gloss, v. Comm.). tp«5Q n.m. id.;— abs. njyeta 'D Is 3 1 fig. support and staff. Tn3yU.7p n.f. id., v. foregoing (m. et f. to exhaust the category = support of every kind). trOWtfO n.f. staff ;— abs. Ju 6 21 2 K 4 31 ; cstr. 2Ki8 s ' + ; sf. W?!OT Ex 21 19 Zc8 4 ,etc; pi. sf. DrtgBTD Nu2i 18 ;— staff, Ex2i ,!l (E) Nu 2 1 18 (J) Ju'o 21 2 K 4 29 - 29 ' 1 Zc 8 4 ; fig. of political support, farxn nDi5n ruyen? 3 K i8 21 =Is 36 s , cf. Ez 29 s ; of 'i as shepherd ^23* ( + 02&). f I. [ J^ti*] vb. be smeared over, blinded (Aram. VJ?B* smear (akin to JAB* W.), -*L( r to smooth, TV® smooth (of words), flattering,**^**, smooth (cf. also ^cia, •>*». smear over, close u l>)) > — Q ai - I mv - + Hithpalp. Imv. mpl. ly'sh U'B'yJilB'n Is 20 9 Mmo" yourselves and be blind ! (|| vajrn vranonn); >Buhl W wrifn, •v/nvB' /oo£ a6ow< (2 S 2 2 42 ); Is 32' rd. prob. 3 fpl. nj^Wn, of eyes, be blinded (v. njJB'). Hiph. Imv. ms. VB'n W'jn Is 6 10 and its eyes besmear/— So perhaps V#n + 39" (YJ'S om.) was intended by Mas. (but wrongly, v. 01 al.) ; see n^B'. fll. yiptF vb. Filp., etc., sport, take delight in, delight (usu. made = I. 't5> smooth over, please; Buhl cp. Aram. Y&*., Ithpe. sport, trifle, Vulg. Ar. ,*.», » ,?, « (loan-word ?) Vollers ziig n, (i»i). «. l sj ;__pu p . i>/. 3 ms. consec. VVtyV) Is 29 s the suckling s/taW sport on (75?) the cobra's hole ; i s. , Jj!J/KfJ?B' ^119'°/ ta&e delight in thy law (ace; but ? rd. 'VOTE', v 77 ); /nip/, transit. 3 mpl. Wt^y?" ^94 19 thy consolations delight my soul (ace). Palp. /mp/. 2 mpl. IJJK'JJC'n Is 66 12 upon (bjf) the knees «AaW ye be fondled. Hithpalp. Impf. 1 s. V&mf* V « « 9' 6 lr > (3) thy statutes wt'M / delight myself, cf. v 47 . t[ff»], DTSPlttJ- n.[xn.]pl. intens. delight (Ba 1 * 8206 ) ;— abs. O'V^- Je 31 s0 Pr S 3 "; sf. W- Is 5 7 , usu. *J#- Pr 8 31 + 1 1 9* $#- v 77 + 3 t.; — delight, in phr.'B' ytM Is 5" tlte planting of his delight (in which he took delight), so 'tf 1^ Je3i 20 (|| l'i?! I?); TlK 'B> Pr8" my delight (was) icttA the sons of men ; elsewhere = object of delight, of wisdom v 30 ; God's law, etc.,


