Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/1069

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  • «•« Comm .•*«*■'"•. c. of Ezekiel's holy

city, 1"?? V ?J|?' Ez 48", three on each side, named for tribes, v 31 ' 3131 " + 1 2 t. Ez 48. 2. a. <7ate=space inside gate, as public meeting- place, market 2 K 7 1 ' 9 , place of public well 2 S 23 li - 1 '=iCh 11' 719 , where elders, judges, king, sat officially Dt 21" 22" Am 5 1213 Is 29 21 2S18 24 19 9 1 K 22 ln =2 Ch 18', Gn 19' (J) Pr 2 4 7 Jb 5 4 31 21 RU4 1 " Pr 31 03 ' 31 , etc.; of conqueror Je I 15 ; appar.='t? aim Gn i 9 2 (J) Ne 8' 6 1 Ch 9"' + (v. 1. '"l); Gn 34 20 (P) one came unto gate P« N3), so 'ff ^3 23 1(U, (P) those entering the gate, i.e. having citizens' rights ; also went out (to),'B'N3PJb29 7 (i.e., in this case, from his own house, outside the city), hence t? 'NS'"?? Gn 34 MM (P; cf. also "fy »fn Dt2i' 9 22 1514 ); hence=body of citizens, 'By 'EOS Eu 3". b. hence also=city Is 14 31 (|| l" 1 ?), V' 8 7 2 > etc. c. specif, in Dt, T"3¥F 3 i n thy gates, i.e. thy cities, towns, etc., Dt 5" = Ex 20'°, Dt 1 2 ,21M7 " + 2 2 t. Dt+ 1 K 8 W (read '£* "into, cf. Dt 18 8 23 17 , so © © mod.), so || 2 Ch 6 ffl , +(perh.) Je i4 2 (but 15 7 Na3 13 fig. of gates as entrance to land); of private house, p^2 V0 Pr u 19 (perh. cf. Ju 18 16 1 asupr.). 3. a. gate of royal castle or palace 2 K 9 31 Je 22 24 Ne 2 s Est 2 19 -f 10 t. Est ; specif, (of king of Judah), TO 'P 2 Kii«  =1)D)n f 2 Ch 23 s (v/D, 'd<), B^ *0 2 K 1 1 ,9 , nn -inK '#n v 6 ; tan Wfl D'piDri 'e> 2 Ch 23 15 (='Dn Ki3B || 2 K 1 1 16 ) ; appar. of official resi- dence, Jf^TIJ 'B> nna 2 K 23 s . b. of temple Je 7" 1 Ch 9 M 'i6 42 + 12 t. Ch, incl. " TfOTp +0 2 Ch 31 2 (v. i ; p . 334 ) ( c f. ^ ioo 4 1 18 20 , P7* TSpv"; specif. |*%flj Pt?:?? 't? Je20 s , and (om. "33) 2 K i5 M =2 Ch 27 s , Ez 9 2 , 2 Ch 23 20 , ehnn « (fwj) 'a* j e 26 10 36 10 , niten rvtMBn 'b> ruiBX Ez 8 3 cf. v 14 , 8 s , *Jhf|gn "> rvs -lye* nansn u> io ,9T i i 1 ; na^B> 'B> 1 Ch 26 16 ; ^on nyE> 1 Ch 9 1S . C. of Ezekiel's temple and courts Ez 40 36 44 1117 + 67 t. Ez 40-47. d. of court of tabern. (P), "lxnn'e'Ex2 7 16 35 ,7 + 6t. Ex+Nu4 36 . 4. fig. Q^Pfn K» nj Gn 28" (E ; || tt>rfa m$); pi. hW ^Wls 3 '8 l °; ni.O-'B' Jb38 ,7 ^9 ,4 io7 18 ; rnoVx 'k> Jb 38 17 . "l^ilj a.m. porter (denom. from i-iyB*); — abs. "iff 2 Ch 31' 4 , cstr. 'ff 2 K 7'° 1 Ch 9 21 , + f. Tipff 2 S 4 6 (for MT [THn ny Ml) We Dr HPS Bu Now after © (Th H^J nTj?B) ; p l. B^W 2X7" + ; cstr. V ?.VE' 2 Ch 23 4 ; — 'porter of city gate 2 K 7' 011 (2 S 18 26 rd. "Wi © © 33 ThWe Dr and most) ; portress of house 2 S 4 6 (v. supr.) ; elsewhere (34 t. Ch Ezr Ne) of gate-keepers in sanctuary 1 Ch 9 171824 + ; 4,000 in no., 23 s ; V nyio i>nj6 nna 9 =' ; d'bd? Dnyc'v 22 ; jf*6 1> 1523.24; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 2 Ch 234; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ezr 242.

trP"U?tt5 in Benjamin, 1 Ch 8 38 =

44 , 2ap((i)ia, lidn/jtn. 

ton|tf 1. in the Shephelah of Judah (Buhl 0eo « r194 ) Jos is 3 ", Sarapc.p, @L 2f- /3up«p, ; '^ ■T31 1 S 1 7" (© ™« ™X<ii/). 2. in the Negeb (Simeon), B^fit* 1 Ch 4 31 , 2<o,p«p., ©L Jaapi/i; =jni"B'(q.v.) Jos 19 6 , and perhaps D'ni'E' (in Negeb of Judah) 15 32 ; Buhl Ge « r - ,s fll. "1,1^ vb. calculate, reckon (NH Pi. J Aram. Ya,.pul a valuation on, estimate; J Aram. iOVff interest, market-price ; Ar. *L* market- price is loan-word Fra 189 ); — Qal Pf. 3 ms. IWr|| te>B33 'Bn03 Pr 23* as he has calculated in his soul, so is he, but dub. : De "^Vff as one who calculates; more radical conj. in Bi Toy. f 11. ["1i?G?] n.[m.] measure (prop, reckon- ing); — pl. Q^V'tS' nXD Gn 26 I2 (J) 100 measures, i.e. 100 for one= 100-fold. III. "yjfltf (7of following). t[iyt?j] adj. horrid, disgusting (Ba NB i«) ; _pl. B*ypn D'JSri? Je 29" (uneatable). TmilVttJ n.f. horror = horrible thing; — 'ff) iVtff Je 5 30 an astounding and horrible thing has occurred; '^ Wl '^ 'X'SiS 23 14 . tnn^ytr, n ,, "! - ii , uj n.f. id.;— abs. vn* ttrfrwp Ho 6 ,0 Qr ( > Kt nnnjw) ; nnw nry^ 'ff) r&tVB Je 18 13 . tlSttJptf a.m. pers. Est 2", Tat. † I. [(Symbol missingHebrew characters)] vb. sweep bare (Ar.(Symbol missingArabic characters)((Symbol missingArabic characters)), of wind, raise and carry off dust, (Symbol missingArabic characters) of horse, scanty in hair of forelock ; NH Pi. plane off; Aram.{{{1}}}‎ Pt.pass. level (Is 404 = (Symbol missingHebrew characters)), smooth, limpid, i.5». mfe Zeue?, smooth (and deriv.)) ; — Niph. 6e wind-swept, bare; Pt. nSB'3~in IS13 2 a 6are wi<./ Pu. P/. consec. Vnbsy isB'l Jb 33 21 Qr his bones are laid bare (so lean is he ; Kt (Symbol missingHebrew characters) bareness are his bones).

trriEtp(Kb"-'- 186 ) n.f. dub., perhaps cream (as skimmed offl cf. Wetzst ZAW " l<1883) ' 276f -, who connects with Ar. iJlii. cream, and this with -Ai^, take off the top (but ff—^J. 1); EV cheese