TF)5?IE> n.pr.m. in clan of Caleb, Sayae, A ■2aya<f>, ©L 2aa<£ ;— 1. V I Ch 2 49 . 2. *W$ V 47 . I. ")J7l^ (-/of foil.; Ar.ji* oreaA, 6r«a/fc <#, through, jo i^ap, opening ; Eth. fl0£: tear 1V1 two, dissolve; Aram.^il (transp.) split, divide, yilp tear down; NH "W oa«e, so MI 22 mye> (pi. sf.), Ph. -)JJB> Lzb 381 ; Tel Am. JaAW, as Canaanism, Wkl 195 ' 116 ; Aram. HJTW, "U't"; Nab. Njnn Lzb 3ss ; — Egypt, iaar is loan-word Bondi 70 ). "»y© £ n.m. 2 8 IS - 24 (f .'• * 31 in personif., Albr zawz»ki^I 3 s6) e&Ui :—'v a b s . Ju 9 40 +, cstr. Gn 22 17 + ; c. n loc, n-iys* Is 2 8 6 +; pi. Bfn|f> 2 S i8 24 + , cstr.ny?' 1 S 17 s2 + J sf. TW Dt 1 2 ,5 + , DfFSjr Ez 2 i^Vtc.;— 1. a. jrate, entrance to city, shut (l?p) by night Jos 2" (JE), cf. Is 45 1 , opened ( n D?) by day Ne 7 3 , cf. Is 60" ; for entrance (K13), and exit (K£) J e ij»*«*jmi La4 l! Ez 26 10 + ; 'P "Oy Mi 2" pass out through (disreg. accents), 'E>3 'y Is 62 10 ; with bars ^i47 13 ; attacked Ez 21 2027 , cf. Is 28 s Mil 912 1 S 1 7 s2 ; on Ju 5 811 v. Comm.; burned (by foe) Je 19 27 51 s8 Ne i 3 2 31317 ; as giving control, possession, of city, i»3* 'w m e»i; Gn22 17 24 M (J); 'B*n nna Ju 9 40 + (v. 'b), T^J ninh. i s 21"+ (v. 'i ); 'tfn-nna Ju 18 1617 of farm or village; so of camp Ex32 2627 (J). In cities, elabo- rate structure, with roof 2 S 18 24 , upper chamber 19 1 ; cf. Qjf&C) ttn$ **&> f 2 4 7 - 9 ; write laws 'C? Dt6 9 i + ^i niTTD"^), n 20 (+«.); ^n ^Jira 1S9",* ^n-^K 2 S3 27 ; 'B> T(b) as public,' 1 S 4 1H , + v 13 © Th We Dr al., cf. 2 S 15 2 18 4 Pr 8 3 (|| D-nna NbD). b. par- ticular gates of Jerusalem are: (1) E?"]£X V

K 14 13 1| 2 Ch 25 23 , Ne 8 16 12 39 ; (2) ntyftn 'tr 

Ne 2 13 3 14 i2 31 =riiBB'n 'B» 3"; (3) pD;33 'V J e 37' 3 3 8 7 Zc i 4 10 ; (4) N^an 't? Ne 2"- ,!l 3 13 2 Ch 2 6 9 ; (5) WJ$J 'E> Zp i 10 Ne 3 3 12 39 2 Ch 33" ; (6) DTibhri p3 'K> 2 K 25 4 = Je 52 7 , cf. Je 39'; (7) niDinn V Je 19 2 ; (8) nffin 'v Ne 3 6 12 39 ; (9) n-itrsn t> 3 M ; (10) rrosn 'i? 12 39 ; (n) 'b> D-ari 8 1 - 3 -' 6 ; (12) nn]^ D^tsn 'e> 3 - 6 , c f. 12 37 ; (13) "'Br*? ^ 3 31 T'Cm) nS" '^ 2 14 3" i2 J7 ; (15) D"WDn Tr Je 31 40 Nes 28 (cf. 3 b); (16) H39n 'B> 2 K 1 4 13 || 2 Ch 25 13 (rd. HJin for HJisri), Je 3 i 38 2 Ch 26 9 ; prob. = D , 33L' V Zc 14'";' (17) ftfttn '!? Ne 3 ,JS 12 s9 ; (18) |W^n 't? Zc 14' ;— on sites and rel. to each other v. RS-GASm Eac '- BID.Jt«03«LM Q on( Jg r H»5t. DBId. Buhl 0133 "' Bd P *' *"' - H urra y 84 Bk. I. ». gg.JJy No P. 1821. Q u ZPV. esp. K1882),7B.,